Top Items:

Republican centrists warn Reid's tough tactics could backfire — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has deployed unusually tough tactics to pressure Republicans to back Wall Street reform — a move that could shore up his liberal base, but one that GOP centrists say is counterproductive.

The Democratic Message for 2010 — Here's a sneak peak at the Democratic Party's national election message for 2010, courtesy of a party official. It'll be unveiled officially by DNC chairman Tim Kaine at a Christian Science Monitor luncheon later today. The basic point, quite naturally …

ABC News Poll: Ahead of 2010 Midterm Elections, Incumbent Support Its Lowest Since 1994 — More Than Half Say Come November Elections, They'll Look for Someone New — A third of registered voters are inclined to reelect their representatives in Congress, the fewest since …

Prelude To A Cave: McConnell Says GOP Financial Reform Filibuster Was ‘Very Useful Exercise’ — All week, Senate Republicans have been blocking a floor debate on the Democrats' financial regulatory reform legislation, holding out, they say, for a comprehensive bipartisan agreement between …
Talking Points Memo


What America is Michael Gerson living in? — In the Washington Post, columnist and former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson pronounces the new Arizona immigration law “understandable — and dreadful.” Gerson says states do not have the authority “to take control of American immigration policy …
The Corner on National …, Dean's World, The Volokh Conspiracy and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

A test of Arizona's political character
Washington Monthly, Associated Press, Beltway Confidential, Daily Kos, 24Ahead, The Politico and Think Progress

Laura Bush Opens Up About Fatal Crash — Laura Bush has finally opened up publicly about the mysterious car accident she had when she was 17, a crash that claimed the life of a high school friend on a dark country road in Midland, Tex. — In her new book, “Spoken from the Heart,” …
CNN, Politics Daily, Top of the Ticket, NPR Topics, Don Surber, Prairie Weather and Blog

Why reporters are down on Obama — One of the enduring story lines of Barack Obama's presidency, dating back to the earliest days of his candidacy, is that the press loves him. — “Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me,” Obama joked last year at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Spain's Debt Rating Cut, Heightening Concerns Over Europe — The ratings agency Standard & Poor's lowered the debt rating of Spain on Wednesday, its third downgrade of a European country in two days. — The downgrade came one day after the S.& P. cut the ratings of Greek and Portuguese debt …
Matthew Yglesias, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Left Coast Rebel, EconLog, Marginal Revolution and The Page

ECB may have to turn to ‘nuclear option’ to prevent Southern European debt collapse
Associated Press, naked capitalism, Bloomberg, Vox Popoli, Blog and FT Alphaville

Europe in Crisis — The latest sickening bout of stock market …

Brown apology for ‘bigoted’ jibe — Gordon Brown describes pensioner as a ‘bigoted woman’ — Gordon Brown has apologised after being caught on microphone describing a voter he had just spoken to in Rochdale as a “bigoted woman”. — Sixty-five-year-old Gillian Duffy had challenged …

Obama is a Bully: Kneale — Will someone please rein in our relentlessly hectoring President? Barrack Hussein Obama has taken his gift for inspirational oratory—one of the traits that got him elected—and turned it into something darker and more insidious. — Bam is a bully.

Poll finds Americans in an anti-incumbent mood as midterm elections near — Members of Congress face the most anti-incumbent electorate since 1994, with less than a third of all voters saying they are inclined to support their representatives in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Texas gov. shoots, kills ‘wily’ coyote during jog — AUSTIN, Texas — Pistol-packing Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don't mess with my dog. — Perry told The Associated Press on Tuesday he needed just one shot from the laser-sighted pistol he sometimes carries …
Michelle Malkin, Politics Daily, Weekly Standard, Newsweek Blogs, Left Coast Rebel, alicublog, Wonkette, Gateway Pundit, The Atlantic Online and GOP 12

Palin: Obama pushing racial ‘myth’ — Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin on Tuesday night declared that there is “no ability or opportunity” for the new Arizona immigration law to encourage racial profiling, and blamed Barack Obama for “perpetuating this myth.”

Democrats Take New Tack to Rally Base — Concerned About Possible Midterm Losses, Party Will Step Up Minority Outreach and Warn of GOP Vote Suppression — Increasingly concerned about a demoralized base, Democratic Party leaders are accusing opponents of trying to delegitimize President Barack Obama …

George Will On Hispanics — We've seen, repeatedly, that Fred Hiatt thinks it's not a problem if George Will wants to use his Washington Post column to mislead people about facts. But Will's decided to enter a new kind of loathesomeness with this characterization of where one might meet a Hispanic:

'When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war:' US generals given baffling PowerPoint presentation to try to explain Afghanistan mess — Its coloured charts, graphs and bullet-points are supposed to make the most incomprehensible data crystal clear.
Atlas Shrugs

Suntanned women to be arrested under Islamic dress code — Iran has warned suntanned women and girls who looked like “walking mannequins” will be arrested as part of a new drive to enforce the Islamic dress code. — Brig Hossien Sajedinia, Tehran's police chief, said a national crackdown …

City workers banned from official travel to Arizona — San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced today a moratorium on official city travel to Arizona after the state enacted a controversial new immigration law that directs local police to arrest those suspected of being in the country illegally.
Gawker, Reform Immigration For America, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Pajamas Media, The Daily Caller and Political Punch

Police state: How Mexico treats illegal aliens — This is what a “police state” looks like — My syndicated column today responds to Mexican President Felipe Calderon's demagoguery on Arizona's immigration enforcement law. Calderon has a long history of bashing the U.S. …

Wal-Mart vs. Women: What's in a Number? — Yesterday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a massive employment discrimination case against Wal-Mart could go forward. The dispute over the nearly decade-old case centered on whether it was appropriate for the plaintiffs to be …