Top Items:

Will the Kentucky Derby end the Republican filibuster of FinReg? — Word is that the Democrats might make the Republicans actually filibuster FinReg tonight. That is to say, stand on the floor and talk and talk and talk. And if the Democrats are serious about forcing the Republicans …

Senate Dems plan all-nighter to push GOP on Wall Street reform — Senate Democratic leaders are planning for an all-night session to put more pressure on Republicans to allow a debate on Wall Street reform. — Republican senators voted for the third time in three days on Wednesday to block …
Open Left, The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, The Hill, AMERICAblog News, TPMDC, The Corner on National …, Wonkette, The Page and Daily Kos

Republican centrists warn Reid's tough tactics could backfire — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has deployed unusually tough tactics to pressure Republicans to back Wall Street reform — a move that could shore up his liberal base, but one that GOP centrists say is counterproductive.

The Democratic Message for 2010 — Here's a sneak peak at the Democratic Party's national election message for 2010, courtesy of a party official. It'll be unveiled officially by DNC chairman Tim Kaine at a Christian Science Monitor luncheon later today. The basic point, quite naturally …

ABC News Poll: Ahead of 2010 Midterm Elections, Incumbent Support Its Lowest Since 1994 — More Than Half Say Come November Elections, They'll Look for Someone New — A third of registered voters are inclined to reelect their representatives in Congress, the fewest since …
Taylor Marsh, The Strata-Sphere, Hit & Run, Washington Post, American Power, All Content and Gallup

Senate Republican may switch vote and back debate on bill
The Note, The Politico, NY Daily News, The Hill, Bloomberg and*

Republicans Reject Finance Bill Again, and Offer a Plan of Their Own
Wonk Room, Washington Monthly, Beltway Confidential, The Caucus, NO QUARTER, DealBook, Prairie Weather and The Page

Crist to Run as Independent in FL Sen Race — Republican Florida Governor Charlie Crist has decided he will run as an independent in the race to fill the Florida U.S. Senate seat, Crist allies tell Fox News. The official announcement is scheduled for Thursday at 5pm ET in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Crooks and Liars, Politics Daily, The Atlantic Online,, Pajamas Media, Riehl World View, TPMDC and Below The Beltway

Charlie Crist's declaration of independence coming in St. Petersburg — So the word is out: Crist is telling key financial backers that he's running for senate with no party affiliation. The announcement is scheduled for 5 p.m. in Straub Park in downtown St Petersburg.
Matthew Yglesias, All Content, TPMDC, RedState, Post on Politics, The Page, JOSHUAPUNDIT and GOP 12

Prelude To A Cave: McConnell Says GOP Financial Reform Filibuster …
Daily Kos

Fox News: Crist to announce independent run tomorrow
The Fix, Weekly Standard, NewsReal Blog, Hotline On Call, Liberty Pundits dot net and The Eye

Why reporters are down on Obama — One of the enduring story lines of Barack Obama's presidency, dating back to the earliest days of his candidacy, is that the press loves him. — “Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me,” Obama joked last year at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Laura Bush Opens Up About Crash — Laura Bush has finally opened up publicly about the mysterious car accident she had when she was 17, a crash that claimed the life of a high school friend on a dark country road in Midland, Tex. — In her new book, “Spoken From the Heart,” …
CNN, Guardian, Top of the Ticket, USA Today, Politics Daily, NPR Topics, Prairie Weather, Don Surber and Blog

What America is Michael Gerson living in? — In the Washington Post, columnist and former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson pronounces the new Arizona immigration law “understandable — and dreadful.” Gerson says states do not have the authority “to take control of American immigration policy …

Republicans hit Arizona law
Firedoglake, Sister Toldjah, The Hill, CNN, Below The Beltway, Left Coast Rebel and Orlando Sentinel

A test of Arizona's political character
The Hill, Connecting.the.Dots, Washington Monthly, Associated Press, Daily Kos, Beltway Confidential, 24Ahead and The Politico

Brown apology for ‘bigoted’ jibe — Gordon Brown describes pensioner as a ‘bigoted woman’ — Gordon Brown has apologised after being caught on microphone describing a voter he had just spoken to in Rochdale as a “bigoted woman”. — Sixty-five-year-old Gillian Duffy had challenged …

Obama is a Bully: Kneale — Will someone please rein in our relentlessly hectoring President? Barrack Hussein Obama has taken his gift for inspirational oratory—one of the traits that got him elected—and turned it into something darker and more insidious. — Bam is a bully.

McCain's numbers plummet — John McCain has had a Charlie Crist like drop in his approval numbers over the last six months, seeing double digit declines in his popularity with Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike. As a result a majority of Arizona voters now disapprove of his job performance.

European Worries Deepen as Spain's Debt Rating Is Cut — BERLIN — European leaders scrambled Wednesday to quell the market instability growing out of Greece's debt crisis, with German officials moving to free up billions of dollars for an international aid package that looks …

ECB may have to turn to ‘nuclear option’ to prevent Southern European debt collapse
Associated Press, naked capitalism, Bloomberg, Vox Popoli, FT Alphaville, BBC and Blog

Supreme Court Rules Mojave Cross Can Stay -ACLU Defeated (Video) — The ACLU went down in defeat today. The Supreme Court ruled that the Mojave Cross can stay. — (Why this had to go so far in the first place is beyond belief.) — Via FOX News: — US Supreme Court rules Mojave cross can stay …

Texas gov. shoots, kills ‘wily’ coyote during jog — AUSTIN, Texas — Pistol-packing Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don't mess with my dog. — Perry told The Associated Press on Tuesday he needed just one shot from the laser-sighted pistol he sometimes carries …
Michelle Malkin, Politics Daily, Newsweek Blogs, Left Coast Rebel, Gateway Pundit, Weekly Standard, alicublog, Wonkette, Right Now, The Atlantic Online and GOP 12

Bill Clinton questions if Goldman Sachs broke law — Washington (CNN) - Bill Clinton is giving embattled investment bank Goldman Sachs the benefit of the doubt. Sort of. — The former president, who spoke Wednesday at a Peterson Foundation summit on the nation's fiscal plight, said he is …
The Note

Regulation Won't Kill Wall Street — I read something last night about the origins of the Securities and Exchange Commission and it's frankly pretty hysterical looking back at the prophesies of doom that were made about FDR's socialist innovation. Daniel Gross did the legwork to forge …

Poll finds Americans in an anti-incumbent mood as midterm elections near — Members of Congress face the most anti-incumbent electorate since 1994, with less than a third of all voters saying they are inclined to support their representatives in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Regulators Approve First Offshore Wind Farm in U.S. — BOSTON — After nine years of regulatory review, the federal government gave the green light Wednesday to the nation's first offshore wind farm, a highly contested project off the coast of Cape Cod. — The approval of the 130-turbine farm gives …
CrunchGear, Silicon Alley Insider, MyDD, The Political Carnival and Politics in the Zeros

For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March suggests that economic activity has continued to strengthen and that the labor market is beginning to improve. Growth in household spending has picked up recently but remains constrained by high unemployment …
The Atlantic Online, Real Time Economics, FT Alphaville, Calculated Risk and The Washington Independent

Opponents of immigration law call for boycott of Arizona Iced Tea - but it is brewed in New York! — Opponents of Arizona's new anti-immigrant law are calling for a boycott of the state's products - including the popular Arizona Iced Tea. — The problem: Arizona Iced Tea is actually brewed in New York.

Suntanned women to be arrested under Islamic dress code — Iran has warned suntanned women and girls who looked like “walking mannequins” will be arrested as part of a new drive to enforce the Islamic dress code. — Brig Hossien Sajedinia, Tehran's police chief, said a national crackdown …