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Republican centrists warn Reid's tough tactics could backfire — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has deployed unusually tough tactics to pressure Republicans to back Wall Street reform — a move that could shore up his liberal base, but one that GOP centrists say is counterproductive.

The Democratic Message For 2010 — Here's a sneak peak at the Democratic Party's national election message for 2010, courtesy of a party official. It'll be unveiled officially by DNC chairman Tim Kaine at a Christian Science Monitor luncheon later today. The basic point, quite naturally …

GRAHAM IS LUCY, DEMS ARE CHARLIE BROWN, CLIMATE BILL IS THE BALL.... To a very real extent, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) won a key concession yesterday. He just didn't take the good news well. — A few days ago, the conservative senator threatened to kill the climate/energy bill he's …

Republicans Reject Finance Bill Again, and Offer a Plan of Their Own — WASHINGTON — Republicans thwarted the Democrats' efforts to overhaul financial regulation for a second day on Tuesday and floated an alternative proposal with some crucial differences in the regulation of consumer lending.
Washington Monthly, NY Daily News, Beltway Confidential, The Caucus, NO QUARTER, DealBook, Prairie Weather and The Page

Republican Alternative To Democrats' Financial Overhaul Takes Shape — Senate Republicans are circulating their own financial overhaul plan as they continue to block the effort by Democrats to bring a White House-backed bill to the Senate floor for a vote. — Here are highlights …

Republicans Circulate Draft of Financial Regulation Alternative
Open Left

Democrats Use Goldman to Push Bank Overhaul
Washington Post, Political Punch, Commentary, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, TPMDC, The Rachel Maddow Show and Gothamist

Poll finds Americans in an anti-incumbent mood as midterm elections near — Members of Congress face the most anti-incumbent electorate since 1994, with less than a third of all voters saying they are inclined to support their representatives in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

ABC News Poll: Ahead of 2010 Midterm Elections, Incumbent Support Its Lowest Since 1994 — More Than Half Say Come November Elections, They'll Look for Someone New — A third of registered voters are inclined to reelect their representatives in Congress, the fewest since …

Laura Bush Opens Up About Fatal Crash — Laura Bush has finally opened up publicly about the mysterious car accident she had when she was 17, a crash that claimed the life of a high school friend on a dark country road in Midland, Tex. — In her new book, “Spoken from the Heart,” …

Rove says he has ‘problems’ with AZ immigration law — THE VILLAGES - Karl Rove, chief political strategist for former President George W. Bush, today questioned a controversial new Arizona law designed to cut down on illegal immigration by making it a crime to not produce proof of citizenship when a law enforcement officer demands it.

Jeb Bush speaks out against Ariz. law
New York Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Associated Press, The Other McCain, USA Today, The Daily Caller, The Reaction, The Buzz, Think Progress, The Moderate Voice, The Field on the Narcosphere, 24Ahead, The Reality-Based Community, The Hill, Hot Air, CNN, Ben Smith's Blog and RADAMISTO

Why reporters are down on Obama — One of the enduring storylines of Barack Obama's presidency, dating back to the earliest days of his candidacy, is that the press loves him. — “Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me,” Obama joked last year at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner.

Europe Worried That Greek Crisis Is Poised to Spread — With Greece inching closer to the brink of financial collapse, fear that the debt crisis will spread rattled global markets for a second day Wednesday as they awaited a signal from financial leaders gathering in Berlin.
The Moderate Voice, Walter Russell Mead's Blog, Washington Post, Marginal Revolution and The Page

Police state: How Mexico treats illegal aliens — This is what a “police state” looks like — My syndicated column today responds to Mexican President Felipe Calderon's demagoguery on Arizona's immigration enforcement law. Calderon has a long history of bashing the U.S. …

Texas gov. shoots, kills ‘wily’ coyote during jog — AUSTIN, Texas — Pistol-packing Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don't mess with my dog. — Perry told The Associated Press on Tuesday he needed just one shot from the laser-sighted pistol he sometimes carries …

Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop? — The remains of Noah's Ark have been discovered 13,000 feet up a Turkish mountain — according to a sensational claim by evangelical explorers.

Suntanned women to be arrested under Islamic dress code — Iran has warned suntanned women and girls who looked like “walking mannequins” will be arrested as part of a new drive to enforce the Islamic dress code. — Brig Hossien Sajedinia, Tehran's police chief, said a national crackdown …

Graham: I'll Filibuster My Own Climate Bill Unless Reid Drops Immigration Altogether — When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided that he would bump climate-and-energy legislation behind immigration reform as his next priority, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was apoplectic.
Reuters, New York Times, EnviroKnow, New York Times, Firedoglake, Grist and Mother Jones

Obama's Jerusalem Stonewall — Demanding a construction freeze in the capital reverses decades of U.S. policy. — Thanks to a deadlock engineered by the U.S. government, the Middle East peace process is stalled. President Obama began this stalemate last year when he called for a settlement freeze …

Strict Abortion Measures Enacted in Oklahoma — The Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.
MyDD, The Mahablog, The Reaction, Hullabaloo, Indecision Forever, TalkLeft and Balloon Juice

I, Sarah Palin defender — Last night I appeared on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann to talk about a story that had been driven into the mainstream by the blog PalinGates. The story: Palin made three statements that PalinGates believed may have been false, and therefore grounds for perjury.

Israel won't honor outpost pledge — Legal status, rather than promises to US, will determine their fate. — Talkbacks (9) — Make JPOST.COM your Home Page — Iranian Threat — Jewish World — Local Israel — Arts & Culture — Français — Classifieds — Israel