Top Items:

Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran — Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and others will surely follow suit. — Negotiations grind on toward a fourth U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran's nuclear weapons program, even as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrives in New York to address …

Ahmadinejad blasts U.S., Israel at UN — United Nations (CNN) — Delegates from the United States, the United Kingdom and France walked out Monday as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blasted America and Israel at a global gathering on disarmament and offered his own ideas to thwart the spread of nuclear weapons.
Weasel Zippers

U.S. will not permit Iran to possess nuclear weapons capability
The Politico

Top of the ballot: Expectations rise for GOP in specials; Dobson switches endorsement in Kentucky — TOP OF THE BALLOT: Expectations creep up on Republicans in Hawaii and Pennsylvania; Dobson switches endorsement in Kentucky; and a DSCC recruit hopes to force runoff in North Carolina.
CNN, Business Wire, Associated Press, Weekly Standard, TPMDC, Talking Points Memo, Vox Popoli, The Page and The Hill

Fisher Has 20-Point Lead In Ohio Dem Senate Primary, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Many Still Undecided Or Might Change Mind — Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher holds a 43 - 23 percent likely voter lead over Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner in Tuesday's Democratic primary race for the U.S. Senate …

Democratic Senate Primary Race in North Carolina Too Close to Call
The Other McCain

Owner of Explosives-Packed Nissan Found in Times Square Is Located — PERSON OF INTEREST The police were examining this video of an unidentified man walking away from West 45th Street. More Photos » — The police and F.B.I. investigators have tracked down the owner …

TRENDING: We don't tolerate racist behavior, Tea Party organizer says — (CNN) - A leader of a national Tea Party organization said Monday that her organization has no patience for racists. — “In Tea Party Patriots, we have no place for that,” Jenny Beth Martin said on CNN's American Morning.
The Politico

The May Day angry mob you won't see — Reconquista revolution without borders!
KGO-TV, Nice Deb, POWIP, The Corner on National …, San Francisco Chronicle, and The City Square

Rep. Gene Taylor: Oil Spill Not So Bad, Looks Like Chocolate Milk — Mississippi Congressman Gene Taylor says the oil spill isn't so bad after all. During an interview with WLOX-TV Biloxi, Taylor says oil tends to “break up naturally” and referred to it as a “chocolate milk-looking spill.”

Gulf of Mexico - “Oil Slickonomics” — 2 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite 303, Sarasota, FL 34236 — 614 Landis Avenue, Vineland, NJ 08360-8007 — “At its current leak rate of 5,000 barrels of oil per day, the spill could surpass the size of the 1969 Santa Barbara spill by next week.

For Obama, a changed tone in presidential humor — Barack Obama, the Insult Comic President, was up to his old shtick Saturday night. — Breaking with presidential punch line tradition for the second consecutive year, Obama dropped zinger after zinger on his opponents and allies alike …

Conservative Latinos Rethink Party Ties — Adam Bustos, a third-generation Mexican-American, has voted Republican since Ronald Reagan ran for president. But he has been reconsidering his party affiliation since Arizona State Gov. Jan Brewer signed the nation's toughest immigration law last month.
The Daily Dish, Matthew Yglesias, Think Progress, Washington Monthly, The Caucus and The Political Carnival

BP told to stop circulating settlement agreements with coastal Alabamians — Alabama Attorney General Troy King said tonight that he has told representatives of BP Plc. that they should stop circulating settlement agreements among coastal Alabamians. — The agreements, King said …
Crooks and Liars, TPMMuckraker, Taylor Marsh, The Confluence, NPR Topics, Balloon Juice, Brilliant at Breakfast and Alas, a blog

Obama FCC Planning to Abandon Net Neutrality; To Give Comcast Permission to Censor You 10 Ways — A Washington Post article this morning says the Obama FCC may be “leaning toward” siding with the largest phone and cable companies and against an open and universal Internet.

FCC Chairman Genachowski expected to leave broadband services deregulated
The Huffington Post

Hotshot sniper in one-and-a-half mile double kill — A BRITISH Army sniper has set a new sharpshooting distance record by killing two Taliban machinegunners in Afghanistan from more than 1 miles away. — Craig Harrison, a member of the Household Cavalry, killed the insurgents with consecutive shots …

Who Got Our $1,000,000,000,000? — Last year, I asked the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board who received $1 trillion in funds that the Fed handed out to domestic banks and financial institutions. He said, essentially, “I'm not going to tell you.”

Traficant will not file in the 6th — Ex-U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. filed nominating petitions today as an independent candidate for the 17th Congressional District on a platform of repealing the 16th Amendment. — After filing his petitions in the 17th district …

Quote For The Day — “If you're someone who only reads the editorial page of The New York Times, try glancing at the page of The Wall Street Journal once in awhile. If you're a fan of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, try reading a few columns on the Huffington Post website.

Recent high court cases revive debate on judicial activism — Sometimes, like a spouse, a Supreme Court justice will hold onto the words of another just so he can throw them back in the future. — So it was last week, in the court's splintered decision that gave hope to supporters …

Reuters Marginal Constituency Poll - Wave 5 — Fieldwork: — Theme: — Politicians & Parties — Sub-Theme: — Political Monitor — Source: — Ipsos MORI / Reuters — Keywords: — Con 36% (+1), Lab 36% (-2), Lib Dem 20% (-1) — The last of our polls in key marginal constituencies …