Top Items:

So Is She Gay? — It is no more of an empirical question than whether she is Jewish. We know she is Jewish, and it is a fact simply and rightly put in the public square. If she were to hide her Jewishness, it would seem rightly odd, bizarre, anachronistic, even arguably self-critical or self-loathing.

Wrath of the angry left — How hard will Senate Republicans fight the Kagan Supreme Court nomination? Will legal lefties vent their anger at the White House for not picking a full-throated liberal progressives to battle Scalia and Alito? — Blogger, and liberal activist :
Discussion: US Liberal Politics, Lynn Sweet, The Mahablog, Power Line, Cato @ Liberty, Commentary, Don Surber and CBS News

The Problem With Kagan's “Defective” Quotation — Democrats and their allies on the Left and in the media are jumping on Chairman Steele's statement on Solicitor General Elena Kagan this morning, in which he raised concerns about “her support [in a law review article] for statements suggesting …
The Corner on National …, New York Times, Hot Air, Swampland, Ben Smith's Blog, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, The Hill, Right Now and TPMDC

RNC uses Thurgood Marshall speech to attack Supreme Court nominee Kagan — Republicans are questioning Elena Kagan's ties to a liberal icon and the nation's first African-American Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall. — In its first memo to reporters since Kagan's nomination …
Political Punch, Maryland Politics, TPM LiveWire, Bench Memos …, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, American Prospect, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Law Blog, TPMDC, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, The Lonely Conservative, AMERICAblog News, Talking Points Memo, The Foundry, CNN, Right Wing Watch, Riehl World View, The Stranger …, Left Coast Rebel, Obsidian Wings and Outside The Beltway

Elena Kagan's Nomination — President Obama is set to nominate Elena Kagan, the Solicitor General, to the Supreme Court today. — I should make a disclosure. I met Elena on our first day of law school at Harvard in the fall of 1983. We were introduced by a mutual friend …

Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened — As dean, she upheld a policy already in place. — With the announcement of Elena Kagan as nominee for the open seat on the Supreme Court, comments both sound and foolish are sure to flood the media. In the prior category is the observation …

Top Strategist Advises GOP To Prolong SCOTUS Fight To Block Obama Agenda — Liberals have been warning President Obama for weeks that Republicans and conservative activists would fight and seek to delay confirmation of his Supreme Court nominee no matter whom he picked. Turns out they were right.
The Hill, The Moderate Voice,, The Washington Independent, Daily Kos and Right Now

White House bristles at mention of Elena Kagan's sexuality, and says it will reach ‘accommodation’ on releasing memos — Top White House officials bristled Monday when asked whether they think Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's sexuality will become an issue in her confirmation hearings.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Mediaite,, Weekly Standard, DaTechguy's Blog and Gateway Pundit

A Brief History of Andrew Sullivan's Confusion Over The Politics of The Closet

If Elena Kagan Is a Lesbian, She Should Say So because Public Has a Right to Know

Obama Picks Kagan, Scholar but Not Judge, for Court Seat
Opinionator, Cato @ Liberty, City Room, The BLT, White Blog Feed, Los Angeles Times, The Volokh Conspiracy, Law Blog, Washington Post, Politics Daily, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Josh Gerstein's Blog, USA Today, Room for Debate, Althouse, Guardian, SCOTUSblog, Feministe,, ACS Blog and Grist

EXCLUSIVE: Mullah Omar Captured! — Through key intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I have just learned that reclusive Taliban leader and top Osama bin Laden ally, Mullah Omar has been taken into custody. — According to the State Department's Rewards for Justice Program …
The Atlantic Online, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Another Black Conservative, Doug Ross and RedState

The Governator at Emory: 'I was going to speak in Arizona, but I thought I'd be deported' — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger greets graduates at Emory University. John Spink/AJC — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the commencement address at Emory University on Monday.

Schwarzenegger makes Arizona joke at commencement
Think Progress

New McCain ad: You cannot be serious — I don't know what to say, guys. I'm genuinely speechless. Pandering is one thing, shameless careerist pandering is something else, and then there's John “Goddamned Fence” McCain marching along the border in a badass Navy baseball cap looking …

What Is Going On? — Is Arlen Specter toast? — There are three big senate primaries on May 18th — Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania and Arkansas and a Republican one in Kentucky. It's been clear for some time that the establishment GOP candidate in Kentucky will likely get rocked by Rand Paul …

Confirmed: Apple and AT&T signed five-year iPhone exclusivity deal — but is it still valid? — The term of Apple and AT&T's iPhone exclusivity deal has long been a mystery — although USA Today reported a five-year arrangement when the original iPhone came out in 2007 …

The Great Disentangling Has Begun: What Bob Bennett's Defeat Means and Does Not — I'd like to think I might have some idea of what Bob Bennett's defeat means and does not mean. — After all, as with Marco Rubio, Doug Hoffman, and Marlin Stutzman, before others noticed, I was beating the drum …
Riehl World View, Moonbattery, Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Media Take Note: In Arizona County, Of 64 Highway Chases Last Month, Not One Perp a U.S. Citizen — As media elites in their Sixth Avenue towers look down and tut-tut about those racist reactionaries in Arizona, the real people who have to deal with the real-world problems and ramifications …

The Welfare State's Death Spiral — WASHINGTON — What we're seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state. This isn't Greece's problem alone, and that's why its crisis has rattled global stock markets and threatens economic recovery. Virtually every advanced nation, including the United States, faces the same prospect.
Hit & Run,*, Viking Pundit, protein wisdom, Fausta's Blog and Wall Street Journal

Brown to quit as UK Labour Party leader — Gordon Brown is to step down as Labour leader — Gordon Brown is to step down as Labour leader by September - as his party opens formal talks with the Lib Dems about forming a government. — His announcement came as he and the Conservatives woo …

Whitman lead shrinking dramatically — Not long ago Meg Whitman had such a huge lead - 50 points - over Steve Poizner for the GOP nomination for governor, many folks thought the race was over and started sizing up her chances against the Democrats' Jerry Brown.

Maine Republicans Adopt Tea Party Platform — An overwhelming majority of delegates to the Maine Republican convention tonight voted to scrap the the proposed party platform and replace it with a document created by a group of Tea Party activists. — The official platform for the Republican Party …

Greek Bailouts: What are They Good For? — I vividly remember taking a class on terrorism in college, in which the professor memorably pointed out, as we were knee deep in debate over The Troubles, “None of you are asking the obvious question: Why the heck do the British want to stay in Northern Ireland?
Marginal Revolution