Top Items:

Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened — As dean, she upheld a policy already in place. — With the announcement of Elena Kagan as nominee for the open seat on the Supreme Court, comments both sound and foolish are sure to flood the media. In the prior category is the observation …
Outside The Beltway,, The Democratic Daily, Mudville Gazette and Blogs of War

Wrath of the angry left — How hard will Senate Republicans fight the Kagan Supreme Court nomination? Will legal lefties vent their anger at the White House for not picking a full-throated liberal progressives to battle Scalia and Alito? — Blogger, and liberal activist :
Betsy's Page, The Confluence, Power Line, American Power, US Liberal Politics, The Mahablog, Lynn Sweet, Cato @ Liberty, Instapundit and Salon

So Is She Gay? — It is no more of an empirical question than whether she is Jewish. We know she is Jewish, and it is a fact simply and rightly put in the public square. If she were to hide her Jewishness, it would seem rightly odd, bizarre, anachronistic, even arguably self-critical or self-loathing.
Salon, Hullabaloo, Balkinization, The Nation, Raw Story, No More Mister Nice Blog, Jay Currie, skippy the bush kangaroo, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air,, White Blog Feed, Liberal Values, Americans For Truth, Slate, News Desk, Think Progress, Truthdig, The Stranger …,, The Atlantic Online and Washington Monthly

Is Kennedy Easily Manipulated? — One important component of the liberal case for Elena Kagan seems to be that she could exert a strong influence on the Court's median vote, Anthony Kennedy. Here's Jeffrey Rosen: … And half-seriously, Jonathan Zasloff:

The Problem With Kagan's “Defective” Quotation — Democrats and their allies on the Left and in the media are jumping on Chairman Steele's statement on Solicitor General Elena Kagan this morning, in which he raised concerns about “her support [in a law review article] for statements suggesting …

The Evolving Politics And Ethics Of The Closet — John Tabin says I have no consistency on this topic. He's well within his rights to link to pieces (or mere sentences in posts) I have written over two decades to find evolution or shifts, but I think he's wrong to say my slight evolution on this is simply out of pique.

A Brief History of Andrew Sullivan's Confusion Over The Politics of The Closet — I'm sure this post by Andrew Sullivan, about rumors that Elena Kagan is a lesbian, will get a lot of attention. Sullivan asks if Obama is “going to use a Supreme Court nominee to advance the cause of the closet”:

Kagan's scant writings spark concern — The Senate is about to embark on something it hasn't done in nearly four decades: vet a candidate for the Supreme Court — Solicitor General Elena Kagan — who has no paper trail as a judge. — A thin paper trail can be a good thing for a nominee …
Reuters, The Swamp, The Note, New York Times, Associated Press, The Huffington Post and The Atlantic Online

GOP: Judicial experience matters, unless it doesn't — WASHINGTON — Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, speaking Monday on the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court: … Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, speaking Oct. 27, 2005, on the nomination of then-White House counsel Harriet Miers …

Top Strategist Advises GOP To Prolong SCOTUS Fight To Block Obama Agenda
The Hill, The Moderate Voice,, The Washington Independent, Daily Kos and Right Now

Kagan, the Harvard Ban on Military Recruiters, and Anti-Military Bias

Predicting the Kagan nomination
PrawfsBlawg, Unfogged, The Volokh Conspiracy, Washington Post,, SCOTUSblog and TalkLeft

Will the court 'become a conscious agent overturning progressive laws …

EXCLUSIVE: Mullah Omar Captured! — Through key intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I have just learned that reclusive Taliban leader and top Osama bin Laden ally, Mullah Omar has been taken into custody. — According to the State Department's Rewards for Justice Program …
Hot Air, The Atlantic Online, The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, RedState, Doug Ross and Another Black Conservative

The Governator at Emory: 'I was going to speak in Arizona, but I thought I'd be deported' — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger greets graduates at Emory University. John Spink/AJC — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the commencement address at Emory University on Monday.

Schwarzenegger makes Arizona joke at commencement
Think Progress

New McCain ad: You cannot be serious — I don't know what to say, guys. I'm genuinely speechless. Pandering is one thing, shameless careerist pandering is something else, and then there's John “Goddamned Fence” McCain marching along the border in a badass Navy baseball cap looking …

What Is Going On? — Is Arlen Specter toast? — There are three big senate primaries on May 18th — Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania and Arkansas and a Republican one in Kentucky. It's been clear for some time that the establishment GOP candidate in Kentucky will likely get rocked by Rand Paul …

It's a fight for power: purists v pragmatists — The kaleidoscope has been smashed - a monumental struggle is now under way within all three parties — The voters wanted a “new kind of politics”. Well, now they have got it. Yesterday Gordon Brown resigned as Labour leader …

Did Big Bet Trigger Stock Swoon? — Shortly after 2:15 p.m. Eastern time last Thursday, hedge fund Universa Investments LP placed a big bet in the Chicago options trading pits that stocks would continue their sharp declines. — On any other day, this $7.5 million trade for 50,000 options contracts might …

Confirmed: Apple and AT&T signed five-year iPhone exclusivity deal — but is it still valid? — The term of Apple and AT&T's iPhone exclusivity deal has long been a mystery — although USA Today reported a five-year arrangement when the original iPhone came out in 2007 …
The Big Money, Mashable!, The Moderate Voice, TechCrunch, MediaMemo, Silicon Alley Insider, Digital Daily and Gizmodo

Jack Reed wants hedge funds to register — Democratic Sen. Jack Reed filed an amendment to the sweeping Wall Street reform bill Monday that cracks down on the private investment pools that have escaped largely unscathed from the kind of scrutiny big banks have faced.

Thunder on the mountain heavy as can be — Mean old twister bearing down on me — All the ladies of Washington scrambling to get out of town — Looks like something bad gonna happen, better roll your airplane down —Bob Dylan — The American people have only a limited role in the United States government.

Afghan ‘secret prison’ confirmed — The US airbase at Bagram in Afghanistan contains a facility for detainees that is distinct from its main prison, the Red Cross has confirmed to the BBC. — Nine former prisoners have told the BBC that they were held in a separate building, and subjected to abuse.

Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center [SCREENSHOTS] — We have confirmed with Twitter that beta testing of its new business features, dubbed the “Twitter Business Center,” has begun. — According to the company, “only a handful of accounts have these features presently,” but it will expand on a gradual business to more accounts.