Top Items:

Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened — As dean, she upheld a policy already in place. — With the announcement of Elena Kagan as nominee for the open seat on the Supreme Court, comments both sound and foolish are sure to flood the media. In the prior category is the observation …

What It Takes — About a decade ago, one began to notice a profusion of Organization Kids at elite college campuses. These were bright students who had been formed by the meritocratic system placed in front of them. They had great grades, perfect teacher recommendations …
Blogs and Stories,, Swampland, Washington Post,, News Desk, ABCNEWS, The Daily Caller, PostPartisan, City Room, Josh Gerstein's Blog and The Note

Is Kennedy Easily Manipulated? — One important component of the liberal case for Elena Kagan seems to be that she could exert a strong influence on the Court's median vote, Anthony Kennedy. Here's Jeffrey Rosen: … And half-seriously, Jonathan Zasloff:

Isn't This a Bit Much? — The president went to Harvard, and barely defeated a primary opponent who went to Yale. His predecessor went to Yale and Harvard, and defeated opponents who went to Yale and Harvard, and Harvard, respectively. The previous two presidents also went to Yale …

News Analysis: Kagan Nomination Leaves Longing on the Left — WASHINGTON — The selection of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the nation's 112th justice extends a quarter-century pattern in which Republican presidents generally install strong conservatives on the Supreme Court …

So Is She Gay? — It is no more of an empirical question than whether she is Jewish. We know she is Jewish, and it is a fact simply and rightly put in the public square. If she were to hide her Jewishness, it would seem rightly odd, bizarre, anachronistic, even arguably self-critical or self-loathing.
Political Insider, Blogs and Stories, Towleroad News #gay, Salon, Hullabaloo, Balkinization, Raw Story, No More Mister Nice Blog, Jay Currie, The Nation, News Desk, skippy the bush kangaroo, The Hill,, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Liberal Values, Americans For Truth, Center for American Progress, White Blog Feed, Slate, Truthdig,, The Stranger … and The Atlantic Online

The Evolving Politics And Ethics Of The Closet
AmSpecBlog, The Moderate Voice, The Poor Man Institute, Sadly, No! and Conventional Folly

Wrath of the angry left
Power Line, Betsy's Page, The Confluence, The Mahablog, US Liberal Politics, Lynn Sweet, Cato @ Liberty, Instapundit and Salon

Elena Kagan no longer thinks Supreme Court nominees should have …
TalkLeft, Salon, The Volokh Conspiracy, Outside The Beltway, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Hot Air and News Desk

Elena Kagan as Scholar
Ezra Klein, Newsweek Blogs, Balkinization, SCOTUSblog, NY Daily News, Washington Wire, Mother Jones and The Bilerico Project

White House bristles at mention of Elena Kagan's sexuality …
The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, The Nation, Mediaite, and Gateway Pundit

Kagan, the Harvard Ban on Military Recruiters, and Anti-Military Bias

Top Strategist Advises GOP To Prolong SCOTUS Fight To Block Obama Agenda
The Hill,, The Moderate Voice, The Washington Independent, Daily Kos and Right Now

EXCLUSIVE: Mullah Omar Captured! — Through key intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I have just learned that reclusive Taliban leader and top Osama bin Laden ally, Mullah Omar has been taken into custody. — According to the State Department's Rewards for Justice Program …
Left Coast Rebel, The Atlantic Online, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, The Jawa Report, Doug Ross, RedState and Another Black Conservative

U.S. may be passing up chances to stop terrorist plots — Did a captured Taliban leader know about the Times Square plot and withhold this information from his interrogators? — On Sunday, Obama administration officials, including counterterrorism chief John Brennan …

Drone Strikes Pound West Pakistan — KARACHI, Pakistan — In an unusually ferocious American attack on militants in Pakistan, about 18 missiles fired from pilotless aircraft killed at least 14 fighters and wounded four others on Tuesday in the tribal area of North Waziristan, a security official and a resident of the area said.

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 — Amid complaints about high taxes and calls for a smaller government, Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman's presidency, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data found. — Some conservative political movements such as the …

‘Secret jail’ confirmed at US base — The US airbase at Bagram in Afghanistan contains a facility for detainees that is distinct from its main prison, the Red Cross has confirmed to the BBC. — Nine former prisoners have told the BBC that they were held in a separate building, and subjected to abuse.
The Huffington Post

Did Big Bet Trigger Stock Swoon? — Shortly after 2:15 p.m. Eastern time last Thursday, hedge fund Universa Investments LP placed a big bet in the Chicago options trading pits that stocks would continue their sharp declines. — On any other day, this $7.5 million trade for 50,000 options contracts might …

New McCain ad: You cannot be serious — I don't know what to say, guys. I'm genuinely speechless. Pandering is one thing, shameless careerist pandering is something else, and then there's John “Goddamned Fence” McCain marching along the border in a badass Navy baseball cap looking …

U.S. troops march in Moscow in salute to Allies' role in WWII — American soldiers march for the first time in Red Square in a Victory Day parade, sparking anger among some Russians. — Seventy-one U.S. infantrymen march in Moscow's Red Square as part of the annual Victory Day parade.

'Tea party'-backed platform sails through Maine GOP convention — Maine is known for GOP moderates, but over the weekend, conservative activists succeeded in passing a platform that's backed by tea party groups. — Conservative activists backed by “tea party” groups have rejected …

Fossella mulls bid for former seat — Former Rep. Vito Fossella (R-N.Y.), who opted not to seek re-election in 2008 after a DWI arrest exposed the married father of three as having a second family in Virginia, is seriously considering entering the race for his old seat, POLITICO has learned.

Rule change favors unions at airlines, railroads — WASHINGTON (AP) - Labor unions will have an easier time organizing workers at U.S. airline and railroad companies after the Obama administration on Monday changed a 76-year-old rule on union elections. — The change is a major victory …

Pope pins scandal on Church ‘sin’ — Pope Benedict XVI has warned that the greatest threat to the Catholic Church comes from “sin within”, rather than persecution from outside. — He made his comments in response to a question on the clerical child abuse scandal, while en route to Portugal.

Fired London Bankers Overcome Bonus Backlash in U.K. Courtrooms — U.K. bankers, the butt of political and public criticism for getting taxpayer bailouts and large bonuses, at least have some friends in London's courts. — A former Societe Generale managing director …

Obama drug plan ‘firmly opposes’ legalization as California vote looms — The Obama administration said Tuesday that it “firmly opposes” the legalization of any illicit drugs as California voters head to the polls to consider legalizing marijuana this fall.
The Washington Independent