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What It Takes — About a decade ago, one began to notice a profusion of Organization Kids at elite college campuses. These were bright students who had been formed by the meritocratic system placed in front of them. They had great grades, perfect teacher recommendations …
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Is Kennedy Easily Manipulated? — One important component of the liberal case for Elena Kagan seems to be that she could exert a strong influence on the Court's median vote, Anthony Kennedy. Here's Jeffrey Rosen: … And half-seriously, Jonathan Zasloff:

Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened — As dean, she upheld a policy already in place. — With the announcement of Elena Kagan as nominee for the open seat on the Supreme Court, comments both sound and foolish are sure to flood the media. In the prior category is the observation …

Kagan Nomination Leaves Longing on the Left — WASHINGTON — The selection of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the nation's 112th justice extends a quarter-century pattern in which Republican presidents generally install strong conservatives on the Supreme Court while Democratic presidents pick candidates …
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Elena Kagan as Scholar — As scholar, Elena Kagan worked in two main fields, First Amendment law and (more or less) administrative law. Since the first of those fields is one in which I also work, I decided to reread those articles, and — since some people have raised questions …

Abortion could be sleeper issue in Supreme Court confirmation process
Little Green Footballs, The Monkey Cage, The Plum Line, The Politico and The Daily Caller

“Washington Intellectual Dishonesty” defined
TalkLeft, The Huffington Post, Ezra Klein, Opinionator, Commentary, The Daily Caller and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Senate Backs One-Time Audit of Fed's Bailout Role — WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday voted unanimously to require a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve's emergency actions during and after the 2008 financial crisis as part of broad legislation overhauling the nation's financial regulatory system.

96-0: Fed Audit Passes Senate — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — UPDATE - 12:10 p.m. - The amendment to open the Fed to a one-time audit of its lending between December 1, 2007 and the present passed 96-0. — Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), the Federal Reserve's most outspoken defender …

The bipartisanship of the fringe — Bipartisanship is a rare thing in Washington, but the Senate just 96- to pass a bill to “Audit the Fed,” a version of legislation championed by Ron Paul for decades and supported by Michelle Bachmann and other Republicans, but also backed this time by Democrats led …

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 — Amid complaints about high taxes and calls for a smaller government, Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman's presidency, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data found. — Some conservative political movements such as the …

EXCLUSIVE: Mullah Omar Captured! — Through key intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I have just learned that reclusive Taliban leader and top Osama bin Laden ally, Mullah Omar has been taken into custody. — According to the State Department's Rewards for Justice Program …

U.S. may be passing up chances to stop terrorist plots — Did a captured Taliban leader know about the Times Square plot and withhold this information from his interrogators? — On Sunday, Obama administration officials, including counterterrorism chief John Brennan …

Senators want Pakistani Taliban on terrorist list
The Politico

Gordon Brown quits as PM as Lib-Dem deal falls apart — Gordon Brown is set to resign tonight and allow David Cameron to be Britain's new Prime Minister. — The Labour leader's final desperate attempt to cling on to power with a Lib-Lab deal crumbled amid a rebellion on his own side …
The Daily Dish, Snowblog, Guardian, Westminster Blog, Financial Times, Telegraph, Clusterstock, thetorydiary, Left Foot Forward, Election '10 and FT Alphaville

DeMint: A conservative kingmaker upends GOP order — WASHINGTON — Jim DeMint is becoming something of a tea party hero, even a potential conservative kingmaker, a status that is not making the freshman senator many friends among fellow Republicans in Congress.

Bill Clinton lends a hand on wife's debt — Former President Clinton is helping Sec. of State Hillary Clinton retire her remaining 2008 presidential campaign. — Washington (CNN) - If you supported Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential run, chances are you received …
The Note

Top Obama advisers Jarrett and Axelrod given car privileges traditionally reserved for national security officials — President Obama has expanded the very small group of top aides who are given the privilege of taxpayer-funded personal drivers — who take them from their house to work …

Obama Said to Be Open to New Miranda Look
Vanity Fair, RaceWire, TPMMuckraker, The Atlantic Online, Rethink Afghanistan War Blog and Law Blog

‘Secret prison’ at US air base — The US airbase at Bagram in Afghanistan contains a facility for detainees that is distinct from its main prison, the Red Cross has confirmed to the BBC. — Nine former prisoners have told the BBC that they were held in a separate building, and subjected to abuse.

VP Biden's son Beau hospitalized — Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau, has been hospitalized for reasons that have yet not been made public. — A terse statement released Tuesday morning by the vice-president's office said Beau Biden, Delaware's attorney general “is at Christiana Medical Center undergoing treatment at present.

Marshall, Cunningham closing on Burr — Elaine Marshall and Cal Cunningham have both gained ground on Richard Burr after building up their exposure during the Democratic primary campaign. Burr is now in a weaker position than Elizabeth Dole was at the same point in the election cycle two years ago.

Why Sestak might really pull it off — Tomorrow, a third poll will come out finding Joe Sestak is leading Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania Dem primary. The poll, from Franklin & Marshall College, will mirror others showing Sestak ahead by around five points, the poll's director confirms to me.

'Tea party'-backed platform sails through Maine GOP convention — Maine is known for GOP moderates, but over the weekend, conservative activists succeeded in passing a platform that's backed by tea party groups. — Conservative activists backed by “tea party” groups have rejected …