Top Items:

Kagan's friends: She's not gay — Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee's personal life. — “I've known her for most of her adult life and I know she's straight,” …

‘Citizens United was a shot across the bow’ — Bruce Ackerman is Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale, and an expert on election law. I called him earlier today to talk about how Citizens United should affect our understanding of the Supreme Court, and of Elena Kagan.
The Moderate Voice

Elena Kagan and Me: One Semester of Civ Pro With the New SCOTUS Nominee — I can count myself as one of the thousands of students that had Elena Kagan as a professor. She's taught at the University of Chicago School of Law and Harvard Law School. I had her in 2000 …
Cato @ Liberty, Wall Street Journal, The Volokh Conspiracy, American Power, Law Blog, Mother Jones, Althouse and ProPublica

Softball question — A spokeswoman for the Wall Street Journal …
CNN, The Politico, Moonbattery, Pam's House Blend, Weasel Zippers, Vanity Fair, The Daily Dish, Liberal Values, Riehl World View and Ezra Klein

Alan Mollohan loses primary fight — West Virginia Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan lost his bid for a 15th term tonight at the hands of state Sen. Mike Oliverio, a defeat that further affirms the anti-incumbent sentiment coursing through the country. — Mollohan hadn't faced a serious primary fight …

Oliverio knocks out 14-termer Mollohan — MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Democrat Alan Mollohan became the first member of the U.S. House to be ousted this spring primary season, after his opponent mounted a campaign that questioned the 14-term congressman's ethics and support for federal health care reform.

Rep. Alan Mollohan loses Democratic primary in West Virginia
The Note, Politics Daily, Washington Monthly, The Washington Independent, The Fix, Daily Kos and The Huffington Post

David Cameron is new UK prime minister — Conservative leader David Cameron has become the UK's new prime minister after the resignation of Gordon Brown. — Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg will be his deputy after they agreed to the UK's first coalition government in 70 years.

Exclusive: Florida, Florida, Florida! GOP heading to Tampa for '12 convention — What incumbents can learn from Mollohan rout — Prime Minister Cameron coming to White House this summer — BULLETIN - The Republican National Committee's site-selection committee is expected to name Tampa …
Taegan Goddard's …

Specter-Sestak Dem Primary Too Close To Call, Quinnipiac University Pennsylvania Poll Finds; Toomey Has Big Lead In Republican Primary — U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak continues his stretch run in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate primary and now trails incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter by a too-close-to-call 44 …

Another poll says Sestak-Specter race tight
Taegan Goddard's …, Open Left, Real Clear Politics, All Content and The Eye

PalinMania II scheduled after midterms — In a move sure to capitalize on the buzz — if not the reality — of a potential Sarah Palin presidential bid, HarperCollins is putting out her second book in the weeks after November's midterm elections. — The book, titled, “AMERICA BY HEART …

Sarah Palin's book, ‘America By Heart,’ out Nov. 23
Guardian, Another Black Conservative, Mediaite, ABCNEWS, Taylor Marsh, ArtsBeat and Texas for Sarah Palin

CNN Contributor Erickson Draws Ire From All Sides — MACON, Ga. — In his seven weeks as one of CNN's newest contributors, Erick Erickson has made scarcely more than a dozen appearances on the network. — But his every utterance — every Twitter message, blog post and radio rant …

Expanded Offshore Drilling Will Be Part of Senate Climate Bill, Says Lieberman — The Senate climate bill to be unveiled tomorrow will have provisions to expand domestic oil drilling, including revenue sharing for states that agree to allow more production off their shores, according to one of the measure's lead co-sponsors.

BP facing a wave of pressure, but not from its balance sheet
Grist, Raw Story, Firedoglake, The BRAD BLOG, Think Progress, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, AmSpecBlog, American Spectator and Climate Progress

CBO ups health care cost projections — Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections. — The additional spending …

U.S. Investigates Morgan Stanley Deals — Prosecutors Look at Mortgage Securities; Firm Says It Hasn't Been Contacted — Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Morgan Stanley misled investors about mortgage-derivatives deals it helped design and sometimes bet against …

Afghanistan's Karzai to urge caution as U.S. pushes to empower local leaders — The U.S. strategy in Afghanistan is built around the belief that all good counterinsurgency is local. In recent months, American officials have focused their plans on pushing power and money down to district, tribal and village leaders.
SWJ Blog

9th Congressional District special election headed for runoff — Tom Graves of the tiny northwest Georgia town of Ranger and Lee Hawkins of Gainesville are headed for a runoff for the 9th Congressional District seat. — With all the precincts reporting Tuesday night …

CD11: Goehring wants to thin ‘liberal’ herd — Congressional District 11 GOP candidate Brad Goehring is drawing fire for his confrontational Facebook statement today: … Check out all the comments; 57 when I looked a few minutes ago. … LAV 3:23 p.m. Screen shot posted below. LAV 4:08 p.m.)

Alabama candidate denounces ‘lie’ that he believes in evolution — Evolution has obviously been a political issue for a while, but I'm not sure I've ever seen an attack ad like this one before: It mocks a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of Alabama for believing in the theory.
Liberal Values, Confederate Yankee, TPM LiveWire, Little Green Footballs and Harry's Place

Carter wins state Senate race — State election results show Atlanta attorney Jason Carter will follow in his grandfather President Jimmy Carter's political footsteps. — Carter captured 5,559 votes — or 65.6 percent — in the race for Senate District 42 in DeKalb County on Tuesday.
This Just In

Jawa Exclusive: Capture Of Mullah Omar Confirmed *sticky* — An overseas intelligence source has confirmed to the Jawa Report that Mullah Omar has been captured as originally reported by Brad Thor. — You can wait for the New York Times to catch up if you'd like, we don't mind.
The Cable, Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit, Sadly, No!, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, Mediaite and theblogprof

4 Big Banks Score Perfect 61-Day Run — It is the Wall Street equivalent of a perfect game of baseball — 27 up, 27 down, the final score measured in millions of dollars a day. — Despite the running unease in world markets, four giants of American finance managed to make money …
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