Top Items:
Kagan's friends: She's not gay — Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee's personal life. — “I've known her for most of her adult life and I know she's straight,” …
Ben Smith's Blog, CNN, Washington Post, Left Coast Rebel, Main Justice, Above the Law, Blogs and Stories, Law Blog, The Awl, Jules Crittenden, Wonkette, Outside The Beltway, New York Times, Taylor Marsh, The Huffington Post, Pam's House Blend, Mediaite, Media Matters for America, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, NPR, The Daily Caller, Talking Points Memo, The Nation and Hullabaloo
Brian Montopoli / CBS News:
Elena Kagan White House “Interview” Riles Reporters — The White House today posted on its website a video allowing Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan to speak “in her own words” about her personal history and perspective. — In the interview, conducted by a White House staffer who produces videos …
JONATHAN TURLEY, RedState, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Beltway Confidential and The Caucus
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Softball question — A spokeswoman for the Wall Street Journal said today its cover art was not intended as innuendo about Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's sexual orientation after the paper's front-page use of an image of Kagan playing softball provoked a mixture of irritation and amusement from gay and lesbian advocates.
Memos reveal Kagan's centrist side — LITTLE ROCK, Ark.— Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan urged President Bill Clinton to take centrist stances in several battles over issues like abortion and family leave when other administration officials or allies were pressing for a more aggressively liberal approach …
Michael Barone / Associated Press:
Obama and Kagan whisper in the faculty lounge
Obama and Kagan whisper in the faculty lounge
Betsy's Page
Michael Gerson / Washington Post:
The mystery of Elena Kagan
The mystery of Elena Kagan
Boston Globe, New York Times, Commentary, Wall Street Journal, Virginia Politics Blog, Federal Eye and PostPartisan
Chris Cillizza / The Fix:
Alan Mollohan loses primary fight — West Virginia Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan lost his bid for a 15th term tonight at the hands of state Sen. Mike Oliverio, a defeat that further affirms the anti-incumbent sentiment coursing through the country. — Mollohan hadn't faced a serious primary fight …
Associated Press:
Oliverio knocks out 14-termer Mollohan — MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Democrat Alan Mollohan became the first member of the U.S. House to be ousted this spring primary season, after his opponent mounted a campaign that questioned the 14-term congressman's ethics and support for federal health care reform.
CNN, Questions and Observations, Guardian, Balloon Juice, Neptunus Lex, Associated Press, Firedoglake and AMERICAblog News
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
Veteran House Democrat Loses Seat in Primary
Quinnipiac University:
Specter-Sestak Dem Primary Too Close To Call, Quinnipiac University Pennsylvania Poll Finds; Toomey Has Big Lead In Republican Primary — U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak continues his stretch run in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate primary and now trails incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter by a too-close-to-call 44 …
New York Times, Washington Wire, Weekly Standard, Left Coast Rebel, TPM LiveWire,,, USA Today and AMERICAblog News
Borys Krawczeniuk / The Times-Tribune:
Another poll says Sestak-Specter race tight
Another poll says Sestak-Specter race tight
Taegan Goddard's …, Open Left, Real Clear Politics, All Content and The Eye
U.S. Investigates Morgan Stanley — Prosecutors Look at Mortgage Securities; Firm Says It Hasn't Been Contacted — U.S. prosecutors are investigating whether Morgan Stanley misled investors about mortgage-derivatives deals it helped design and sometimes bet against, people familiar with the matter said …
Felix Salmon, Online NewsHour, Law Blog, Clusterstock, FT Alphaville, NPR Topics, naked capitalism and DealBook
Jeanne Devon / The Huffington Post:
Jeanne Devon ("AKMuckraker"): Sarah Palin's New Book. Get the Dramamine. — You look at me. I'm normally about as white as they come, but today you notice something else. I seem a little ashen, even for me. Maybe actually a little greenish. “Yes, I am feeling a little unwell,” I say, thinking how kind you are for asking.
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
PalinMania II scheduled after midterms
PalinMania II scheduled after midterms
Hillel Italie / Associated Press:
Sarah Palin's book, ‘America By Heart,’ out Nov. 23
Sarah Palin's book, ‘America By Heart,’ out Nov. 23
Discussion:, Guardian, Another Black Conservative, Mediaite, ABCNEWS, Taylor Marsh, ArtsBeat and Texas for Sarah Palin
Shaila Dewan / New York Times:
CNN Contributor Erickson Draws Ire From All Sides — MACON, Ga. — In his seven weeks as one of CNN's newest contributors, Erick Erickson has made scarcely more than a dozen appearances on the network. — But his every utterance — every Twitter message, blog post and radio rant …
Tim Montgomerie / Guardian:
Congratulations, Mr Cameron. Now learn the lessons of a dismal campaign — The Tory leader is No 10 bound, but a sensible strategy would have put him there last week, with no need for alliances — David Cameron has finally got to the steps of 10 Downing Street, but the vast majority …
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Exclusive: Florida, Florida, Florida! GOP heading to Tampa for '12 convention — What incumbents can learn from Mollohan rout — Prime Minister Cameron coming to White House this summer — BULLETIN - The Republican National Committee's site-selection committee is expected to name Tampa …
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Durbin: Immigration bill ‘unlikely’ in '10 — Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said it's “unlikely” that the Senate would move on immigration reform this year. — Durbin said that a tough political environment, especially for Republicans, made it all but politically impossible to move forward with an immigration bill.
Jeb Bush Sees Rising Star in Wisconsin — Republican Scott Walker Touts ‘Brown Bag’ Approach to Government — Wisconsin Republicans have yet to nominate a candidate for governor. Indeed, the state's primary is not until Sept. 14. But two national GOP heavyweights …
Erick's blog
CD11: Goehring wants to thin ‘liberal’ herd — Congressional District 11 GOP candidate Brad Goehring is drawing fire for his confrontational Facebook statement today: … Check out all the comments; 57 when I looked a few minutes ago. … LAV 3:23 p.m. Screen shot posted below. LAV 4:08 p.m.)
Cross at Center of Legal Dispute Disappears — LOS ANGELES — A seven-foot-tall Latin cross in the middle of both the Mojave Desert and a Supreme Court case on the separation of church and state has been stolen, federal officials said Tuesday. — The cross, made of metal tubing reinforced …
The Swamp
CBO ups health care cost projections — Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections. — The additional spending …
Yemen refuses to let U.S. try cleric — Al-Awlaki tied to terror plots — Yemen's government has announced it will not extradite Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born jihadist cleric who is credited with inspiring the recent wave of anti-American terrorist plots by al Qaeda recruits.