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Newt Gingrich says President Obama is Nazi-Commie “threat to our way of life.” — Will Howard Kurtz ask Chris Wallace why FOX News decided to make Newt Gingrich's new book their number one segment of the day? Then they followed it up by interviewing Laura Bush and proceeded into their wingnut panel discussion.
Fox News, Gateway Pundit, The Moderate Voice, American Power, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Whiskey Fire

The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment — In 2003, several prominent Jewish philanthropists hired Republican pollster Frank Luntz to explain why American Jewish college students were not more vigorously rebutting campus criticism of Israel. In response, he unwittingly produced …

Why elites do belong on the Supreme Court — Judges should be able to understand and empathize with just about anyone, because the law is about everyone. With that in mind, is what's good for Harvard and Yale good for America? — If Elena Kagan is confirmed, we will have an entire Supreme Court educated …

Kyl: GOP won't filibuster Kagan
Washington Post, Main Justice, American Power, Outside The Beltway, FrumForum and New York Times

Video: The greatest political ad ever? — It's not the greatest ad ever. If he had roped a calf or branded a steer or something, then it would have been the greatest ad ever. I watched it twice before googling around to see if it was some sort of stunt candidacy or “Funny or Die” parody. Nope.

Apologizing For Arizona — This is unfreakingbelievable, even for the Obama administration: … What an idiot! China murdered millions of its citizens who opposed the government's Communist policies and allows most of its people little or no freedom. We, on the other hand, enforce our immigration laws.

Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China? — Actually, I phrased the title question wrong. — Question: Who the hell is Michael Posner, and why the hell is he apologizing to China?! — Answer: Michael Posner is the former head agitator at the transnationalist Human Rights First …

Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel and West Bank — Interior Ministry seeking IDF approval to let American professor just into West Bank; rights group: Decision characteristic of totalitarian regime. — American linguist Noam Chomsky was denied entry into Israel on May 16, 2010

Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel
Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, The Washington Note, Taylor Marsh, Ynetnews, American Power and Liberal Values

7-year-old killed in Detroit police raid — (CNN) — Police in Detroit, Michigan, on Sunday expressed “profound sorrow” at the fatal shooting of a 7-year-old girl in a police raid. — Aiyana Jones was shot and killed by police executing a search warrant as part of a homicide investigation …

Glenn Beck delivers commencement address at Liberty Univ. — Here is the first 7 min of Beck's rambling and disjointed address yesterday. Apologies for the video quality as it was recorded off the tv screen itself, by a fan of Beck I assume. — The Lynchburg News & Advance describes the spectacle as so:

Liberty graduates last class to attend under leadership of Falwell Sr.
The Moderate Voice

A Conservative's Case for Sarah Palin's Genius — (Tony Lee is a conservative writer who lives in Virginia. Follow him on twitter: @TheTonyLee. — MA) — I hadn't seen Sarah Palin speak in person since the 2008 elections. If one just watched or read mainstream media accounts …

Arab Media Cheer Obama for De-Linking Muslims from Terror — Follow Israel news on and . — A leading international Arab newspaper has hailed U.S. President Barack Obama for officially removing the description “Muslim terrorist” as part of his campaign “to reach out to the Muslim world.”

The amazing campaign ads of Alabama — Alabama Republicans have, for reasons that I don't understand but which I hope a reader will explain, produced a raft of strange and memorable television ads this cycle: Young Boozer's broadside; ‘This is Alabama. We speak English’; the scornful attack on an accused evolutionist.

Burns, Critz close — The special election to replace John Murtha looks to be headed for a photo finish, with Republican Tim Burns leading Democrat Mark Critz 48-47 in PPP's final poll of the race. — PA-12 provides a clear example of how dimly voters are viewing politicians and parties across the board right now.

Tube Offers a ‘Limited Success’ in Oil Leak, BP Says — NEW ORLEANS, La. — An experimental attempt to stop an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico experienced some limited success over the weekend, BP announced Sunday afternoon. — Engineers successfully inserted a tube into the damaged riser pipe …
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