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Blumenthal's Words Differ From His History — At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life. — Multimedia — Enlarge This Image
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More Muslims In Bikinis Please — UPDATED — Did the new Miss USA from “Dearbornistan” win because of politics? I don't really care. Have you seen the pictures? — If you haven't. Check her out. She's gorgeous. And she's not wearing a burqa. — She's in a bikini. And she's not wearing a burqa.

A gaffetastic new Miss USA — She nearly tripped over her gown. — She called birth control a “controlled substance.” — She argued that contraceptives should be covered by health insurers because they are “expensive” — and then said you could get them for “free” from your OB/GYN's office.
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Affirmative Action in Beauty Contests? — News that Rima Fakih, 24, of Dearborn, Michigan, won the Miss USA beauty pageant today prompts me to recall some prior instances of Muslim women winning beauty contests in Western countries. … Juliette Boubaaya, 19, was Mlle Picardie in 2009.

Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma's Arizona Immigration Answer — It's a sad day in America but a very predictable one, given the politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate in which we're mired.

Balloon Juice, The Awl, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Talking Points Memo

Right Wing Reacts With Rage To First Muslim American Miss USA …

Specter-Sestak Dem Primary Down To The Wire, Quinnipiac University Pennsylvania Poll Finds; Onorato Leads Dem Governor Primary — The Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary goes down to the wire with U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak taking 42 percent of likely primary voters to Sen. Arlen Specter's 41 percent …
RealClearPolitics, Fox News, FiveThirtyEight, Taylor Marsh, The Eye, US Liberal Politics, Newsweek Blogs,, The Atlantic Online, Top of the Ticket, Mouth of the Potomac, Firedoglake, RedState, USA Today, The Moderate Voice, Washington Wire, The Plum Line and Capitol Ideas …

White House bracing for Arlen Specter loss? — If this is true, it's significant: CBS chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer is now saying that he has it on good authority that the White House is privately bracing for Arlen Specter to lose tomorrow. — Schieffer, to my knowledge, has not said this on national TV yet.
Discussion:, Swing State Project, The Daily Beast, Hot Air, Open Left, The Confluence, Swampland, Weekly Standard, New York Times, Taegan Goddard's …, Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake, TPMDC,, Commentary, Time, AmSpecBlog, Politics Daily, Washington Post, Raw Story, Washington Wire and

Court: Sexually Dangerous Can Be Kept in Prison — Supreme Court says federal officials can indefinitely hold sexually dangerous prisoners — The Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal officials can indefinitely hold inmates considered “sexually dangerous” after their prison terms are complete.

Press Freedom, Sure. But No Questions. — There was some rich irony at the White House today — President Obama signed the Press Freedom Act, and then promptly refused to take any questions. — The new law expands the State Department's annual human rights reports to include a description of press freedoms in each country.

Obama doesn't take questions at Freedom of Press Act signing — Obama declined to answer questions at bill signing for the Freedom of Press Act. — Washington (CNN) - After the signing of the Freedom of Press Act on Monday, President Obama declined to take any questions from the press.

Saudi woman beats up virtue cop — Incident follows a wave of challenges to religious authorities. — Talkbacks (16) — Make JPOST.COM your Home Page — Iranian Threat — Jewish World — Local Israel — Arts & Culture — Français — Classifieds — Israel — Middle East

Interior official who oversees offshore drilling for MMS resigns — The top Interior Department official who oversees offshore oil and gas drilling for the Minerals Management Service will retire on May 31, The Washington Post has learned. — Chris Oynes, who oversaw oil and gas leasing …
The Atlantic Online, News Desk, The Page, Washington Monthly, Michelle Malkin and The Washington Independent

Pawlenty budget a GOP model — Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's final budget, completed early Monday morning over the protests of angry Democrats and passed in a special session of the state legislature later in the day, positions the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful as the embodiment …

Is it time to blow up the leaking Gulf oil well? BP doing its best to keep that option under wraps — Shepard Smith had a fascinating segment on the catastrophic Gulf oil spill today, featuring an interview with a former nuclear-sub captain who argued persuasively that it was time …
AMERICAblog News

Obama's aunt given OK to stay in United States — President Barack Obama's paternal aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is shown leaving federal immigration court at the John F. Kennedy building in downtown Boston this February. (Globe Staff/Photo Jonathan Wiggs) — A Boston immigration judge …

The President & Vice President's Financial Disclosure Forms — Today, the President and Vice President released their 2009 financial disclosure reports. — The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires high-level federal officials to publicly disclose their personal financial interests.
Washington Post, Swampland, Ben Smith's Blog, The Page, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

What spill? Rig owner approves $1 billion dividend to shareholders — Five days after appearing before Congress to testify about its responsibility in one of the worst oil spills in US history, the Swiss company that owned and operated the oil rig that sunk into the Gulf of Mexico announced …

Too Far? Family Guy's Vietnam Veterans Memorial ‘Joke’ — It's not a secret that Family Guy is famous for its offensiveness and tendency to cross the politically correct line. That said, I suspect they may be called upon to issue some sort of apology after tonight's episode (not that they will …

The Great Consolidation — This feels like a populist moment. Americans are Tea Partying. Greeks are rioting. Incumbents are being thrown out; the Federal Reserve is facing an audit; Goldman Sachs is facing prosecution. In Kentucky, Ron Paul's son might be about to win a Republican Senate primary.

Why Does Academia Treat Its Workforce So Badly? — A piece on adjuncts in Inside Higher Ed has been attracting a lot of attention among academics of my acquaintance. Its description of academic life is shockingly brutal—shocking even to me, who knows enough PhDs to be acquainted with the dismal facts:

Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously) — Woody Allen and wife Soon-Yi Previn. (AP) — Woody Allen has a strange take on the democracy that allowed him to become rich and famous. — The “Scoop” director said it would be a cool idea …
Hot Air

The Revenue Limits of Tax and Spend — Whether rates are high or low, evidence shows our tax system won't collect more than 20% of GDP. — The Greeks have always been trendsetters for the West. Washington has repudiated two centuries of U.S. fiscal prudence as prescribed by the Founding Fathers …

In Ky., confident Paul foresees ‘a tea party tidal wave coming’ — BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Even before Republican voters in Kentucky cast their ballots on Tuesday, the favorite in the Republican U.S. Senate primary has already declared “there's a tea party tidal wave coming.”

Birthers v. Truthers, Again — By: Jonah Goldberg — As I wrote last year, I find it amazing that the “Birthers” are considered more dangerous and evil than the “Truthers.” The Birthers believe that an ambitious man who travelled a lot as a kid has concealed the circumstances of his birth so he could be eligible for the presidency.

Politics as Entertainment — One of the most disturbing trends in American politics has been the increasing rise of conservative pundits who I don't think are honestly mistaken or lying for tactical political advantage, but rather just making stuff up because they don't really care …

Eyewitness: On the Ground With the Tim Burns Campaign in Pennsylvania — The conservative, grassroots movement has successfully shown that gerrymandered congressional districts and state boundaries no longer limit citizen involvement in any campaign regardless of where you live.

Texas teacher singles out Latino student during SB-1070 discussion, says Mexicans always ‘expect handouts.’ — The San Antonio News reports that a Jefferson High School English teacher has been “removed from the classroom” for singling out a Latino student wearing a Mexican soccer jersey and publicly insulting him.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Public option is alive and well, but hidden — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn't kidding when she famously said Congress had to pass Obamacare “so you can see what's in it.” And now as more people find out what's in the 2,700-plus pages of the law, a steadily lengthening list …
The Lonely Conservative

Israel Roiled After Chomsky Barred From West Bank — JERUSALEM — A fierce debate broke out in Israel on Monday amid finger pointing and hand wringing over the country's refusal a day earlier to permit Noam Chomsky, the linguist and icon of the American left, to enter the occupied West Bank from Jordan.