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A gaffetastic new Miss USA — She nearly tripped over her gown. — She called birth control a “controlled substance.” — She argued that contraceptives should be covered by health insurers because they are “expensive” — and then said you could get them for “free” from your OB/GYN's office.
The Anchoress, American Prospect, The Moderate Voice, This Just In, American Power, Debbie Schlussel, alicublog, Cassy Fiano, Jules Crittenden, Daily Kos, Don Surber, theblogprof, JammieWearingFool, The Powers That Be, DaTechguy's Blog, Left Coast Rebel, Atlas Shrugs and DISSENTING JUSTICE

Affirmative Action in Beauty Contests? — News that Rima Fakih, 24, of Dearborn, Michigan, won the Miss USA beauty pageant today prompts me to recall some prior instances of Muslim women winning beauty contests in Western countries. … Juliette Boubaaya, 19, was Mlle Picardie in 2009.
Right Now, TPM LiveWire, PopWatch, Detroit Free Press, Guardian, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Swampland, Talking Points Memo and The New Republic

Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma's Arizona Immigration Answer — It's a sad day in America but a very predictable one, given the politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate in which we're mired.

CONSERVATIVES FIND GREAT IMPORTANCE IN MISS USA PAGEANT.... Who knew political conservatives cared so deeply about a beauty pageant? — Last week, organizers of the Miss USA pageant published promotional photos recently of contestants wearing lingerie. Fox News' Sean Hannity and Rep. Louie Gohmert …

Miss Oklahoma Named First Runner Up in Miss USA Pageant After Answering Immigration Question — Miss Oklahoma Morgan Elizabeth Woolard lost the crown to Miss Michigan Rima Fakih.

Crowning of Arab-American As Miss USA Unleashes Torrent of Attacks From the Right — Miss Michigan Rima Fakih, 24, made history this week as the first Arab-American to win the Miss USA competition, here. — The extreme right has gone ballistic -painting Fakih as a mole for Hamas and part …
The Moderate Voice, The Lede, entertainment.blogs …, Debbie Schlussel and The Jawa Report

Right Wing Reacts With Rage To First Muslim American Miss USA …

Specter-Sestak Dem Primary Down To The Wire, Quinnipiac University Pennsylvania Poll Finds; Onorato Leads Dem Governor Primary — The Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary goes down to the wire with U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak taking 42 percent of likely primary voters to Sen. Arlen Specter's 41 percent …

White House bracing for Arlen Specter loss? — If this is true, it's significant: CBS chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer is now saying that he has it on good authority that the White House is privately bracing for Arlen Specter to lose tomorrow. — Schieffer, to my knowledge, has not said this on national TV yet.

The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment — In 2003, several prominent Jewish philanthropists hired Republican pollster Frank Luntz to explain why American Jewish college students were not more vigorously rebutting campus criticism of Israel. In response, he unwittingly produced …
The Moderate Voice, The Atlantic Online, The Daily Dish, Ezra Klein, Tablet Magazine, ATTACKERMAN, Laura Rozen's Blog, Israel Matzav, Maggie's Farm, Matthew Yglesias, Taylor Marsh, Mondoweiss, Newsweek Blogs, AmSpecBlog, Democracy in America, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Mother Jones, The Washington Note, News Desk, Balloon Juice, TPMCafe, Swampland, Ben Smith's Blog, The Huffington Post, The Other McCain and

Court: Sexually Dangerous Can Be Kept in Prison — Supreme Court says federal officials can indefinitely hold sexually dangerous prisoners — The Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal officials can indefinitely hold inmates considered “sexually dangerous” after their prison terms are complete.

Iran to resume uranium enrichment — (CNN) — Iran appeared to make a concession in its long-running dispute with the international community Monday, only to throw a potential spoiler into the mix soon after. — Tehran said it had agreed to send thousands of pounds of low-enriched uranium …

Uranium Offer by Iran May Hinder Efforts on Sanctions
Laura Rozen's Blog, The Daily Dish, Commentary, Brazil Portal, RubinReports, The Washington Independent, The Page and FrumForum

Too Far? Family Guy's Vietnam Veterans Memorial ‘Joke’ — It's not a secret that Family Guy is famous for its offensiveness and tendency to cross the politically correct line. That said, I suspect they may be called upon to issue some sort of apology after tonight's episode (not that they will …

Obama doesn't take questions at Freedom of Press Act signing — Obama declined to answer questions at bill signing for the Freedom of Press Act. — Washington (CNN) - After the signing of the Freedom of Press Act on Monday, President Obama declined to take any questions from the press.

Why Does Academia Treat Its Workforce So Badly? — A piece on adjuncts in Inside Higher Ed has been attracting a lot of attention among academics of my acquaintance. Its description of academic life is shockingly brutal—shocking even to me, who knows enough PhDs to be acquainted with the dismal facts:

Interior official who oversees offshore drilling for MMS resigns — The top Interior Department official who oversees offshore oil and gas drilling for the Minerals Management Service will retire on May 31, The Washington Post has learned. — Chris Oynes, who oversaw oil and gas leasing …

Palin Calls Huntsman Out — Even though Jon Huntsman, Jr. stopped pretending not to run for president to become President Obama's ambassador to China, associates of the former Utah Governor say that he will return to the U.S. as a proud Republican and will probably try to position himself for a 2016 run.

The Great Consolidation — This feels like a populist moment. Americans are Tea Partying. Greeks are rioting. Incumbents are being thrown out; the Federal Reserve is facing an audit; Goldman Sachs is facing prosecution. In Kentucky, Ron Paul's son might be about to win a Republican Senate primary.

Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously) — Woody Allen and wife Soon-Yi Previn. (AP) — Woody Allen has a strange take on the democracy that allowed him to become rich and famous. — The “Scoop” director said it would be a cool idea …

The President & Vice President's Financial Disclosure Forms — Today, the President and Vice President released their 2009 financial disclosure reports. — The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires high-level federal officials to publicly disclose their personal financial interests.

Texas teacher singles out Latino student during SB-1070 discussion, says Mexicans always ‘expect handouts.’ — The San Antonio News reports that a Jefferson High School English teacher has been “removed from the classroom” for singling out a Latino student wearing a Mexican soccer jersey and publicly insulting him.

E-mails reveal Times Square suspect's frustration — New York (CNN) — Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in the failed car bombing in New York's Times Square, was frustrated with the state of the Muslim world and sought a way to “fight back.” — Two e-mails obtained by CNN help piece together …

Bat fellatio causes a scandal in academia — University College Cork in Ireland is coming under international pressure to lift a punishment meted out to one of its academics. Dylan Evans, a psychologist at the university's school of medicine, has been saddled with a two-year period …

Andrew Breitbart's empire of bluster. — On Sunday, March 21st, the day that the House voted to pass health-care reform, Andrew Breitbart, the conservative Internet entrepreneur, was thousands of miles away, at home in Westwood, a neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Big Government

Birthers v. Truthers, Again — By: Jonah Goldberg — As I wrote last year, I find it amazing that the “Birthers” are considered more dangerous and evil than the “Truthers.” The Birthers believe that an ambitious man who travelled a lot as a kid has concealed the circumstances of his birth so he could be eligible for the presidency.

Anti-Qaeda Sunni imams slaughtered in Iraq: military — BAQUBA, Iraq — Two Sunni Arab imams were brutally killed on Monday in Iraq, including one who was decapitated and had his head planted on a power pole, in attacks blamed on Al-Qaeda, military officials said.
The Jawa Report

Going to Extreme — Utah Republicans have denied Robert Bennett, a very conservative three-term senator, a place on the ballot, because he's not conservative enough. In Maine, party activists have pushed through a platform calling for, among other things, abolishing both the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education.
The Note, BBC, Wall Street Journal, No More Mister Nice Blog, Prairie Weather and AMERICAblog News