Top Items:
Alexander Burns / The Politico:
Sestak, Paul score wins as Lincoln faces runoff — Upstart Senate candidates claimed two stunning victories in primary elections Tuesday night as Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Sestak denied incumbent Democrat Arlen Specter renomination to a sixth term and Kentucky insurgent Rand Paul easily bested …
CNN,, Taylor Marsh, FiveThirtyEight, Scared Monkeys, Blog, Hit & Run and Democratic Strategist
Specter Defeat Signals a Wave Against Incumbents — WASHINGTON — Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who left the Republican Party a year ago in hopes of salvaging a 30-year career, was rejected on Tuesday by Democratic primary voters, with Representative Joe Sestak winning the party's nomination …
Andy Barr / The Politico:
Arlen Specter warns of tea party ‘take over’ — As voters considered his fate throughout Pennsylvania, Sen. Arlen Specter warned on Tuesday that without him Democrats may not be able to fend off a tea party “takeover.” — “What you see happening across the country is that the tea party organization …
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
Is Rand Ron's Son? Or The Most Powerful Republican In The Woooorld? — Rand Paul is in the spotlight tonight. He's enjoying Scott Brown-like status as the Most Powerful Republican In The World. And look: he says he represents the Tea Party movement. So that must be the end of it, right?
Hot Air
Associated Press:
Specter rejected by Pa. Dems in bid for 6th term — U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter has been defeated in a Pennsylvania primary in his bid for a sixth term after taking the risky step of switching to the Democratic Party. — Voters today picked U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak as the party's nominee and rejected …
Discussion:, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Scared Monkeys,, SENATUS, Hot Air, Left Coast Rebel and Weasel Zippers
Tea Party Supporter Rand Paul Defeats GOP Favorite in Kentucky — Incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln Couldn't Secure Enough Votes to Avoid Runoff Against Labor-Backed Candidate — In a symbol of the growing anti-Washington sentiment across the country, Rep. Joe Sestak defeated five-term senator Arlen Specter …
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Election Night Homethread (5/18/10) — 9:45 PM [Nate]. Sestak officially takes the lead. And 2/3 of Philly has been counted. How can Specter win? He probably can't. — 9:44 PM [Nate]. The Democrat Critz leads big — 58 to 39 — in PA-12 special election so far. — 9:40 PM.
Swing State Project, Ballot Box, The Atlantic Online, Daily Kos, Guardian and The Mahablog
Sestak Knocks Out Specter — Specter concedes race — To view this video you must to have Flash Player 9.0 or later installed. Click to download the most recent version of Flash. — U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak has knocked off five-term U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter in the Democratic Senate primary.
Associated Press:
Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party
Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party
Associated Press, SENATUS, Outside The Beltway, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice and
Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain:
PA-12 LIVE Election Results; UPDATE: Democrat Wins; Burns Concedes — Election results online here. — 11:30 p.m. ET: Well, everybody else has gone to drown their sorrows, but I've still got to hit a late deadline for The American Spectator. A defeat is always harder to report than a victory.
Sean Trende / Real Clear Politics:
2010: Anti-Incumbent, Anti-Liberal, or Anti-Democrat?
2010: Anti-Incumbent, Anti-Liberal, or Anti-Democrat?
Right Now, Wall Street Journal, Hot Air, The Confluence, Questions and Observations and Politics Nation
Christina Bellantoni / TPMDC:
Confident Dems Goad GOP By Calling PA-12 A ‘Must-Win’ For Republicans Today
Confident Dems Goad GOP By Calling PA-12 A ‘Must-Win’ For Republicans Today
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Uh oh: Media not rallying to Blumenthal's side after press conference — A bit of candy to chew on while we await Benedict Arlen's fate. I think Blumenthal went out there today figuring that a confrontational, rather than contrite, posture — let no one impugn my service! — was the fastest way to the lefty base's hearts.
Rep. Souder And Mistress Recorded Video Praising Abstinence (WATCH) — Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) had an affair with a part-time staffer named Tracy Jackson, Fox is reporting. Jackson played the role of interviewer for a Souder Web video show on the issues of the day — including one on the value of abstinence.
Press Releases …, The Speakers Lobby, Pam's House Blend, Beltway Confidential, Talking Points Memo, Taylor Marsh, Clusterstock, Joe. My. God., Right Pundits, Gawker, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Matthew Yglesias, The Atlantic Online, Crooks and Liars, The Awl, Hullabaloo, Raw Story, The Corner on National …, Liberty Pundits Blog, Wonkette, Outside The Beltway, Mother Jones, First Draft, Mediaite, Washington Monthly and Newsweek Blogs
Exclusive: Indiana Rep. Mark Souder to Resign Amid Allegations …
The Journal Gazette, The Caucus, The Moderate Voice, Michelle Malkin, The Bilerico Project, Metro Weekly, Indecision Forever, Right Now, Liveshots, DownWithTyranny!, Talking Points Memo, Little Green Footballs, The Eye,, TPMMuckraker, AMERICAblog Gay, The Fix, Feministing, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Pam's House Blend, National Review, Hot Air, Daily Kos, JustOneMinute, Wonkette, The Impolitic, Liberty Pundits Blog, Weasel Zippers, Politics Nation, Riehl World View, Instapundit and Confederate Yankee
Washington Post:
Rep. Mark Souder's resignation comes after anonymous tips about affair
Rep. Mark Souder's resignation comes after anonymous tips about affair
The Huffington Post, Right Now, Beltway Confidential, Democratic Strategist and TPMMuckraker
EpicFail: Blanche Lincoln Turned Away From Home Polling Place This Morning — Sen. Blanche Lincoln suffered what might be one of the all-time greatest campaign staff fails this morning. According to her campaign staff, Lincoln was initially turned away when she tried to vote at her home …
Blue Arkansas, Wonkette, The Swamp, Gateway Pundit, Swing State Project, Newsweek Blogs and Taylor Marsh
Sean J. Miller / Ballot Box:
Lincoln and Halter head to runoff in Arkansas — Lt. Gov. Bill Halter (D) forced Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D) into a June 8 runoff after both failed to win a majority of the vote in Tuesday's Senate primary. — Lincoln led Halter 44 to 42 percent with more than half the state's precincts reporting.
Breaking: Campbell Brown Leaving CNN After Network Grants Release From Contract (UPDATE) — Mediaite has learned CNN has granted anchor Campbell Brown's request to be let out early from her contract. — She has agreed to stay on and anchor the 8pmET hour until a replacement is found.
Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash — A telephone call between a financial adviser in Beverly Hills and a trader in New York was all it took to fleece taxpayers on a water-and-sewer financing deal in West Virginia. The secret conversation was part of a conspiracy stretching across …
Chris Bowers / Open Left:
Crotchety Progressive Rant — I am outraged by this, because this is outrageous. — And yet, where are the street protests in response to this outrage? No, not those protests—we need bigger ones. There should be hundreds of thousands of people out there protesting this. Every day.
Memo from 2002 could complicate challenge of Arizona immigration law — In the legal battle over Arizona's new immigration law, an ironic subtext has emerged: whether a Bush-era legal opinion complicates a potential Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona.
Ex-Harvard student accused of living a lie — He crafted an elaborate web of lies to con his way into Harvard University, authorities say, but Adam B. Wheeler wasn't content to graduate quietly and get away with just a degree. — After two years of blending into campus life and racking …
Major Powers Have Deal on Sanctions for Iran — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced an agreement on Tuesday with other major powers, including Russia and China, to impose a fourth set of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, setting the stage for an intense tug of war …
Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Reuters, Washington Post, New York Times, The White House, Guardian, The Atlantic Online, Newsweek Blogs, The Impolitic, Outside The Beltway, Politics Daily, Commentary, Laura Rozen's Blog, The Daily Beast, Daniel W. Drezner, The Politico, Taylor Marsh, Israel Matzav, Mother Jones, Tablet Magazine and YID With LID
Jefferson County geometry teacher uses wrong example to teach angles — assassination of President Barack Obama — and Carol Robinson — The Birmingham News — A Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used assassinating President Barack Obama as a way to teach angles to his geometry students.
New York Times:
Grim Milestone: 1,000 Americans Dead — He was an irreverent teenager with a pregnant girlfriend when the idea first crossed his mind: Join the Army, raise a family. She had an abortion, but the idea remained. Patrick S. Fitzgibbon, Saint Paddy to his friends, became Private Fitzgibbon.