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Palin: Maddow Was ‘Prejudiced’ In Her Rand Paul Interview — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin accused MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Sunday of conducting a “prejudiced” interview with Rand Paul, in which the Tea Party candidate infamously aired skepticism about the reach of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Rand Paul is Learning What It's Like to Be Me, Says Sarah Palin — Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul is feeling what it is like to be Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice presidential candidate said Sunday, comparing the media's preoccupation with Paul's recent statements …

Palin: A Slip on Oil Industry Ties? — Former Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin stirred up more controversy over the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico Sunday when she suggested that the administration's response was linked to “the oil companies who have so supported President Obama in his campaign.”
The Political Carnival

Steele not comfortable with Rand Paul's views on civil rights — In a “This Week” interview Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said he was not comfortable with Rand Paul's views on civil rights. Steele's comments came in a debate with DNC Chairman Tim Kaine.

QUOTE OF THE DAY.... Following up on an earlier item, RNC Chairman Michael Steele conceded he's not “comfortable” with Rand Paul's opposition to the Civil Rights Act. " It only took him the whole week to say so. — But on ABC's “This Week” earlier, host Jake Tapper asked a related question …
Balloon Juice

Lamar Alexander: I Can Still Support Rand Paul
Little Green Footballs

Steele and Kaine stand by Paul, Blumenthal despite controversies

Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race — Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.

Yemeni cleric advocates killing US civilians — CAIRO - An American-Yemeni cleric whose Internet sermons are believed to have helped inspire attacks on the U.S. has advocated the killing of American civilians in an al-Qaida video released Sunday. — Anwar al-Awlaki has been singled …
Associated Press, The Jawa Report, American Power, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Talking Dog, Jihad Watch and Weasel Zippers

Washington Post: ‘Most women...cross their legs when sitting, but not Elena Kagan.’ — Given that the oil spill, along with other events, has overshadowed the recent SCOTUS nomination, I was scouring my RSS for news this morning regarding Elena Kagan and stumbled upon this …

Earth will bite us back, warns Irons — There are too many humans and disease may restore the balance, the actor claims — The world is becoming so overpopulated that nature will one day wreak its revenge, claims Jeremy Irons, the actor. — Launching himself as a green campaigner …

White House in Denial; Public Wants Real Action on BP Oil Disaster NOW — Skip the green ones, use the yellow and the red ones. (photo: rintakumpu via Flickr) — It's been more than 30 days since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and the well nearly a mile below on the sea floor began …

Chicken costumes banned at Nev. polling places — RENO, Nev. — Voters dressed in chicken costumes won't be allowed inside Nevada polling places this year. — State election officials on Friday added chicken suits to the list of banned items after weeks of ridicule directed at Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden.

America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control — America faces a new culture war. — This is not the culture war of the 1990s. It is not a fight over guns, gays or abortion. Those old battles have been eclipsed by a new struggle between two competing visions of the country's future.
Mother Jones, Seeing the Forest, Liberal Values, Dennis the Peasant and Matthew Yglesias

Who wants to be the next DNI? — With Dennis Blair getting the shove out the door from the Oval Office in a manner described by CBS as “graceless,” one can't help but wonder why anyone would leap to replace the Director of National Intelligence. According to Politico, the most qualified candidates share that skepticism.

Japanese Leader Gives In to U.S. on Okinawa Base — TOKYO — Reneging on a prominent campaign promise, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama told outraged residents of Okinawa on Sunday that an American air base would be moved only to the north side of the island rather than off the island.

Djou wins special election for Congress — Hanabusa leads Case with nearly all the votes counted — Republican Charles Djou emerged victorious tonight in the special election to fill Hawaii's vacancy in Congress, giving Hawaii it's first GOP member of Congress in 20 years.

Charles Djou, Republicans capture Hawaii House seat
Politics Daily, Taylor Marsh, American Power, Washington Post, Big Government, Weekly Standard and Freedom's Lighthouse