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Biden solidifies defense of Israel: 'What's the big deal here?' — Vice President Joe Biden offered the White House's strongest defense yet of Israeli's actions off the coast of Gaza this week in an interview with Charlie Rose airing tonight on PBS. — “I think Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest.
Discussion:, Israel Matzav, Haaretz, Hot Air, Power Line, Taylor Marsh, Moonbattery and The Corner on National …

Romanoff: W.H. suggested three jobs — Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff confirmed Wednesday that Jim Messina, President Barack Obama's deputy chief of staff, suggested three administration jobs that would be available to him last September if he dropped his plans to run against U.S …

Colorado Dem: Actually, the White House offered me three jobs to quit the primary — Not only does he name names — as the Denver Post originally reported, it was indeed deputy chief of staff Jim Messina who contacted him about dropping out — but he's actually released Messina's e-mail …

AP Sources: Admin talked jobs with Romanoff — WASHINGTON — Administration officials dangled the possibility of a job for former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff last year in hopes he would forgo a challenge to Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet, administration officials said Wednesday …

Democratic Senate Candidate: White House Floated Possible Jobs If I Chose to Not Run Against Incumbent — Andrew Romanoff, the former speaker of the Colorado house of representatives, issued a statement Wednesday evening claiming that the White House raised the possibility that he might …

Anchor accuses own network of ‘embarrassing’ bias in Israel coverage — What you' re about to read is perfectly true. I came within a butterfly fart of firing this memo off to my boss this morning in a fit of real rage. But my wife, yet again, intervened. — “You've been whining like this for ten years.
Weasel Zippers

‘We face international hypocrisy’ — PM: “This was not a ‘Love Boat’, it was a hate boat.” — Talkbacks (88) — Make JPOST.COM your Home Page — Iranian Threat — Jewish World — Local Israel — Arts & Culture — Français — Classifieds — Israel — Middle East
Washington Post, Maggie's Farm, Flopping Aces, New York Times, Sense of Events and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Lying About the Gaza Flotilla Attack — It's been one lie after another in the US media about the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound relief flotilla. No matter that the Israeli media views the whole incident as a debacle for Israel, in this country the Israel-can-do-no-wrong crowd is on overdrive defending the operation.

Exclusive: Interview with Senior Israeli Official from COGAT — This evening, the IDF Spokesman's New Media Unit arranged for an exclusive blogger-press-conference with a senior official from COGAT, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, which among its responsibilities …
Elder of Ziyon

Barney Frank calls for probe of Gaza raid
Commentary,, The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, Weasel Zippers, Solomonia, The Page and Firedoglake

Obama talks to leaders in hopes of avoiding repeat of Israeli attack
Ben Smith's Blog

Flotilla aid refused by Hamas
YID With LID, Eunomia, Ynetnews, AmSpecBlog, Liberty Pundits Blog, Harry's Place and JOSHUAPUNDIT

Bauer campaign adviser asked to resign — Republican gubernatorial hopeful Andre Bauer said today he has asked for and received the resignation of a political consultant for “inappropriate conduct” but would say little more. — Lt. Gov. Bauer announced that adviser Larry Marchant gave him his resignation at noon today.
Associated Press, New York Times, RedState, The Other McCain, Flopping Aces, AmSpecBlog, FITSNews, Democratic Strategist and Riehl World View

Haley, Bauer square off in forum hour after 2nd affair rumor surfaces … Haley. — WEST ASHLEY, SC (WCSC) - Fireworks of a political nature opened the GOP Candidates Forum Wednesday night when gubernatorial hopefuls Nikki Haley and Andre Bauer were asked about a second set of allegations …

Gaza flotilla: How Israel's ministry of foreign affairs fakes photos of seized weapons — On the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs' Flickr page, the pictures of the so-called weapons seized on the ships taking part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla provide ample evidence of the deviousness of those darned anti-semitic terrorists.

Holloway suspect sought in Peru killing — Arrest warrant issued for van der Sloot after woman's death — A young Dutchman previously arrested in the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway is the prime suspect in a weekend murder of a Peruvian woman, police said Wednesday.

Charge to Obama: ‘Go off!’ — President Obama goes one-on-one with Larry King on Thursday night to talk about the oil spill, economic turmoil and war. Don't miss the president on “Larry King Live,” 9 p.m. ET Thursday, only on CNN. — (CNN) — In the weeks since an oil rig exploded …

Carville unrepentant on W.H. criticism — James Carville walked into one of his favorite New Orleans eateries, Eleven 79, Tuesday night — and was stunned to find BP CEO Tony Hayward and Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the two men tasked with stopping the Gulf spill, eating dinner together.

Obama whacks GOP in Pittsburgh — PITTSBURGH — President Barack Obama — seizing on the smash-mouth spirit of the Steelers — delivered his first major midterm hit on the GOP on Wednesday during a quick trip to Western Pennsylvania. — Obama has largely been on the defensive during …
The Hill, Republican Leader John Boehner, Weasel Zippers, Doug Ross, Wizbang, Right Now, PostPartisan, CNN, Nice Deb and Liberal Values

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the Privacy Hot Seat at D8 — When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was last on the D stage-at D6 in 2008-the company was still reeling from the privacy backlash over its Beacon advertising system. Months earlier, Zuckerberg had apologized for Facebook's disregard …

Housing Double Dip a Done Deal — Everybody take a nice long look at today's Pending Home Sales Index from the National Association of Realtors, because it's just about the last positive picture we're going to see for a while. — Yes, the index rose even more than expected …

The Times, They Are a-Changing — By: Victor Davis Hanson — At the present rate, Turkey has about as much business in NATO as Greece does in the EU. Both countries seem out of place in their respective organizations; both envy and resent northern Europe and the United States …

British Airways red-faced over faux image of Bin Laden boarding pass — It just seems like a bad time for any firm with the word “British” in its title. We know all too well the various setbacks experienced by the oil giant once known as British Petroleum; now British Airways has drawn …

Disclosed Partisanship — In February 1996, then-White House aide and current Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan co-authored a memorandum to deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes regarding whether President Clinton should support proposed amendments to the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance bill.
Weekly Standard

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario — BP Plc's failure since April to plug a Gulf of Mexico oil leak has prompted forecasts the crude may continue gushing into December in what President Barack Obama has called the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

RAHM EMANUEL (and Valerie Jarrett) SUBPOENAED BY BLAGOJEVICH: ATTORNEY — President Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel was subpoenaed by the defense to testify in Rod Blagojevich's upcoming trial, a Blagojevich attorney told the Chicago Sun-Times. — “Yes, he's been subpoenaed by the defense …