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W.H. political team stumbles, bumbles — They toppled Hillary Clinton, crushed John McCain and managed to get the first black man elected president of the United States. — But now a series of recent missteps just keeps getting worse for Barack Obama's political operation …

Romanoff: W.H. suggested three jobs — Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff confirmed Wednesday that Jim Messina, President Barack Obama's deputy chief of staff, had suggested three administration jobs that would be available to him if he dropped his plans to run against U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet …

Colorado Dem: Actually, the White House offered me three jobs to quit the primary — Not only does he name names — as the Denver Post originally reported, it was indeed deputy chief of staff Jim Messina who contacted him about dropping out — but he's actually released Messina's e-mail …
Denver Post, Cassy Fiano, Weasel Zippers, TigerHawk, Ben Smith's Blog, Weekly Standard and Pundit & Pundette

White House Confirms Discussing Jobs With Candidate

News Analysis: Oil Leak Crimps White House Agenda
Discussion:, The Swamp, Reuters, Los Angeles Times, The Caucus, Prairie Weather, CNN and Brilliant at Breakfast

American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead — Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head — A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today.

Anchor accuses own network of ‘embarrassing’ bias in Israel coverage — What you' re about to read is perfectly true. I came within a butterfly fart of firing this memo off to my boss this morning in a fit of real rage. But my wife, yet again, intervened. — “You've been whining like this for ten years.

Erdogan and the Decline of the Turks — When I asked the prime minister about stories alleging a U.S.-Israeli murder and organ selling scheme in Iraq, he could not bring himself to condemn them. — Israeli special forces and their commanders were apparently shocked to find their boarding attempt …

Biden solidifies defense of Israel: 'What's the big deal here?' — Vice President Joe Biden offered the White House's strongest defense yet of Israeli's actions off the coast of Gaza this week in an interview with Charlie Rose airing tonight on PBS. — “I think Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest.

New Israeli Tack Needed on Gaza, U.S. Officials Say
Think Progress, Guardian, Haaretz, Time,, Ben Smith's Blog, FP Passport, Laura Rozen's Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

'I'd do it again' former President Bush tells Grand Rapids crowd about waterboarding terrorists … GRAND RAPIDS — Former President George W. Bush was by turns affable, relaxed — and deadly serious in his local appearance Wednesday. — “Yeah, we water-boarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,” …

TRENDING: Bush: No regrets for waterboarding — (CNN) - In some of his most candid comments since leaving the White House, former President George W. Bush said Wednesday he has no regrets about authorizing the controversial waterboarding technique to interrogate terrorist suspects and wouldn't hesitate to do so again.

Female Gov Hopeful Faces 2nd Sex Claim — Woman running for SC governor bashing claim of another affair made by accuser with no proof — A South Carolina lobbyist resigned from a rival political campaign on Wednesday and then became the second man to claim he had a tryst …

Bauer campaign adviser asked to resign
Associated Press, New York Times, RedState, The Other McCain, Flopping Aces, AmSpecBlog, Democratic Strategist, FITSNews and Riehl World View

Gershwin Prize event at White House: A really big night for Sir Paul McCartney — Hope may have gotten him elected, but in President Obama's White House on Wednesday evening, it was all love. The reverent, paralyzing, smile-until-your-face-cramps kind of love — all of it aimed at Paul McCartney.

Nuclear Option on Gulf Oil Spill? No Way, U.S. Says — The chatter began weeks ago as armchair engineers brainstormed for ways to stop the torrent of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico: What about nuking the well? — Decades ago, the Soviet Union reportedly used nuclear blasts …
The Corner on National …, The Lede, Hit & Run, The Oil Drum, Dot Earth, Gawker and Washington Post

Balls — See if you can find the person in this video with balls: — Paul Brasel — KeninMontana said it best, “That kid has balls that CLANK solid steel.” Good on him. — Robert Mahoney — I am glad the picture said it all. I frankly don't have 7 minutes and 19 seconds to waste on idiots.

Gaza flotilla: How Israel's ministry of foreign affairs fakes photos of seized weapons — On the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs' Flickr page, the pictures of the so-called weapons seized on the ships taking part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla provide ample evidence of the deviousness of those darned anti-semitic terrorists.
The Agonist, Confederate Yankee, Elder of Ziyon, Global Voices in English, Israel Matzav, and

Obama Points a Finger at GOP — PITTSBURGH—President Barack Obama, facing political heat from both right and left over his response to the Gulf oil spill, blasted Republicans on Wednesday for what he said was a loosening of regulations on industry at the public's expense.
Beltway Confidential, Stop The ACLU, The Foundry, The Politico, Wizbang, JammieWearingFool, Right Now and Don Surber

Statehouse Picture Slowly Emerging — Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics — There's now no question that the gubernatorial turnover in November will be historic, with half or more of the states electing new governors (see our previous article on the subject here).

BP paid for agency officials' trips, meals — BP and others in the oil and gas industry have paid for dozens of trips and meals for officials at federal agencies deeply involved in Washington's response to the catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill. — A review by The Hill of gift reports …

Data Used to Justify Health Savings Effort Is Sometimes Shaky — In selling the health care overhaul to Congress, the Obama administration cited a once obscure research group at Dartmouth College to claim that it could not only cut billions in wasteful health care spending but make people healthier by doing so.

GOP senator criticizes anti-tax pledge — Sen. George Voinovich (Ohio) said the anti-tax pledge signed by his fellow Republicans conflicts with their responsibility as lawmakers to deal with the country's $13 trillion debt problem. — “I think that a lot of my colleagues have taken the pledge …

Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American — The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona's new immigration law is un-American. — The school board president …

We got the president we elected — Editor's note: Gloria Borger is a senior political analyst for CNN, appearing regularly on CNN's “The Situation Room,” “AC360°” and “State of the Union,” as well as participating in special event coverage. — Washington (CNN) — The news about Al …
Outside the Beltway, No Sheeples Here, Pajamas Media, American Spectator and USS Neverdock