Top Items:

Altered mural fuels racial debate in Prescott — A group of artists has been asked to lighten the faces of children depicted in a giant public mural at a Prescott school. — The project's leader says he was ordered to lighten the skin tone after complaints about the children's ethnicity.
Mediaite, Raw Story, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Moderate Voice, Below The Beltway, ImmigrationProf Blog, Daily Kos and Shakesville

Arizona School Demands Black & Latino Students' Faces On Mural Be Changed To White — Hard to find even the Gallows Humor in this story, so maybe we won't even try. Maybe it's time to admit that large chunks of America are in the hands of unreconstructed racists and vulgar idiots …

Prescott, Arizona mural altered to lighten children's skin tone — This mural is painted on the side of an elementary school in Prescott, Arizona. Recently completed, it features the faces of children who attend the school, but not everyone is pleased with the outcome.

Helen Thomas: Go home to Europe, Jews — Tony Snow once accused her of stating “the Hezbollah view” in her questions during the Israel/Lebanon war. Little did he know how right he was. Or maybe he did know: Watching this, it occurred to me that an 89-year-old reporter who's moved …
Public Secrets, The Moderate Voice, Riehl World View, Weasel Zippers, Dean's World and Alarming News

Helen Thomas Says Jews Should Get the Hell Out of Palestine and Back To Germany-MUST SEE VIDEO — Helen Thomas is as fair and open minded as she is good looking. The most Senior of White-House Correspondents has given up being a real reporter and instead spends her time spewing venom toward America's war …

Liz Cheney attacks Obama for saying flotilla deaths were “tragic” — It's not surprising that Liz Cheney is now faulting Obama's handling of the Israeli raid on the flotilla. What is noteworthy is how she's doing it: She's faulting the President for describing the loss of life as “tragic.”
The Moderate Voice, No More Mister Nice Blog, Arutz Sheva, Washington Monthly and Emptywheel

Turkish ambassador calls for Hamas to take part in “final solution” — In an unfortunate turn of phrase, the Turkish ambassador to Washington twice said Friday that the terrorist group Hamas is a necessary and important part of the “final solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

THIS JUST IN — With a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face outside a Columbia bar, Republican S.C. Sen. Jake Knotts called Lexington Rep. Nikki Haley, an Indian-American Republican woman running for governor, a “raghead” several times while explaining how he believed she was hiding her true religion from voters.

Haley will ‘resign’ if affairs proved — South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley is vowing to resign if either of the two men who say they've had an affair with her is ever able to prove it. — Both blogger Will Folks and lobbyist Larry Marchant have in the last two weeks claimed …

Report: Knotts Called Haley ‘F—ing Raghead,’ Attacked Her Religion, Family

NOTE TO GOP: LET IT BE.... President Obama hosted an event this week with Paul McCartney, where the legendary artist was awarded the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize. That wouldn't be especially noteworthy, were it not for a 17-word joke the songwriter told. Salon's Alex Pareene had this report:

Boehner to Bashing Beatle: Apologize!
Nice Deb, Stop The ACLU, Matthew Yglesias, alicublog, Right Now, Riehl World View and Weasel Zippers

BP hives off ‘toxic’ oil spill operation — Chief executive Tony Hayward hands responsibility for clean-up to American as new containment cap is placed on top of leak — BP is to hive off its Gulf of Mexico oil spill operation to a separate in-house business to be run by an American …

What BP Is Doing About the Gulf Gusher
New Orleans Times-Picayune, Bloomberg, The Lede, BBC, New York Times, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite, Time, The Oil Drum,, Washington Post, Swampland and The Page

Flotilla passengers: Go back to Auschwitz — Audio: IDF soldiers warn flotilla vessels they are nearing area under naval blockade, latter respond with anti-Semitic slurs — The IDF released on Friday an audio reproduction of the moments before Monday's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Report: Obama knew from the beginning that oil leak would likely last months — This makes all those golf outings, sports-team photo ops, and celebrity jams with Paul McCartney over the past six weeks feel extra special, doesn't it? … That's from frequent Olbermann guest Richard Wolffe.

Israel Derangement Syndrome — To read Charles Krauthammer today is to enter a twilight zone of an alternate reality. A country permanently occupying and colonizing a neighboring region, and treating its original inhabitants as dangerous interlopers, is the victim.

Eyewitnesses, both activists and reporters, contradict Israeli account — As Israel releases detained activists and journalists after the assault on the Gaza relief flotilla, they are beginning to tell their version of events. The story has so far been dominated by Israeli offical releases and …
Guardian, The Volokh Conspiracy, Raw Story, The Lede, Promised Land, Salon and Obsidian Wings

Obama to Nominate Clapper for DNI Tomorrow — President Obama intends to nominate Gen. James Clapper (Ret)., the current undersecretary of defense for intelligence, as Director of National Intelligence. — Pending weather, the announcement will be made in the Rose Garden tomorrow.

Report: Clapper to be nominated national intelligence director
The Politico

Glimpses of Kagan's Views in Clinton White House — WASHINGTON — A new cache of documents from Elena Kagan's days as an adviser to President Bill Clinton shows that she frequently scribbled notes in the margins of memorandums yet rarely expressed forceful views.

The Morning Plum — * There's no getting around the fact that the public is unhappy with Obama's handling of the Gulf spill: A new CBS poll finds that nearly two thirds of Americans want Obama to be doing more. — * Which prompts the question o' the day: Is it possible the public is unhappy …

Democrat Tells Libtalker He Wants Republicans Sent To Prison — JAIL MY FOES — Grayson: Michael Steele Should Be Imprisoned — While it's already no secret that far-left Rep Alan Grayson (D-FL) is a loose cannon, there's no question his fiery rhetoric has been cranked up a few notches in recent days.

AR-Sen: Halter maintains narrow lead, 49%-45% — Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 6/2-4. Likely Democratic primary voters. MoE 4% (5/24-26 results) — Democratic primary — Blanche Lincoln (D) 45 (44) — Bill Halter (D) 49 (47) — Undecided 6 (9) — Favorable/Unfavorable (among Democrats)

Justice Department's Civil Rights Division steps up enforcement — When Thomas E. Perez took over the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division in October, he found an office that was a shadow of its historic self. — Nearly 70 percent of the lawyers had left between 2003 and 2007 …
ACS Blog

Conservatives don't like FTC's journo plan — Conservative outlets are lashing out at the Federal Trade Commission after the agency released a draft proposal for “reinventing journalism.” The 47-page document, spawned from a year-long project looking into the future of the news industry …

Wife: Deepwater Horizon Crew Member Was So Worried About Safety, He Wrote His Will — Via Raw Story, we hear that one of the Deepwater Horizon crew members was so worried about safety on the oil rig, he wrote his will on his last visit home: