Top Items:
The Hill:
Helen Thomas retires after fallout from controversial Israel remarks — Helen Thomas announced Monday that “she is retiring, effective immediately,” according to a statement from Hearst newspapers. — Her decision comes after her controversial remarks about Israel hit the blogosphere.
On Media's Blog, The Politico, Gawker, Scared Monkeys, Democracy in America, ABCNEWS,, Another Black Conservative, The Impolitic, The Corner on National …, Big Journalism, Truthdig, Taylor Marsh, Right Wing News, The Jawa Report, The Moderate Voice, neo-neocon and The Daily Politics
WHITE HOUSE GONE WILD: Shirtless Favreau And Vietor's Sunday/Funday Beer Pong Match — Suns out, guns out... It's going to take more than a little oil and a brittle economy to keep these White House staffers down...or their shirts on. Check out White House spokesman Tommy Vietor …
Richard Greener / The Huffington Post:
Helen Thomas Is Out Of Work - Good Thing We've Got A “Free” Press Here — Good thing we've got a “free” press here. — Helen Thomas is out of work. She's an old lady. She bad-mouthed Israel and the Jews. She's out of work. — Pat Buchanan is still working.
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
The Night Beat, 6/7: Obama Kicks Ass. But Whose Ass? — 1. “Whose ass to kick.” The phrase that will resonate tomorrow. President Obama said it during an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer in re, his consultations with smart people about the oil spill, and what he hop[ed to learn from them.
The Monkey Cage
Isn't there some room for Helen Thomas? — Columnist Helen Thomas, a trailblazer for women journalists and one of the few in the White House press corps who courageously questioned President Bush and other officials in his administration on war, torture and U.S. policy toward Israel, announced her retirement Monday.
Jonah Goldberg / The Corner on National Review Online:
The Helen Thomas ‘Scandal’ — By: Jonah Goldberg — I think a lot of people in Washington need to get a grip. — For starters, this is a classic gaffe because Helen Thomas accidentally told the truth. She's wrong on the substance, obviously. But of course she believes the Israelis should go away.
Big Journalism, Right Now, Patterico's Pontifications, Neptunus Lex, Salon, Cold Fury, and Gawker
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite:
No, Sarah Palin, White House Press Corps Did Not Condone Helen Thomas' Comments
No, Sarah Palin, White House Press Corps Did Not Condone Helen Thomas' Comments
The Huffington Post:
White House Endorses Unlimited Liability Cap For Oil Spillers
White House Endorses Unlimited Liability Cap For Oil Spillers
Daily Kos
Doug Stanglin / USA Today:
Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires following controversial remarks
Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires following controversial remarks
Matt Welch / Hit & Run:
Helen Thomas, and the Awkward Transfer From “Straight” Reporting to Opinioneering
Helen Thomas, and the Awkward Transfer From “Straight” Reporting to Opinioneering
Fox News, Right Now, The Politico, NewsReal Blog, Matthew Yglesias, The Corner on National … and The Daily Politics
Obama looking for ‘whose ass to kick’ — (CNN) — President Barack Obama bluntly defended his administration's response to the undersea gusher fouling the Gulf of Mexico on Monday, telling an interviewer he has met with experts to learn “whose ass to kick.”
Gary Langer / ABCNEWS:
Poll: BP Oil Spill Response Rated Worse than Katrina — Most Favor Criminal Charges Against BP and Others Involved in the Gulf of Mexico Spill — By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans support the pursuit of criminal charges in the nation's worst oil spill, with increasing numbers calling it a major environmental disaster.
Our hard-core, adversarial press corps — On Friday, CNN's Ed Henry posted a series of giggly, adolescent updates on his Twitter feed, describing the events that took place at a “beach” party thrown by Joe Biden, at the Vice President's mansion, for various “reporters” and White House officials.
Mysterious Billboard Puts Obama's Face on $100,000,000,000,000 Bill, Asks: ‘But Who Will Pay the Piper?’ — ( - Thanks to an advertiser who wishes to remain anonymous, cars and trucks on Arizona Highway 260 in East Central Arizona are driving by a billboard advertisement that recently went up …
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser — In case you were tempted to buy the faux Washington outrage at BP and its gulf oil spill in recent days, here's a story that reveals a little-known corporate political connection and the quiet …
GOP bad dream: Birther on ticket — California Republicans optimistic about their prospects in November could find themselves with a bit of a problem after the votes are counted in Tuesday's primaries - a statewide ticket with the so-called “Birther Queen” as one of their candidates.
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
The 40 Best Conservative Blogs For 2010 (Version 2.0) — It's time for me to rank my favorite blogs for the 2nd quarter of 2010. Do keep in mind that as the quarter has progressed, some blogs have, of course, moved up and others have dropped, based on how often I visit them, how much I like what I see when I get there, how often...
Vietnam, Not Afghanistan, Still Longest War: Holbrooke — Richard Holbrooke. (Alex Wong / Getty Images) — Afghanistan hasn't become the U.S.' longest war; Vietnam still is, according to someone who should know, Richard Holbrooke, the Obama Administration's special representative …
Derrick Crowe / The Huffington Post:
On Afghanistan, We Know a Distraction When We See It
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
California's Unpopular Politicians — We'd never done a public poll in California before last week and the thing I found most remarkable was how much voters in the state hate all of their politicians. — Arnold Schwarzenegger of course is the least popular Governor in the country with a 20/64 approval rating.
Shot in the Dark
Human Experimentation at the Heart of Bush Administration's Torture Program — High-value detainees captured during the Bush administration's “war on terror,” who were subjected to brutal torture techniques, were used as “guinea pigs” to gauge the effectiveness of various torture techniques …
Crooks and Liars, naked capitalism, Emptywheel, Boing Boing, Raw Story, Firedoglake and New York Times
The Huffington Post:
Move On, MoveOn! — What's Your Reaction: … An Open Invitation to from the Left (AKA anti-party) Wing of the Independent Movement — Co-authored by Harry Kresky and Jason Olson — On May 2, 2010 launched its “most important campaign ever,” an effort to …
The Hankster
Left to Obama: We're not happy — And like Obama's critics on the right, many progressives seized on the administration's response to the Gulf oil spill to vent their larger frustrations. — “We thought that an election was victory. We forgot that candidates don't deliver change …
Power Line
Rasmussen Reports:
49% Say Pro-Palestinian Activists To Blame in Gaza Ship Incident — Forty-nine percent (49%) of U.S. voters believe pro-Palestinian activists on the Gaza-bound aid ships raided by Israeli forces are to blame for the deaths that resulted in the high-profile incident.
Israel Matzav, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Scared Monkeys, Power Line and Don Surber