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Sources: Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week — THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set …
Power Line,, Ben Smith's Blog, Commentary, Weasel Zippers, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Israel Matzav

Run Jerry Run — I ran into Jerry Brown the other day. Or, rather, he ran into me. Literally. — I was out for a bike ride in the Oakland hills and stopped at Redwood Regional Park to fill up my water bottle. Suddenly, up jogs Jerry, in his sweats, chugging along the trail.

Editor Tina Brown Slams Female GOP Primary Winners: These 'Wingnuts …

Brown: Whitman is like Goebbels for having political ambitions, or something
Sovern Nation

The myth of Iran's ‘isolation’ — In announcing the passage of a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran, President Obama stressed not once but twice Iran's increasing “isolation” from the world. This claim is not surprising considering that after 16 months of an …

Beyond Iran Sanctions, Plans B, C, D and ...

White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress
Pajamas Media

Obama: Economic plan is working — President Obama this morning urged passage of his proposals to stimulate hiring by small businesses through tax credits and lending incentives, arguing that such measures are partly responsible for economic recovery over the past few months.

Iowa Poll: Exposure lifts 3 GOP presidential prospects: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich — Meet Iowa's most popular 2012 GOP presidential prospects: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. — Others though, aren't as popular. — That means if Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels …

All Silent on the Lefty Front — Why haven't progressives mounted more of a challenge to the war in Afghanistan? — Earlier this month, the Pentagon released a 151-page report outlining the increasingly grim situation in Afghanistan. The paper highlighted the Afghan government …
Abu Muqawama

‘Saint Sarah’ on Newsweek cover — Eric Cantor unveils new message in Detroit today — Roger Simon returns — Linda Douglass to Atlantic Media — World Cup kickoff, 10 a.m. — MORNING JOE is live on the beach in Pensacola, Fla., ahead of President Obama's Monday visit.

Pentagon Manhunt — Blogs and Stories — Anxious that Wikileaks may be on the verge of publishing a batch of secret State Department cables, investigators are desperately searching for founder Julian Assange. Philip Shenon reports. — Pentagon investigators are trying to determine …

Obama BP gambit could fall short — The Obama administration's latest anti-BP volley is a call on the oil giant to pay up big time — not just for economic damages from the Gulf spill but also for lost wages of workers idled by the president's drilling moratorium.

Prune and Grow — Sixteen months ago, Congress passed a stimulus package that will end up costing each average taxpayer $7,798. Economists were divided then about whether this spending was worth it, and they are just as divided now. — The president's economists ran the numbers through …
The Atlantic Online, The Huffington Post, Marginal Revolution, Free exchange and Ezra Klein

New Estimates Double Rate of Oil That Flowed Into Gulf — A government panel on Thursday doubled its estimate of the amount of oil that had gushed for weeks from the out-of-control BP well even before the latest attempt to cap it. — The new calculation suggested that an amount of oil equivalent …
New Jersey Online, Washington Post, CNN, Gothamist, Raw Story, Prairie Weather, JustOneMinute and Gawker

Billions for ‘green jobs,’ whatever they are — Buried deep inside a federal newsletter on March 16 was something called a “notice of solicitation of comments” from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the Department of Labor. — “BLS is responsible for developing and implementing the collection …

Roger Simon makes his return — Since last Oct. 9, POLITICO readers have endured a hardship: the absence of Roger Simon's columns. Happily, that ends today and Simon's POLITICO family is delighted to welcome him back. — The return of Ask Dr. Politics! — Q: Where have you been? It's been months.

Alvin Greene, South Carolina Democrat Senate Nominee, Faces The Media (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Keith Olbermann has played several roles over his long media career, but on Thursday he may have had his closest brush with being a dentist. — Interviewing Alvin Greene was like pulling teeth.

On cable TV and talk radio, a push toward polarization — Any conversation about political polarization would be incomplete without a look at the media's role in shaping opinions. From my view on the front lines, I have seen a rapid escalation of extreme dialogue — sadly, something sure to guarantee high ratings.

US 16-year-old sailor found safe — A 16-year-old US sailor who went missing while sailing solo around the world has been found safe and well. — Abby Sunderland's yacht was spotted by an aerial search team in the southern Indian Ocean, midway between Australia and Africa.

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here — Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says hospital birth certificate non-existent — A college instructor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama …

Restoring leadership and integrity to the Office of Legal Counsel — In 2004, the leak of a controversial memo on the use of torture catapulted the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel into the spotlight. Fallout and debate continue, including in the context of my nomination — withdrawn this spring — to head this office.

The President Said What, Now? — President Obama is probably the last guy you'd think would introduce “ass” into the mainstream political discourse. It's like Spock barking that he's ready to “knock boots” with the Klingons. — My nine-year-old daughter looked at the front page of the paper, and her eyes grew wide:

With Revolutionaries ‘Looking On,’ Teachers Take Kids on a Protest Trip to Arizona — May 28: Jose Lara, a social studies teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, took students on an overnight “freedom ride” to Phoenix to protest what he called the “racist and outrageous” new immigration law in Arizona.

Retail sales fall but consumer sentiment strong — A customer shops in the expanded baby department at a remodelled Sam's Club in Rogers, Arkansas, June 3, 2010. REUTERS/Sarah Conard — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sales at retailers unexpectedly fell in May for the first time in eight months …

James Carville Bashes Fareed Zakaria: ‘I Wanted to Hit Him With a Football Bat’ — Democrat strategist James Carville Thursday had strong words for Fareed Zakaria who in an interview recently published at defended President Obama's handling of the Gulf Coast oil spill.

‘We Are Totally Unprepared’ — Nine years after 9/11, a chilling complacency about WMD attacks. — The most important overlooked story of the past few weeks was overlooked because it was not surprising. Also because no one really wants to notice it. The weight of 9/11 and all its implications …

Anyone have Tony Hayward's BP number? Why Obama couldn't be bothered calling the CEO — White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's boss will visit the gulf coast again next week to be seen asking after things concerning the nation's worst environmental disaster ever. This time, President Obama will stay overnight.
Agence France Presse, Don Surber, Fausta's Blog, Real Clear Politics and Real Clear Politics

Under Pressure, Teachers Tamper With Test Scores — The staff of Normandy Crossing Elementary School outside Houston eagerly awaited the results of state achievement tests this spring. For the principal and assistant principal, high scores could buoy their careers at a time when success is increasingly measured by such tests.

Pelosi: We'll stop blaming Bush when problems go away — Democrats will keep blaming George W. Bush until the problems from his administration end, according to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. — In an interview with MSNBC, Pelosi said congressional Democrats feel justified in blaming the Bush administration …

Enough with the economic recovery: It's time to pay up — Just about now, you may be a bit confused about the economy. — Some economists and policymakers look at growth in output and see the beginnings of a sustainable recovery. Others note that most of that recent growth reflects …