Top Items:

Sources: Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week — THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set …

White House denies Kristol flotilla investigation claim — The White House is sharply denying a claim by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that “the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices …

White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress
Agence France Presse, Laura Rozen's Blog, The Foundry, Pajamas Media, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and NewsReal Blog

Saint Sarah — To white evangelical women, Sarah Palin is a modern-day prophet, preaching God, flag, and family—while remaking the religious right in her own image. — Sarah Palin's pro-woman rallying cry is poised to transform the Christian right into a women's movement.

“Sarastopheles,” “Sarah Pagan,” and Other Discarded Newsweek Covers — If Newsweek is going to command a decent price, now that it's on the block, its editors are going to have to follow Norman Pearlstine's sage advice and publish stories that get people talking. The easiest way to do that?

THE HEARTBREAKING TRUCE — I received an astonishing email today from a concerned friend who has been very influential in the fight to end the scourge of abortion. — Apparently, a 2012 Republican presidential prospect in an interview with a reporter has made the suggestion that the next President …
Des Moines Register, Eunomia, Hot Air, Riehl World View, The Page, Weekly Standard and Creative Minority Report

Iowa Poll: Exposure lifts 3 GOP presidential prospects: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich — Meet Iowa's most popular 2012 GOP presidential prospects: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. — Others though, aren't as popular. — That means if Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels …

Experts review S.C. Senate ballots — The campaign of defeated Democratic Senate candidate Vic Rawl has assembled a team of national academic experts to review Tuesday's perplexing South Carolina primary results that propelled a virtually unknown, underfunded and unemployed candidate …
The Atlantic Online, The Fix, Comments from Left Field, Hot Air, Public Policy Polling, The BRAD BLOG, Swing State Project, The Awl and Gawker

Prune and Grow — Sixteen months ago, Congress passed a stimulus package that will end up costing each average taxpayer $7,798. Economists were divided then about whether this spending was worth it, and they are just as divided now. — The president's economists ran the numbers through …
Left Coast Rebel, The Huffington Post, Prairie Weather, The Atlantic Online, Ezra Klein and The Monkey Cage

One of my favorite David Brooks columns
Matthew Yglesias

All Silent on the Lefty Front — Why haven't progressives mounted more of a challenge to the war in Afghanistan? — Earlier this month, the Pentagon released a 151-page report outlining the increasingly grim situation in Afghanistan. The paper highlighted the Afghan government …

Schumer Says It ‘Makes Sense’ To ‘Strangle [Gaza] Economically’ Until It Votes The Way Israel Wants — This past Wednesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) delivered a wide-ranging speech at an Orthodox Union event in Washington, D.C. The senator's lecture touched on areas such as Iran's nuclear program …
Discussion:, Taylor Marsh, Firedoglake, Truthdig, New York Times, A Tiny Revolution, France24, TPMCafe and Mondoweiss

Pelosi: We'll stop blaming Bush when problems go away — Democrats will keep blaming George W. Bush until the problems from his administration end, according to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. — In an interview with MSNBC, Pelosi said congressional Democrats feel justified in blaming the Bush administration …

Republicans Jubilant About Gulf Coast Coverage — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Republican communication strategists in Washington and Louisiana are thrilled at the press coverage of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, according to e-mails from GOP officials accidentally sent to the Huffington Post.

Gov. Charlie Crist vetoes abortion bill — TALLAHASSEE — As he positions himself to the center in the U.S. Senate race, Gov. Charlie Crist on Friday vetoed a measure requiring most women to pay for an ultrasound and hear a description of the fetus before they can have an abortion.

Admiral Allen on Maine Boom, Tony Hayward, and How the Official Response Would Not Have Been Different If They'd Known the True Flow Rate — We sat down with the national incident commander for the BP oil spill, US Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, this morning to talk about the latest.

Allen: Uh, no one told me about Maine boom company
Gateway Pundit

A Brief, Possibly Drug-Induced Peruvian-Chasidic Interlude — Charles Mann forwarded me this video, along with a post by Alma Guillermoprieto that attempts to explain the video, nearly successfully. I don't know what to make of much anymore, especially this, though I will say it is pleasing …

Sen. Bennet: I knew White House urged Romanoff not to run — Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) said Thursday he was aware that the White House urged Andrew Romanoff not to challenge him in a primary. — Bennet told The Hill that he knew beforehand that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina …
Beltway Confidential

S.C. Rep. Knotts asked to resign — The Lexington County Republican Party on Thursday night asked GOP state Sen. Jake Knotts to resign for calling gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley a “raghead.” — The county party said the comments brought “shame” and “disgrace” to both Knotts and the state …

An Early Campaign Gaffe Makes a Non-Issue Big — You can parse a voting record. Flip-flops — political ones — are fair game. But don't talk about a woman's hair. — In one of those classic campaign gaffes, Carly Fiorina, the Republican nominee for the Senate seat held by Barbara Boxer …

Photos: Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Pictures Hanging Out with Terrorists — Turkish journalist Adem Ozkose was aboard the Mavi Marmara when it was boarded by the IDF, and he is the person credited with the photos that were misleadingly cropped by someone unknown.

Panel commissioned by Barney Frank recommends nearly $1T in defense cuts — A panel commissioned by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) is recommending nearly $1 trillion in cuts to the Pentagon's budget over the next 10 years. — The Sustainable Defense Task Force, a commission of scholars …

Millionaires make a comeback — Although hit hard during the Great Recession, the wealthy rebounded in 2009, data show. — Reporting from New York — Unemployment remains at near-record levels, and most Americans are struggling to rebuild their battered finances.

Dealing With Chermany — So here's where we are: China has done nothing to change its policy of massive currency manipulation, and its exports are surging. Meanwhile, Europe is going wild for fiscal austerity. Angela Merkel says that budget cuts will make Germany more competitive — but competitive against whom, exactly?

The Chances of a “Double-Dip” are Essentially Nil — The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research has yet to call an official end to the recession that began in December of 2007, but most forecasters (and at least one outspoken member of the Committee …

Hispanic Voters' Preferences Unchanged Post-Arizona Law — Two-to-one preference for Democrat is nearly identical to intentions before passage — PRINCETON, NJ — Hispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences since the signing of Arizona's new immigration law on April 23.

Dems up on generic ballot — For the first time since December PPP finds Democrats leading on the generic Congressional ballot, albeit by the insignificant margin of 43-41. — The biggest reason for the shift is that the party is becoming more unified. Democratic voters are planning …

Video: Dem Rep ends up with egg on his face in Bernanke hearing — The first thing law schools teach litigators is to not ask questions without knowing the answer. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) never went to law school — and it shows in this exchange from Wednesday between himself and Ben Bernanke …
The Daily Caller

Bachmann: Obama Worst President in United States History — Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is a rising star in the Republican Party, a true representative of the tea party spirit. She's plainspoken, brilliant, and incisive. She's running for re-election to the House in Minnesota.

Kagan Took Broad View of Religious Freedom — WASHINGTON — As a young White House lawyer, Elena Kagan wrote that it was “quite outrageous” for the government to force a landlord to rent an apartment to an unwed couple if doing so violated the landlord's religious beliefs against cohabitation outside the bonds of marriage.