Top Items:
Eliot A. Cohen / Wall Street Journal:
Why McChrystal Has to Go — It is intolerable for military officers to mock senior political officials, including ambassadors and the vice president. — Gen. Stanley McChrystal is a hero—a selfless, fearless and inspiring soldier. He is also something of a military genius.
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
McChrystal to Administration Official: 'I've Compromised the Mission' — During his round of phone calls to top officials of the Obama administration whom he and his team disparaged to a Rolling Stone reporter, Gen. Stanley McChrystal said, “I've compromised the mission,” a senior administration source tells ABC News.

McChrystal's Fate Unclear After Brief Meeting With Obama — WASHINGTON — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal left the White House after meeting with President Obama for about 20 minutes, departing ahead of a meeting on the war in Afghanistan later Wednesday morning, but there was no immediate word …
The Huffington Post, The New Republic, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Daniel W. Drezner, The BLT, BBC, The AfPak Channel, Beltway Confidential, The Nation, New York Times, Cato @ Liberty, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Beast, AMERICAblog News, FP Passport, Hotline On Call, The Atlantic Online, CBS News and Telegraph

McChrystal's fate unclear after brief White House meeting with Obama — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the embattled commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, met one-on-one with President Obama at the White House on Wednesday morning to apologize personally for derogatory comments …
The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, The New Republic, The Huffington Post and Politics Daily

Key meeting begins without McChrystal — General's fate still unclear after 30-minute session with Obama — General Stanley McChrystal arrives at the White House in Washington on Wednesday. — WASHINGTON - An Afghanistan strategy session is under way at the White House as scheduled without word …
CBS News, Politics Daily, Washington Wire, Gawker, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC, Newsbroke and Associated Press

Gen. McChrystal's Firing Offense — Blogs and Stories — The press is turning a story about policy into a story about penises. What matters isn't what McChrystal said about Obama—it's what he believes about Afghanistan. — It's not the insubordination, stupid. It's the war.
The Daily Dish, Washington Wire,, The Impolitic,, ABCNEWS and Mediaite
Anne E. Kornblut / Washington Post:
McChrystal article renews attention to split with Biden over Afghanistan
McChrystal article renews attention to split with Biden over Afghanistan
Ezra Klein, Laura Rozen's Blog, Outside the Beltway, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, NewsReal Blog and New York Times

Obama plans Wednesday showdown with McChrystal
The Swamp, CNN, New York Times, JustOneMinute, The Page, Blue Wave News, PostPartisan, Wonk Room, Don Surber and Truthdig
Breaking: General Stanley McChrystal tenders his resignation
Breaking: General Stanley McChrystal tenders his resignation
Guardian, Jules Crittenden, Flopping Aces, Newsweek, VetVoice, The Corner on National …, theblogprof, Another Black Conservative, neo-neocon, SWJ Blog, The Foundry, The Radio Equalizer, The Atlantic Online,,,, Shakesville, Mediaite, MyDD,, The Politico, Weekly Standard, The Hill, BLACKFIVE, No More Mister Nice Blog, Pajamas Media, Doug Ross, Washington Post, Liberty Pundits Blog, Mudville Gazette, Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Right Scoop and New York Times
Washington Post:
Why President Obama should keep Gen. McChrystal
Why President Obama should keep Gen. McChrystal
The Huffington Post, Weekly Standard, Examiner, PostPartisan, Wonkette, Commentary, Liberty Pundits Blog and Neptunus Lex
Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging — Nungesser Pleads With President To Allow Work To Continue — NEW ORLEANS — The federal government is shutting down the dredging that was being done to create protective sand berms in the Gulf of Mexico. — The berms are meant to protect the Louisiana coastline from oil.

Spitzer, Parker to host primetime CNN show — CNN announced Wednesday that Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer will host its new 8 p.m. program. — Washington (CNN) - Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and 2010 Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Kathleen Parker will co-host …
Mike Allen / The Politico:
CNN teams Spitzer, Parker at 8 — CNN announced Wednesday that Eliot Spitzer, the former New York governor, and Kathleen Parker, who won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in April for her conservative newspaper columns, are teaming up in September for a newsy conversation show at 8 p.m., replacing “Campbell Brown.”
Eric Zimmermann / The Hill:
Spitzer gets CNN show

EXCLUSIVE: Meet Senator Vitter's Trusted Aide Drove Drunk, Attacked Girlfriend, Still On the Job — Senator Of DC Madam Fame Has Had Aide Working On Women's Issues; Brent Furer's Brushes With Law Go Back to 1990s — A longtime aide to Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, who has been assigned …
The Hill, Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo, TPMMuckraker, Raw Story, First Draft, AMERICAblog News and
Associated Press:
Vitter aide resigns amid report of run-in with law — WASHINGTON (AP) — Louisiana Sen. David Vitter accepted the resignation of a longtime aide Wednesday after a news report disclosed repeated brushes with the law dating to the 1990s, the Republican's office said Wednesday.
Chris Cillizza / The Fix:
Nikki Haley wins South Carolina primary, Rep. Bob Inglis loses — South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley cruised to the Republican nomination for governor tonight, a victory that makes her not just the frontrunner for the office this fall but a likely national GOP star.
Balloon Juice, Another Black Conservative, The Politico, Don Surber, sisu, Liberty Pundits Blog and The Caucus
Molly K. Hooper / The Hill:
Barton will keep top GOP spot on Energy and Commerce panel — Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) will retain his top spot on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, according to GOP lawmakers. — Barton, who came under fire after apologizing to BP CEO Tony Hayward at a hearing last week …

The threat of illegal alien amnesty-by-executive order — NumbersUSA posted a letter on Monday from GOP Sen. Grassley and seven other Republican Senators challenging the White House on rumors of illegal alien-amnesty-by-executive order. The gist of it:
Sean J. Miller / The Hill:
Arizona Democrats urge Obama not to sue over controversial immigration law — Arizona Democrats facing tough reelection races are distancing themselves from the Obama administration as it prepares to file a lawsuit against the state over its controversial immigration law.
BBC, Reuters, Wake up America, Left Coast Rebel,, Weasel Zippers, Fausta's Blog, Weekly Standard and Wonk Room
Matt Bai / New York Times:
For Jeb Bush, Life Defending the Family Name — CORAL GABLES, Fla. — For months now, Jeb Bush has been listening as President Obama blasts his older brother's administration for the battered economy, budget deficits and even the lax oversight of oil wells.
I'm Beginning to Believe This Obama Fellow Is Unequal to the Task — by T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII — Intellectual Conservative At-Large — Summer once again tiptoes in on crepe soles to the eastern extremities of Long Island; affording, as is its wont, fresh opportunities to enjoy …

Sharia Comes to Michigan — Under Sharia law, it is forbidden to proselytize to Muslims, and no Muslim can leave the faith. Dearborn, Michigan, is home to a substantial Muslim population, and there is strong evidence that local authorities now enforce sharia in preference to the Constitution of the United States.