Top Items:

A Letter to Michael Steele — You are, I know, a patriot. So I ask you to consider, over this July 4 weekend, doing an act of service for the country you love: Resign as chairman of the Republican party. — Your tenure has of course been marked by gaffes and embarrassments …
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RNC chairman: Obama pursued Afghanistan war ‘trying to be cute’ — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was caught on video at a fundraiser in Connecticut on Thursday raising doubts about the war in Afghanistan. — The Democratic National Committee (DNC) pushed out the video …
The Politico, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Outside the Beltway, Pat Dollard, Taylor Marsh, The Note and DISSENTING JUSTICE

Dems say Steele is “rooting for failure.” Really, Dems? — By all means, Dems should go on the attack against Michael Steele for his wild comments about Afghanistan. But do they really think it's a good idea to say he's for cutting and running, is “rooting for failure” and is “betting against our troops”?

How long will the public tolerate Afghan war? — Gen. David Petraeus sailed through Senate confirmation so quickly that few people noticed what he had to say about his new job as top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan. — Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee …

Michael Steele Must Resign — I have heard Michael Steele's comments regarding Afghanistan and the President. — I have read the RNC's statement on the matter. — The RNC statement is indecipherable in the context of what Michael Steele actually said. — The war in Afghanistan is not a war of Barack Obama's choosing.

Steele's Afghanistan criticism highlights Dems' war problems
Power Line

Hurricane GOP On The Way — MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT: THERE IS A WAVE OUT THERE, AND FOR DEMOCRATS, THE HOUSE IS, AT BEST, TEETERING ON THE EDGE. — Imagine sitting in Washington's Verizon Center, listening blissfully to Carole King and James Taylor, thanks to a fast-thinking friend who managed to score four floor seats.

Are Democrats setting themselves up for failure in 2011 by not passing a budget? — The most important job news of the days was not the June jobs numbers. It was a mostly ignored vote in the House of Representatives last night. By a vote of 215 to 210, the House passed a …

U.S. Economy Shed 125,000 Jobs in June; Rate Is 9.5% — The United States added just 83,000 private-sector jobs in June, a dishearteningly low number that could add to the growing number of economists who warn that the economic recovery is stalling. — Multimedia
Real Time Economics, NO QUARTER, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Independent, Mother Jones, MyDD, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Guardian, Washington Post, The Caucus, The Confluence,, The New Republic, New York Magazine, Wonkette, Outside the Beltway, Truthdig, AMERICAblog News, The Other McCain and Fox News

Clinton Defends Byrd's KKK Ties: “He Was Trying To Get Elected” — “He once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollows from West Virginia. He was trying to get elected,” former President Bill Clinton said of Sen. Robert Byrd.
All American Blogger, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Don Surber, The Daily Caller and The Sundries Shack

Kagan Reminds Senators: Legislation Is Your Job — WASHINGTON — Supreme Court confirmation hearings are usually designed to probe a nominee's conception of the role of the justices. But this week's questioning of Elena Kagan turned into a tutorial on Congressional responsibility.

BUY THAT SENATOR A NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION.... I've noticed, from time to time, that Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) seems to be a little slow on the uptake. As the New York Times' Gail Collins noted this week, after the senator tried to talk about Wall Street reform, and demonstrated …

Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill — ( - Billy Nungesser, president of New Orleans' Plaquemines Parish, sensed that a chart showing 140 oil skimmers at work — a chart given to him by BP and the Coast Guard — was “somewhat inaccurate.”
Weasel Zippers, Scared Monkeys, Michelle Malkin, Questions and Observations, and Left Coast Rebel

Is BP rejecting skimmers to save money on Gulf oil cleanup?

We were permanently banned from the Miami-Dade Metrorail for taking photos — Update: The National Press Photographers Association is protesting the way authorities handled the situation. The Society of Professional Journalists is also looking into the situation. — By Carlos Miller

7/2: Don't Know Much About History? — There's good news for American education. About three-quarters of residents — 74% — know the U.S. declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776. The bad news for the academic system — 26% do not. This 26% includes one-fifth who are unsure …
The Confluence, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, CNN, Mediaite, TPM LiveWire and New York Magazine

Worse Than 1982? — If you've already lost your job, your prospects for finding a new one are looking dismal. Especially if you lost your job a long time ago. — Private-sector job growth has slowed. The workweek also shrunk in June, and wages fell. — The labor market is recovering …

Sharron Angle: I am not a Birther — Earlier today, I spoke exclusively to Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee to challenge Harry Reid for the Senate seat in Nevada. In the past few days, rumors have swirled that Angle is a crypto-Birther. I asked her “flat out” whether she believed Barack Obama …

Byrd Tributes Go Overboard — It is a good rule of thumb not to speak ill of the dead. But what to do when a man is celebrated beyond the limits of decorum or common sense? Must we stay silent as others celebrate the beauty and splendor of the emperor's invisible clothes?
Pat Dollard

Relatives of Harry Potter actress charged in attack — London, England (CNN) — The father and brother of a Harry Potter actress will appear in court later this month in Manchester, England, on charges of threatening to kill the young star, prosecutors said Friday.

Obama's national security officials, on the night watch — Headlights approach on an empty road. A government agent steps out of an armored SUV, carrying a locked, black satchel. — “Here's the bag,” the agent says, to the intelligence official. “Here's the key.”

Exclusive: Washington Post fails to disclose blogger's ties to White House — UPDATE: Washington Post responds, promises it will require full disclosure from all “Leadership” contributors — Kris Coratti, Communications Director of The Washington Post, issued this statement in response to Raw Story's report.