Top Items:
John Fund / Wall Street Journal:
Who Will Investigate the Investigators? — Another voter fraud scandal involving the Justice Department. — J. Christian Adams,, a former career Justice Department lawyer who resigned recently to protest political interference in cases he worked on, made some news yesterday in testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Boxer's approval ratings sink, Field Poll says — California voters are giving U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer some of the lowest approval ratings of her career, as the three-term Democrat is in a statistical dead heat against first-time GOP office-seeker Carly Fiorina, according to a new Field Poll released today.
The Atlantic Online, Weekly Standard, The Confluence, Ballot Box, TPMDC, The Page, Commentary, Real Clear Politics and The Eye
Neil Irwin / Washington Post:
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery — Federal Reserve officials, increasingly concerned over signs the economic recovery is faltering, are considering new steps to bolster growth. — With Congress tied in political knots over whether to take further action …
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Fed Kinda Sorta Considering More Aggressive Action
Fed Kinda Sorta Considering More Aggressive Action
New York Times:
The Constitution Trumps Arizona — The Obama administration has not always been completely clear about its immigration agenda, but it was forthright Tuesday when it challenged the pernicious Arizona law that allows the police to question the immigration status of people they detain for local violations.
Andy McCarthy / The Corner on National Review Online:
United States v. Arizona …
United States v. Arizona …
JustOneMinute, Tucson Citizen, Right Wing News, theblogprof, Wake up America and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Hey, Rhode Island Already Checks Immigration Status At Traffic Stops
Hey, Rhode Island Already Checks Immigration Status At Traffic Stops
Michael Memoli / The Swamp:
Sarah Palin touts “mom awakening” — Sarah Palin's political action committee has released its first campaign-style video, in which the former Alaska governor warns of a coming “stampede” by pink elephants and “Mama Grizzlies,” conservative women who want to change Washington.
William K. Wolfrum Chronicles
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
President Obama Attacks Congress for Delaying His Nominees — Is He Right? — In announcing the recess appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services — and two other nominees — today President Obama said in a statement that “It's unfortunate …

Obama to stump in KC today for Carnahan — Barack Obama makes his first visit to Kansas City today since becoming president — and he'll have U.S. Senate hopeful Robin Carnahan at his side. — Obama will talk green energy and jobs at the day's first stop, at Smith Electric Vehicles near Kansas City International Airport.

Vitter Claims Disgraced Staffer Didn't Work on Women's Issues; Records Say Otherwise — Facing reporters for the first time in weeks on Wednesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) denied a key element in the controversy surrounding a former legislative aide who remained on Vitter's staff …

Palin makes exception for military spending — Sarah Palin is waging a battle inside the “tea party” movement to exempt defense spending from the group's small-government, anti-deficit fervor. — There's growing concern among Republicans — and especially among the pro-defense neoconservative wing …

Lawyer Who Defended ‘American Taliban’ Now Heads DOJ Suit Against Arizona — Tony West, assistant U.S. attorney general. — The federal prosecutor tasked with quarterbacking the Obama administration's high-profile case against Arizona's immigration law is no stranger to controversy or the limelight.

National Public Radio is changing its name to NPR — No need for formalities here: National Public Radio now says it wants to be known simply as NPR. — So the Washington-based organization has quietly changed its name to its familiar initials. Much like the corporate names KFC or AT&T, the initials now stand for the initials.
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Another round of Prohibition, anyone? — The evening of Jan. 16, 1920, hours before Prohibition descended on America, while the young assistant secretary of the Navy, Franklin Roosevelt, drank champagne in Washington with other members of Harvard's Class of 1904, evangelist Billy Sunday preached …
Who Is IOZ?
Laura Rozen / The Politico:
Obama's interview with Israel TV — President Barack Obama gave his first interview to an Israeli outlet since taking office, to Yonit Levi, of Israel's Channel 2 TV. Conducted Wednesday at the White House, it airs today at 1pm EST on Israel's Channel 2. While there's no breaking news …
Diana Furchtgott-Roth / RealClearMarkets:
Gender Quotas In the Financial Sector? — WASHINGTON - What one finds when reading congressional legislation is invariably surprising. Take the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill, for instance, which was created by merging Senate and House bills. When the Senate returns from recess …
Christopher Edley Jr / New York Times:
Let Treasury Rescue the States — HERE in California, where people tiresomely boast that the state's gross domestic product exceeds that of all but seven nations, I keep expecting a ballot initiative demanding admission to the Group of 8 industrialized nations.

Blago trial could singe W.H. — It's the trial the White House hopes you won't watch. — The federal corruption saga of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been rattling along during the sweltering Chicago summer, offering a daily dose of low-grade theatrics, low-impact bombshells and low-brow humor.

BP Sets New Spill Target — Aims to Cap Well by July 27 Earnings; Backup Plans as Obama, Cameron Meet — BP PLC is pushing to fix its runaway Gulf oil well by July 27, possibly weeks before the deadline the company is discussing publicly, in a bid to show investors it has capped …
Brad DeLong / Grasping Reality with Both Hands:
These Are Not the Ones We Have Been Waiting for... Ed Luce writes: … Mark Zandi is polite: … But Obama thinks he has to do something—and according to Ed won't lift a finger to do something that might actually create jobs: … It is remarkable. I had expected that we economists …
Economist's View

Solar-Powered Plane Flies for 26 Hours — PARIS — Slender as a stick insect, a solar-powered experimental airplane with a huge wing span completed its first test flight of more than 24 hours on Thursday, powered overnight by energy collected from the sun during a day aloft over Switzerland.
Z. Byron Wolf / ABCNEWS:
Election 2010: Independents Face Obstacles — Despite Frustration, Most Americans Identify With Democrats or Republicans — Forget the Tea Party. To the extent there is a third party in American politics, it is no party at all. — More Americans call themselves independent than Republican …
Nicholas D. Kristof / New York Times:
In Israel, the Noble vs. The Ugly — Israel goes out of its way to display its ugliest side to the world by tearing down Palestinian homes or allowing rapacious settlers to steal Palestinian land. — Yet there's also another Israel as well, one that I mightily admire.
Rasmussen Reports:
Most Americans Not Willing To Pay Higher Taxes For Public Employees, Entitlement Programs — Most Americans would not pay higher taxes for specific public services in their states, but they are more supportive of paying for education and staffing law enforcement than supporting state employees and entitlement programs.
Outside the Beltway, Questions and Observations, Power Line, Fausta's Blog and Big Government

Gov. Bobby Jindal signs bills allowing guns in church, changing sex-solicitation penalty — Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law one of the more controversial bills from the recent legislative session, one allowing guns to be carried into houses of worship.