Top Items:
The Huffington Post:
Sharron Angle's Advice For Rape Victims Considering Abortion: Turn Lemons Into Lemonade — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle has moderated a host of policy positions in her transition from a primary candidate to general election contender battling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Sharron Angle: The $20 billion in BP escrow cash was “slush fund” — Looks like Sharron Angle has now had her ultimate Rand Paul moment: During a radio appearance she labeled the $20 billion BP escrow fund secured by the White House as a “slush fund.” — Angle also seemed to agree …
New York Times:
The Constitution Trumps Arizona — The Obama administration has not always been completely clear about its immigration agenda, but it was forthright Tuesday when it challenged the pernicious Arizona law that allows the police to question the immigration status of people they detain for local violations.
Rasmussen Reports:
56% Oppose Justice Department Challenge of Arizona Law; 61% Favor Similar Law In Their State — Voters by a two-to-one margin oppose the U.S. Justice Department's decision to challenge the legality of Arizona's new immigration law in federal court. Sixty-one percent (61%), in fact …
Power Line, Wake up America, The Hill, Weekly Standard, The Corner on National … and Washington Post
Steve Tetreault / Las Vegas Review-Journal:
Reid takes no stand on Arizona lawsuit
Boxer's approval ratings sink, Field Poll says — California voters are giving U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer some of the lowest approval ratings of her career, as the three-term Democrat is in a statistical dead heat against first-time GOP office-seeker Carly Fiorina, according to a new Field Poll released today.
RedState, Hot Air, The Atlantic Online, TPMDC, The Confluence, Weekly Standard, Ballot Box, Real Clear Politics, The Page,, The Eye and Commentary
John Fund / Wall Street Journal:
Who Will Investigate the Investigators? — Another voter fraud scandal involving the Justice Department. — J. Christian Adams,, a former career Justice Department lawyer who resigned recently to protest political interference in cases he worked on, made some news yesterday in testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Ann Coulter / Human Events:
Bill Kristol Must Resign — Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama's war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn't likely to turn out well. — It has been idiotically claimed that Steele's statement …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Daily Dish, Mediaite, The Rachel Maddow Show, Liberty Pundits Blog and Riehl World View
Blago trial could singe W.H. — It's the trial the White House hopes you won't watch. — The federal corruption saga of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been rattling along during the sweltering Chicago summer, offering a daily dose of low-grade theatrics, low-impact bombshells and low-brow humor.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth / RealClearMarkets:
Gender Quotas In the Financial Sector? — WASHINGTON - What one finds when reading congressional legislation is invariably surprising. Take the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill, for instance, which was created by merging Senate and House bills. When the Senate returns from recess …
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Financial regulation bill dictates ethnic, gender quotas — Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and Barack Obama insist that the new financial regulation bill pending a vote in the Senate is a necessity to restore stability to troubled markets. Instead, it looks as though Democrats have been more concerned …
The Policing Of The Discourse — Froomkin was fired for opposing torture a little too passionately; Weigel was forced out because his private emails revealed he was not acceptable to the partisan right; Frum is cut off from conservative blogads funding; Moulitsas is barred from MSNBC …
Octavia Nasr's firing and what the liberal media allows — (updated below) — CNN yesterday ended the 20-year career of Octavia Nasr, its Atlanta-based Senior Middle East News Editor, because of a now-deleted tweet she wrote on Sunday upon learning of the death of one of the Shiite world's …
S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish — Sell a guinea pig, go to jail. — That's the law under consideration by San Francisco's Commission of Animal Control and Welfare. If the commission approves the ordinance at its meeting tonight, San Francisco could soon have what is believed …
Neil Irwin / Washington Post:
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery — Federal Reserve officials, increasingly concerned over signs the economic recovery is faltering, are considering new steps to bolster growth. — With Congress tied in political knots over whether to take further action …
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Palin video talks up ‘mama grizzlies’ running for office — Sarah Palin's political action committee released a video Thursday promoting the “mama grizzlies” she hopes will take over Washington. — Palin's SarahPAC released a video promoting the female conservative GOP candidates …
Michael Memoli / The Swamp:
Sarah Palin touts “mom awakening”
Sarah Palin touts “mom awakening”
William K. Wolfrum Chronicles
National Public Radio is changing its name to NPR — No need for formalities here: National Public Radio now says it wants to be known simply as NPR. — So the Washington-based organization has quietly changed its name to its familiar initials. Much like the corporate names KFC or AT&T, the initials now stand for the initials.
The Paper Greenwald — The fallout from the Gaza flotilla incident has occasioned some of the most reprehensible writing that the anti-Israel establishment - which specializes in such things - has ever produced. Beyond question, however, one of the most egregious examples …
Brad DeLong / Grasping Reality with Both Hands:
These Are Not the Ones We Have Been Waiting for... Ed Luce writes: … Mark Zandi is polite: … But Obama thinks he has to do something—and according to Ed won't lift a finger to do something that might actually create jobs: … It is remarkable. I had expected that we economists …
Christopher Edley Jr / New York Times:
Let Treasury Rescue the States — HERE in California, where people tiresomely boast that the state's gross domestic product exceeds that of all but seven nations, I keep expecting a ballot initiative demanding admission to the Group of 8 industrialized nations.
Laura Rozen / The Politico:
Obama's interview with Israel TV — President Barack Obama gave his first interview to an Israeli outlet since taking office, to Yonit Levi, of Israel's Channel 2 TV. Conducted Wednesday at the White House, it airs today at 1pm EST on Israel's Channel 2. While there's no breaking news …
A Congressman's Abs Garner Yeas — REPRESENTATIVE AARON SCHOCK is explaining, again, why his torso seems to keep going viral. — First, there was the photo of him in a red bathing suit, posted on the gossip site “Abtastic,” bloggers enthused. — Then, there was the picture …
Arthur B. Laffer / Wall Street Journal:
Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus — Let's not reduce the incentive to find work. A federal tax holiday is a better way to cut the high jobless rate. — The current debate over extending and increasing federal unemployment benefits encapsulates the disagreement between the Democrats …
Palin makes exception for military spending — Sarah Palin is waging a battle inside the “tea party” movement to exempt defense spending from the group's small-government, anti-deficit fervor. — There's growing concern among Republicans — and especially among the pro-defense neoconservative wing …
A Growth Agenda for the GOP — Obama doubles down on ‘stimulus.’ Republicans can take advantage. — During the last week, President Barack Obama doubled down on a losing political bet, further cementing the Democratic Party's reputation as the champion of bigger deficits, higher spending and more government.
Washington Post:
Russian spy suspects expected to plead guilty at N.Y. hearing — Some or all of the 10 accused Russian spies are expected to plead guilty at a hearing in Manhattan Thursday afternoon, according to sources familiar with the case. — One source said all of the defendants have agreed …
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Another round of Prohibition, anyone? — The evening of Jan. 16, 1920, hours before Prohibition descended on America, while the young assistant secretary of the Navy, Franklin Roosevelt, drank champagne in Washington with other members of Harvard's Class of 1904, evangelist Billy Sunday preached …
Who Is IOZ?
Andrew Bacevich / The New Republic:
Non-Believer — As a candidate for president, George W. Bush famously promised to pursue a “humble” foreign policy. The events of 9/11—for Bush akin to a conversion experience—swept humility by the board. The 43rd president found his true calling: Providence was summoning him to purge the world of evil.