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Jon Kyl gives away the game on deficits — “[Y]ou should never raise taxes in order to cut taxes,” Jon Kyl said on Fox News Sunday. “Surely Congress has the authority, and it would be right to — if we decide we want to cut taxes to spur the economy, not to have to raise taxes in order to offset those costs.

Jon Kyl: Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy Even If They Add To Deficit — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Top Senate Republican Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) insisted on Sunday that Congress should extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of their impact on the deficit …
Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, Taylor Marsh, Jay Bookman, The Impolitic, Guardian, The Hill and Political Punch

Obama's debt commission warns of fiscal ‘cancer’ — BOSTON — The co-chairmen of President Obama's debt and deficit commission offered an ominous assessment of the nation's fiscal future here Sunday, calling current budgetary trends a cancer “that will destroy the country from within” unless checked by tough action in Washington.

Debt Commission Eying Mostly-Cuts Package — The latest from the Obama administration's deficit commission: … That sounds like a classic pleases no one, goes nowhere package. Since it includes tax increases, zero Republicans will vote for it. But since it's mostly weighted to spending cuts, most Democrats will reject it.

Democrats Gone Wild: Rep. Ciro Rodriguez Loses It — I've often noted that I expect this to be a long, hot summer. The mid-term elections are inching closer and Democrats are having to finally admit that they are in real political trouble. For those keeping score at home, let's recap …

2012: What Palin Is, and Isn't, Doing — Sarah Palin's PAC disclosure release has occasioned a new round of “Will she or won't she?” If we take the dictum that one's judgment is more easily interrogated than one's motivation, we're left with a simple answer: she's seriously thinking about running for president.

SarahPAC steps into the big leagues
Swampland, Hotline On Call, Ballot Box, Capital Journal, The Daily Dish, Associated Press, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, CNN, Jezebel, Outside the Beltway, Top of the Ticket, Guardian, New York Magazine, Jay Bookman,, TPMDC,, Advocate, FrumForum,, Beltway Confidential, Taylor Marsh and Marbury

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds — The six-month election recount that turned former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
Gateway Pundit

In the heat wave, the case against air conditioning — Washington didn't grind to a sweaty halt last week under triple-digit temperatures. People didn't even slow down. Instead, the three-day, 100-plus-degree, record-shattering heat wave prompted Washingtonians to crank …

The Class War We Need — The rich are different from you and me. They know how to game the system. — That's one interpretation, at least, of last week's news that Americans with million-dollar mortgages are defaulting at almost twice the rate of the typical homeowner.

Brown to support Wall Street reform; Dems edge closer to 60 — Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) announced Monday he will vote for Wall Street reform when it comes up for a final vote, all but assuring Democrats the 60 votes they need to pass the legislation. — Brown voted for the bill …

Cleveland comic-book legend Harvey Pekar dead at age 70 — CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio — Harvey Pekar's life was not an open book. It was an open comic book. — Pekar chronicled his life and times in the acclaimed autobiographical comic-book series, “American Splendor,” portraying himself as a rumpled …
The Atlantic Online, Boing Boing, PopEater, FishbowlLA, Comedy Central Insider, ArtsBeat, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Hit & Run and alicublog

Drilling ban reissued — Interior Secretary Ken Salazar reissued a moratorium on deepwater offshore drilling Monday, after the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the White House's appeal of a lower court decision to halt the drilling ban. — The reinstated ban will " protect communities …
Outside the Beltway

Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning ‘Racist’ Elements of Tea Party — Tea Party Leaders Say Political Motivation Driving NAACP Agenda — First Lady Michelle Obama brought renewed energy to the NAACP today, delivering the keynote speech at the annual convention …
The Politico

NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement
Gateway Pundit, Gawker, Wonkette, Weasel Zippers, Think Progress, Big Government and Confederate Yankee

Cantor predicts GOP takeover of House — Republicans will win back a majority of seats in this fall's election, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) predicted 16 weeks before Election Day. — Cantor, the second-ranking House Republican, said he expected his party to win enough seats …

EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO: Mel Gibson Admits Hitting Oksana, Threatens To Kill Her - Listen To It Here — WARNING: This audio may not be reproduced or republished. — Mel Gibson, under investigation for domestic violence, admits to hitting Oksana Grigorieva and TWICE threatens to kill …

The Feckless Fed — Back in 2002, a professor turned Federal Reserve official by the name of Ben Bernanke gave a widely quoted speech titled “Deflation: Making Sure ‘It’ Doesn't Happen Here.” Like other economists, myself included, Mr. Bernanke was deeply disturbed by Japan's stubborn …

Polanski Is Free After Swiss Reject U.S. Extradition Request — Updated — Article: Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski — The justice ministry of Switzerland said on Monday that it had denied a request to extradite the director Roman Polanski to the United States …

When Was The New Black Panther Case Downgraded? — I did an interview with New York Daily News Columnist Errol Louis about the New Black Panther Party case today and realized that there's a specific data point that has been lost in all the breathless coverage of this case and whether …

Americans Unsure About “Progressive” Political Label — More than twice as many say label does not describe them as say it does — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup polling reveals widespread public uncertainty about the “progressive” political label — a label recently embraced by no less than Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

The Senate Kills International Relations. — There was plenty of attention paid to — and condemnation of — Republican office-seeker Mitt Romney's op-ed on the New START Treaty, an arms-control agreement designed to reduce the number of nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States …

New group to oppose Mideast policy — Leading conservatives will launch a new pro-Israel group this week with a scathing attack on Rep. Joe Sestak, the Democratic Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, the first shot in what they say will be a confrontational campaign against the Obama administration's …
Weekly Standard

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration — BOSTON — In a private meeting with White House officials this weekend, Democratic governors voiced deep anxiety about the Obama administration's suit against Arizona's new immigration law, worrying that it could cost a vulnerable Democratic Party in the fall elections.
Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, Althouse, Fox News, Washington Post, Another Black Conservative, The New Republic, Think Progress, Outside the Beltway, No More Mister Nice Blog, The League of Ordinary …, NewsReal Blog, The Washington Independent, Weasel Zippers, Politics Daily, Wonk Room,, The Reaction, Beltway Confidential, Pundit & Pundette, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Ben Smith's Blog, Don Surber, Scared Monkeys, Liberty Pundits Blog, Pajamas Media, Colorado Independent, JustOneMinute, AmSpecBlog, Gateway Pundit, The Corner on National … and The Politico

Stuff — As I mentioned in my last entry, I've been watching Babylon 5 lately. It's not a perfect show, but it has one big advantage: it's consistent and believable. — Contrast this with Doctor Who. Doctor Who is fun to watch, but if you think about it for more than two seconds …