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The Day The Controversy Over The New Black Panther Case Fell Apart. — So, a number of things have happened in the past few hours that should really discredit the entire conservative conspiracy theory behind the New Black Panther Party case. — Earlier today, I reported that J. Christian Adams …

Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story? — Thursday's Post reported about a growing controversy over the Justice Department's decision to scale down a voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party. The story succinctly summarized the issues …

Wash Post gives New Black Panther story new life — Just when the peddlers of the phony “corruption” claim are discredited, the paper restores their credibility — The always smart Adam Serwer, writing for the American Prospect, called Friday “The Day The Controversy Over The New Black Panther Case Fell Apart.”

Obama's Anti-Business Policies Are Our Economic Katrina — His gratuitous and overstated demonization of business is exactly the wrong approach — The growing divide and tension between the Obama administration and the business world is a cause for national concern.

Zuckerman: Obamanomics “our economic Katrina” — How far out of favor has Barack Obama fallen with the business community? Self-professed Obama supporter and occasional speechwriter Mort Zuckerman wrote a lengthy indictment of Obama's economic policies in US News & World Report yesterday afternoon …

Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax — WASHINGTON — When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend …

Joe Biden fined $219K for 2008 presidential campaign violations — The Federal Election Commission has penalized Vice President Joe Biden's 2008 presidential campaign $219,000 for accepting over-the-limit contributions and a discounted flight on a jet owned by a New York hedge fund.

Republicans divided on the importance of an agenda for midterm elections — Sometime after Labor Day, House Minority Leader John A. Boehner plans to unveil a blueprint of what Republicans will do if they take back control of the chamber. He promises it will be a full plate of policy proposals …

Obama slams GOP for stalling jobless benefits
Liberal Values, The Moderate Voice, The Hill, Liberty Pundits Blog, CNN, JustOneMinute and

Caught on Camera: Union Goon Hits, Shoves and Harasses GOP Supporter at Rally — You can see him using his left hand to knock a camera out of one of the volunteers hands at 8 seconds and again at 12 seconds. He returns later and shoves or hits the cameraman several more times.

Margaret Thatcher's family are ‘appalled’ at Meryl Streep film — Film about Margaret Thatcher's life, which is expected to star Meryl Streep, shows the former prime minister as a dementia-sufferer looking back at her life with sadness. — Tim Walker. — Although the prospect …

Introducing The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit — For your entertainment pleasure this Friday evening, the folks at NewsBusters want to introduce you to “The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit.” — Did you buy into Hope and Change a few years ago only to now feel embarrassed by what's adorning your wheels?
Michelle Malkin, Another Black Conservative, Scared Monkeys, Moonbattery, Jules Crittenden and Left Coast Rebel

Finally... Manufacturer Introduces Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit (Video)

White House wanderers tour Acadia — BAR HARBOR — Julia Freifeld, of Raleigh, N.C., was absolutely certain she knew where the Obamas would make a stop during their weekend getaway on Mount Desert Island. — She staked out Ben & Bill's Chocolate Emporium on Main Street in Bar Harbor.

Insurers Push Plans That Limit Choices of Doctors — As the Obama administration begins to enact the new national health care law, the country's biggest insurers are promoting affordable plans with reduced premiums that require participants to use a narrower selection of doctors or hospitals.

Fibi Netanyahu — Meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu last week, President Obama could not have been more effusive. “I believe Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace,” Obama said. “I believe he is ready to take risks for peace.” — A newly revealed tape of Netanyahu in 2001 …

Angling for Harry Reid — Why the tea party favorite thinks voters will reject the attacks on her views and help her topple the Senate majority leader. — Sharron Angle first realized the extent of the brewing revolt against Washington in late March, at a tea party protest in Searchlight …