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A short video from PBS's FRONTLINE on The Post's two-year investigation. An hour-long documentary film will run in October. Watch the trailer » — Investigative reporter Dana Priest has been The Washington Post's intelligence, Pentagon and health-care reporter.
Discussion:, This Just In, Say Anything, NO QUARTER, The Confluence, Danger Room, Hot Air,, Sweetness & Light, The Page, Truthdig and Balloon Juice

A hidden world, growing beyond control — The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within …
Weekly Standard, Daniel W. Drezner, New York Magazine, Shakesville, Taylor Marsh, Emptywheel, The Daily Caller and Raw Story

The Pundit Delusion — The latest hot political topic is the “Obama paradox” — the supposedly mysterious disconnect between the president's achievements and his numbers. The line goes like this: The administration has had multiple big victories in Congress, most notably on health reform …

Poll: D.C. elites a world apart — In their opinions on policy and politicians ranging from President Barack Obama to Sarah Palin, elites in Washington have a strikingly divergent outlook from the rest of the nation, according to a new POLITICO poll released Monday.

Palin sparks Twitter fight on mosque — Sarah Palin, who waded into a New York political fight by endorsing Ann Marie Buerkle in NY-25, is drifting into a decidedly higher-charged battle: The fray over a planned mosque near Ground Zero. — “Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand …

How much stupid can Governor Dumbass of Backasswards Sarah Palin fit …
The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, techPresident, The Moderate Voice, Big Brass Blog, The Political Carnival and Firedoglake

Sarah Palin Calls on ‘Peaceful Muslims’ to ‘Refudiate’ Their Own Religion
The Daily Dish, Examiner, The Caucus, The New Republic, Gawker, Wonkette, Mediaite, Atlas Shrugs and

Palin calls planned mosque near Ground Zero a ‘provocation’
Gateway Pundit

Tea party federation boots Williams — The National Tea Party Federation has expelled activist Mark Williams over his attacks on the NAACP. — A spokesman for the federation, which is seeking to become a national umbrella organization, said Sunday on CBS's “Face the Nation” …

Tea Party Federation kicks out Williams over blog post
The Moderate Voice, The Caucus, This Just In, Wonkette, The Corner on National …, The Huffington Post, American Thinker, Salon, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Wire, The Reid Report, Confederate Yankee, New York Times, American Power, Ò", Firedoglake, Liberal Values, CBS News, New York Magazine, FrumForum, Little Green Footballs, Big Government, Mediaite and The Hill

Senate Forecast, 7/18: Republican Outlook Improves with Focus on Likely Voter Polls — Our latest Senate simulation has the chamber convening in 2011 with an average of 53.4 Democrats (counting Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders), 46.1 Republicans, and 0.5 Charlie Crists.

BP Hopes to Keep Gulf Well Closed, but Seeping Is Detected — After three days of encouraging pressure tests, a senior BP official said Sunday that the company's recently capped well in the Gulf of Mexico was holding up and that BP now hoped to keep the well closed until it could be permanently plugged.

Colorado's GOP on a Roll — With one prominent exception. — Colorado, the vanguard of a Democratic juggernaut for three straight election cycles, has flipped. To wit: — President Obama won Colorado handily in 2008 (54 percent to 45 percent for John McCain), but his popularity dropped precipitously …

GOP Sees Path to Control of Senate — WASHINGTON—Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority.

Obama Gains Evangelical Allies on Immigration — At a time when the prospects for immigration overhaul seem most dim, supporters have unleashed a secret weapon: a group of influential evangelical Christian leaders. — Normally on the opposite side of political issues backed by the Obama White House …

July 18: Cornyn, Menendez, Sessions, Van Hollen — MR. DAVID GREGORY: This Sunday: The balance of power in Washington and the political shockwaves from news made right here last Sunday when the White House conceded Democrats could indeed lose control of the House.
Washington Monthly

Mike Pence Explains Why America Can Afford Tax Cuts For The Rich But Not Jobless Aid — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The unsavory task of explaining why America apparently can't afford to help the unemployed but can afford tax cuts for the rich fell to Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) on Sunday.

Is NAACP blind to Farrakhan & Co.? The Nation of Islam is built on racism and lies — I do not think that the NAACP was out of order in asking the Tea Party movement to separate itself from the racists in its midst, but the famous civil rights organization ought to start by following the same suggestion.

Union Goons In Action — This footage was shot at a pro-Democratic Party union rally in California. If those shirts were brown instead of pink, the video would have a disturbingly retro feel: — It's funny how the political class is always wringing its hands about the potential for violence …

AC: It's not as cool as you think — Artificial cooling has had a profound effect on how, and where, we live and work. — When a national group of urban planning historians was asked to rank the most important influences on the American metropolis in the last half of the 20th century …
Right Wing News

Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board — Blind passengers are being ordered off buses or refused taxi rides because Muslim drivers or passengers object to their ‘unclean’ guide dogs. — One pensioner, a cancer sufferer, told how had twice been confronted by drivers and asked …
Weasel Zippers

STATE OF THE UNION WITH CANDY CROWLEY — Interview With Mitch McConnell; Interview With Steny Hoyer — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — CANDY CROWLEY, HOST: The president blisters Republicans for blocking an extension of unemployment benefits.
Crooks and Liars

Will companies dodge financial reform by moving abroad? — U.S. banks, hedge funds and other Wall Street firms are weighing whether to move more of their operations abroad now that Congress has toughened financial regulations at home. — “We've talked about it with a number of clients,” …
Pirate's Cove