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A short video from PBS's FRONTLINE on The Post's two-year investigation. An hour-long documentary film will run in October. Watch the trailer » — Investigative reporter Dana Priest has been The Washington Post's intelligence, Pentagon and health-care reporter.
The Jawa Report, Democracy in America, Big Journalism, The Future of Capitalism, Ezra Klein, Mediaite, The Confluence, Blogs of War, techPresident, This Just In, SWJ Blog, Politics Daily, Matthew Yglesias, NO QUARTER, Say Anything, Hot Air,, The Enterprise Blog, The Impolitic,, George's Bottom Line, AMERICAblog News, Pharyngula, Sweetness & Light, The Page, Truthdig and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

The Real U.S. Government — The Washington Post's Dana Priest demonstrates once again why she's easily one of the best investigative journalists in the nation — if not the best — with the publication of Part I of her series, co-written with William Arkin, detailing the sprawling …

A hidden world, growing beyond control — The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within …

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism-2010 — Context is everything. — In this piece you will see video evidence of racism coming from a federal appointee and NAACP award recipient and in another clip from the same event a perfect rationalization for why the Tea Party needs to exist.

Is Palin Lucky, Good, Or ... When she writes on her palm and uses words like refudiate, Sarah Palin is lucky. That is, all her success, all the adulation, her approval rating with Republican voters — all of these pieces of evidence suggest that she needs more seasoning and is resonating …

Palin's “Refudiate” Tweet on Mosque Near Ground Zero Draws Fire (for Substance and Style) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin weighed in on Sunday on the controversy over a mosque planned near ground zero, but her remarks were met with a wave of criticism over her sentiment and her choice of words.

Sarah Palin Invents New Word: ‘Refudiate’
Little Green Footballs, The New Republic, Gothamist, Firedoglake, Marbury, Language Log and The Political Carnival

Word of the day: Sarah Palin invents ‘refudiate’
The Huffington Post, palingates, TPMDC, PopWatch, Truthdig, Wonkette and

GOP Sees Path to Control of Senate — WASHINGTON—Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority.

GOPers And Dems Agree: 2010 Should Be A Referendum On Bush
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Capital Gains and Games blogs, Guardian and Talking Points Memo

Republicans now blaming Democrats for Bush tax cuts — The new Republican line is that there's a “Democrat tax hike” on the way. And it's a big 'un: “An unprecedented $3.8 trillion increase” that will affect — and this is their bold and underline, not mine — “every American who pays income taxes!”

The ‘Democrat Ticking Tax Bomb’ Canard — Via Morning Money, Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), the ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee, is blasting the majority party for the “Democrat tax hike” coming down the pike. Here's a screen shot of an email his office sent out this morning:
Washington Monthly

Obama's Fiscal Priorities Are Right
The Corner on National …

How the race has turned sour for Sharron Angle — Sharron Angle is dead, one in an occasional series: — With Angle's hot air balloon leaking helium about as rapidly as oil left that Gulf well — 45 days and counting and the GOP Senate nominee still has not plugged it — the question is whether she can survive the fall to earth.
Public Policy Polling, The Atlantic Online, Salon, TPMDC, DownWithTyranny! and National Review

Breaking News: Major ‘Ex-Gay’ Life Coach Accused of Sexual Misconduct By Former Clients — Contact: Wayne Besen, TWO Executive Director — Therapist Alan Downing, A Key Figure In JONAH and People Can Change, Allegedly Made Clients Get Naked And Touch Genitals

TARP audit claims Obama admin destroyed “tens of thousands” of jobs in dealer closures — Last year, while the Obama administration seized two of the nation's three main domestic auto manufacturers, it also shut down thousands of dealerships across the country, supposedly to stabilize GM and Chrysler.
Commentary, Liberty Pundits Blog, Beltway Confidential, The Daley Gator, Fausta's Blog and Hit & Run

Dodd doubts Warren's confirmability for job of consumer guardian — Elizabeth Warren might not have the votes to win confirmation as head of a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) suggested Monday. — Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee …
Washington Monthly, The Diane Rehm Show …, Gawker, Prairie Weather and Taegan Goddard's …

Senate Forecast, 7/18: Republican Outlook Improves with Focus on Likely Voter Polls — Our latest Senate simulation has the chamber convening in 2011 with an average of 53.4 Democrats (counting Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders), 46.1 Republicans, and 0.5 Charlie Crists.

Manchin could proclaim election
The Politico, Associated Press, The Washington Independent, Beltway Confidential, AmSpecBlog, Don Surber and TPMDC

Mystery for White House: Where Did the Jobs Go? — Welcome as it is, progress toward finally capping the gulf oil leak hasn't resolved the biggest conundrum facing President Obama before the midterm elections. — That conundrum, which reclaims center stage in Washington this week, is this: Why is unemployment so high?
Tammy Bruce, Washington Post, The Glittering Eye, Paul Krugman, Grasping Reality … and Commentary

Poll: D.C. elites a world apart — In their opinions on policy and politicians ranging from President Barack Obama to Sarah Palin, elites in Washington have a strikingly divergent outlook from the rest of the nation, according to a new POLITICO poll released Monday.

The Pundit Delusion — The latest hot political topic is the “Obama paradox” — the supposedly mysterious disconnect between the president's achievements and his numbers. The line goes like this: The administration has had multiple big victories in Congress, most notably on health reform …

Obama's Highest Half-Year Approval Ratings in D.C., Hawaii — Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and West Virginia residents were least likely to approve — PRINCETON, NJ — During the first half of 2010, residents of Hawaii and the District of Columbia were most likely to approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president.