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Jonathan Strong / The Daily Caller:
It was the moment of greatest peril for then-Sen. Barack Obama's political career. In the heat of the presidential campaign, videos surfaced of Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and America itself. Obama had once bragged of his closeness to Wright.
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Andrew Breitbart / Big Government:
JournoList: ...Yes, But the Reporters at Pravda Weren't Such Insufferable A**holes — Journalists love whistleblowers. Just not when the whistle is blown on them. — Journalists love transparency. As long as they're not the ones being exposed. — No steadfast journalism rule …
Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give ‘Full Force’ of Help to White Farmer — Shown here is USDA Georgia official Shirley Sherrod. (YouTube) — Days after the NAACP clashed with Tea Party members over allegations of racism, a video has surfaced showing an Agriculture Department …
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Marcus K. Garner / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Resigned USDA official says racial story misconstrued — The USDA's rural development director for Georgia says she was forced out of her federally appointed job after a “snippet” of a speech she gave in March appeared to show her admission to only half-heartedly aiding a struggling white farmer because of his race.
Talking Points Memo, Little Green Footballs, Jay Bookman, CNN, Mediaite, Big Government, Sweetness & Light and
Black USDA official resigns after admitting she only ‘did enough’ for white farmer — NAACP condemns remarks, saying ‘her actions were shameful’ — on -
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
Breitbart's Skilled Editing
GOP leery of Tea Party Caucus — With the official formation of a congressional Tea Party Caucus, Rep. Michele Bachmann has thrust an existential question before House Republican leaders: Are you in or are you out? — Indiana's Mike Pence, chairman of the Republican Conference, was adamant.
Racist Latino Group Harasses Tea Party: “You're Too White. Go Back to Europe.” (Video) — A racist latino group harassed tea party patriots this week in Anaheim, California. The racists told the tea party patriots to- — “Go back to Europe!” — Don't expect the state-run media to touch this story.
Jeff Sessions / USA Today:
Opposing view on the Supreme Court: A big-government vision — After carefully reviewing Elena Kagan's record and testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I must oppose her nomination. — OUR VIEW: Kagan deserves bipartisan backing, but won't get it
Christina Bellantoni / TPMDC:
Lindsey Graham To Support Kagan: ‘Plenty Of Reasons For A Conservative To Vote Yes’
Lindsey Graham To Support Kagan: ‘Plenty Of Reasons For A Conservative To Vote Yes’
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Democrats Jump Into Six-Point Lead on Generic Ballot — At the same time, Republican enthusiasm for voting in November surges — PRINCETON, NJ — In the same week the U.S. Senate passed a major financial reform bill touted as reining in Wall Street, Democrats pulled ahead of Republicans …
Washington Monthly, The Daily Dish, New York Times, The Hill, Ballot Box,, The Reid Report, The Political Carnival, The New Republic, Taylor Marsh, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, AMERICAblog News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Public Policy Polling, MyDD, Scared Monkeys, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, The Moderate Voice,, Liberal Values, The Caucus, The Reality-Based Community, Taegan Goddard's …, DISSENTING JUSTICE and Time
Stimulating Unemployment — If you can't create any jobs, pay people not to work. — Presidents typically invite Americans to appear at Rose Garden press conferences to trumpet their policy successes, but yesterday we saw what may have been a first. President Obama introduced three Americans …
Crist Uses His Old Party as a New Foil — Senate Push Gains as Florida Governor Sets Himself Off Against State's GOP, With Some Firepower From Obama Camp — Gov. Crist has shored up some conservative positions, such as his support for gun rights, while shifting to the left on core issues like abortion, education and gay rights.
The Huffington Post:
Elizabeth Warren Could Head CFPB Without Senate Confirmation — What's Your Reaction: … Elizabeth Warren could lead the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without ever having to face a Senate confirmation hearing. — The Harvard Law professor and bailout watchdog …
Brady Dennis / Washington Post:
Battle looms over new job heading financial watchdog
Battle looms over new job heading financial watchdog
Ezra Klein, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, National Journal Online, Swampland, Wonk Room and Political Economy
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
Gov. Manchin jumps into special election for Byrd seat — West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D) officially launched his campaign for Senate Tuesday after weeks of uncertainty over the succession process for the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D). — In an announcement years in the making …
Obama Sends Berwick Nomination to the Senate — President Barack Obama “sent the Senate his nomination of Donald Berwick as administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Monday — a move that comes two weeks after Obama bypassed Congress to put his stalled nominee …
Times loses almost 90% of online readership — Less than three weeks after the Times paywall went up, data shows a massive decline in web traffic — The registration page for - 25.6% of users sign up and proceed to the Times site — The Times has lost almost 90% …
Richard Cohen / Washington Post:
Who is Barack Obama? — On Sunday, both The Post and the New York Times assembled more than 20 savants and asked them, as the Times put it, “How Can Obama Rebound?” Good question. Not only do six out of 10 voters “lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country …
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Crist Looking Good — Thanks mostly to support from Democrats Charlie Crist is the leader in the Florida Senate race. In the most likely match up against Kendrick Meek he gets 35% to 29% for Marco Rubio and 17% for Meek. His lead expands with Jeff Greene as the Democratic nominee.
Taegan Goddard's …
Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary — Technical information: — Employment: (202) 691-6559 * * — Unemployment: (202) 691-6392 * * — Media contact: (202) 691-5902 *
Race Card Fraud — Credit card fraud is a serious problem. But race card fraud is an even bigger problem. — Playing the race card takes many forms. Judge Charles Pickering, a federal judge in Mississippi who defended the civil rights of blacks for years and defied the Ku Klux Klan …
Betsy's Page
Tim Fernholz / American Prospect:
Ross Douthat's Fear of Opining. — Today's Ross Douthat offering has already prompted a thoughtful response from Adam, but I wanted to note the conservative NYT writer's inability to assess competing arguments. First, from his opening statement: … The key fact that Douthat never returns …
Chilling toll of Times Sq. ‘bomb’ — Thankfully, it didn't go off as planned. — A secret FBI test of a correctly made version of the Times Square bomb revealed that it “would have killed thousands of people” if it had been made to explode as terrorists had intended, law-enforcement sources told The Post yesterday.