Top Items:

Shirley Sherrod and the shame of conservative media — When Andrew Breitbart unveils a selectively edited tape to defame a federal employee, conservatives blame Barack Obama — You want to see media bias in action? Okay — look at the conservative media reaction to the firing of Shirley Sherrod.
TalkLeft, The Corner on National …, The Daily Dish, Dean's World, The Anchoress, Mediaite, Marbury, Sister Toldjah, RedState, Balloon Juice and DaTechguy's Blog

Shirley Sherrod — My Take — By: Jonah Goldberg — I think she should get her job back. I think she's owed apologies from pretty much everyone, including my good friend Andrew Breitbart. I generally think Andrew is on the side of the angels and a great champion of the cause.
Riehl World View, Left Coast Rebel, Fox News, Raw Story, culturekitchen and Associated Press

Breaking: NAACP President Was In Attendance at Sherrod Speech (Video) — On Monday July 19th, video was released of Georgia Director of Rural Development Shirley Sherrod admitting in a speech at an NAACP banquet in March that she discriminated against farmers because of their race.
JustOneMinute, CNN, CBS News, Hot Air, Big Government,, BizzyBlog, Left Coast Rebel and The Daily Caller

Andrew Breitbart defamed Shirley Sherrod; Brietbart could be in trouble — Taking a Comic Con break to look at what else is happening; Google Trends reveals the ugly story of what happened to previously unknown Shirley Sherrod. — Conservative hit-blogger Andrew Breitbart's known …

Full video vindicates Sherrod, destroys Breitbart's accusations of racism — The NAACP has posted the video of Shirley Sherrod's March 27 speech, and it definitively proves false Andrew Breitbart's claim that the edited video he posted at his website is “evidence of racism.”

“A Nation of Cowards.” — I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that we've seen a steady drumbeat of racial “incidents” over the last week or so. It began when NAACP delegates passed a resolution condemning extremist elements within the Tea Party and calling on Tea Party leaders to repudiate the …
Salon, Firedoglake, The Atlantic Online, Big Government, The Daily Caller, Raw Story and BizzyBlog

Breitbart's New Conspiracy Theory: The ‘Purported’ Farmer's Wife Is A Plant — Two white farmers who were supposedly discriminated against by former USDA official Shirley Sherrod spoke out on her behalf yesterday, saying “no way in the world” is she racist.
The Huffington Post, The Daily Dish, Gawker, Liberty Street, News Hounds and Media Matters for America

NAACP STATEMENT ON THE RESIGNATION OF SHIRLEY SHERROD — (BALTIMORE, MD) - NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous issued the following statement today after a careful investigation into the presentation of former USDA Official Shirley Sherrod. — “The NAACP has a zero tolerance policy …
Mediaite, Big Government, Taylor Marsh, The Lede, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Bloomberg, DownWithTyranny!, Althouse, TPMMuckraker, Media Matters for America, Another Black Conservative, Pam's House Blend, Firedoglake, First Draft, The Nation, Outside the Beltway, TPMCafe, The Rachel Maddow Show, New York Times, American Power, Hot Air, Hullabaloo, Mother Jones, Left Coast Rebel, DaTechguy's Blog, Wonkette, Political Punch, Talking Points Memo, Politics Daily and Ben Smith's Blog

So much for that ‘conversation’ on race — The election of Barack Obama, America's first black president, was supposed to be a sign of our national maturity, a chance to transform the charged, stilted “national conversation” about race into a smarter and more authentic dialogue …

EXPECT A REVERSAL: White House intervenes, orders Vilsack to review video-fueled firing — GOP UNLIKELY TO TAKE SENATE — Chris Matthews pines for Ronald Reagan-Tip O'Neill civility — PRESIDENT OBAMA's remarks, prepared for today's signing of Wall Street reform: “These reforms represent …
Washington Post, The Plum Line, Associated Press, New York Magazine and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Shirley Sherrod Ouster to Get New Look By USDA Secretary
Fox News, Ben Smith's Blog, PostPartisan, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Anchoress

Firing of USDA official highlights larger political problems involving race
Online NewsHour, The BRAD BLOG, The Debate Link, Swampland, Shakesville and Los Angeles Times

Breitbart On Sherrod's NAACP Speech: ‘I Did Not Edit This Thing’
The Atlantic Online, The Daily Dish, The Huffington Post, Language Log, laborunionreport's Diary, The Corner on National …, Unfogged, The Washington Note, The Plum Line, Think Progress, Media Matters for America, Talking Points Memo, Tammy Bruce, The Daily Caller, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, New York Magazine, Firedoglake, The Mahablog, Washington Monthly, Little Green Footballs, Daily Kos and First Draft

Breitbart: It's Not About Shirley Sherrod; It's About NAACP Attacking Tea Party
Washington Wire, Media Matters for America, TPMMuckraker, Guardian, Rumproast, IMAO, Jay Bookman, Mediaite and Hit & Run

CNN's Campbell Brown To NAACP VP: ‘You Allowed Yourselves To Be Snookered’
Pat Dollard

NAACP: Breitbart ‘snookered’ us
Power Line, Big Government, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion,, Weasel Zippers and This Just In

If you were in the presence of a man having a heart attack, how would you respond? As he clutched his chest in desperation and pain, would you call 911? Would you try to save him from dying? Of course you would. — But if that man was Rush Limbaugh, and you were Sarah Spitz …
The Atlantic Online, Pajamas Media, theblogprof, Althouse, Moe Lane, The Corner on National …, Shot in the Dark, The Other McCain, Big Journalism,,, Hit & Run, Newsalert, BizzyBlog, Verum Serum, Beltway Confidential, Real Clear Politics, Fausta's Blog, Gateway Pundit, Instapundit, JammieWearingFool and National Review

Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News — When the writer Victor Davis Hanson wrote an article about immigration for National Review, for example, blogger Ed Kilgore didn't even bother to grapple with Hanson's arguments. Instead Kilgore dismissed Hanson's piece out of hand as …

Obama Approval Drops To Lowest Point Ever, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Independent Voters Turn On President Since Honeymoon — A year after President Barack Obama's political honeymoon ended, his job approval rating has dropped to a negative 44 - 48 percent, his worst net score ever …

MAKING THE UNEMPLOYED WAIT FOR NO REASON.... There was quite a bit of attention yesterday afternoon when the Senate, after multiple tries, finally overcame a Republican filibuster on extended unemployment benefits. It was welcome, overdue news. — What got far less attention was what happened next.

BREAKING NEWS: Capito will not run against Manchin for Byrd's seat — CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., will not run for the state's vacant U.S. Senate seat, she announced this morning. — The surprise decision from the state's most prominent Republican appears …

W.Va's Capito will not seek Senate seat, sources say
The Politico, CNN, The Eye, Charleston Gazette, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

RNC fails to report $7 million in debt to FEC — Party treasurer faults Steele — ASSOCIATED PRESSRepublican Party chairman Michael Steele, center, talks with Republican state leaders and volunteers during a visit to the Colorado GOP headquarters in the Greenwood Village south of Denver on Thursday, July 8, 2010.

Obama's next focus of reform: Housing finance — After President Obama signs into law an overhaul of financial regulation at a ceremony set for Wednesday, his administration will turn to reforming an area at the root of the financial crisis: the U.S. housing market.