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In Defense of Andrew Breitbart — The media and progressive-left Democrats now appear in a rush to convict Andrew Breitbart of shoddy journalism, while exonerating Shirley Sherrod and the NAACP from charges of abiding racism within their ranks. Both Sherrod and the NAACP have charged …

Breitbart: ‘I am public enemy No. 1...’ — An unrepentant Andrew Breitbart told POLITICO on Thursday that the Obama administration and its allies have manufactured a controversy over the video he posted of Shirley Sherrod's speech to the NAACP as part of an orchestrated effort to take him down.

Where Andrew Breitbart Is Coming From — In Exclusive Interview, Andrew Breitbart Describes Where He's From and What He's After — In this year of American voter anger and discontent, Andrew Breitbart has found his moment. — “I get to be me right now,” he said. “That's the best part of this entire thing.
Rumproast, Taylor Marsh, The Other McCain, The Moderate Voice, Politics Daily, PostPartisan and Political Punch

Ousted official Shirley Sherrod blamed Fox, but other outlets ran with story — The White House spokesman and the agriculture secretary weren't the only ones offering regrets Wednesday to the lower-level official abruptly fired over a videotape excerpt that turned out to be totally misleading.
Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, TPMMuckraker, ABCNEWS, Show Tracker, New York Times, The Plum Line, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog,, Mediaite, Atlanta Journal-Constitution,, Beltway Confidential, Stop The ACLU, Media Matters for America, Weekly Standard, Right Wing News and Media Matters for America, more at Mediagazer »

Obama Expresses ‘Regret’ to Sherrod — WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday urged Shirley Sherrod, the black Agriculture Department official whose firing and subsequent offer of rehiring this week renewed a conversation about politics and race, to continue “her hard work on behalf of those in need,” the White House said.
Washington Monthly, ABCNEWS, CNN, Prairie Weather, THEROOT.COM, Talking Points Memo, Big Government and

Andrew Breitbart issues correction, sort of — Three days after posting a misleading video that cost Shirley Sherrod her job and started a race debate, Andrew Breitbart has posted a 37-word correction unrelated to the controversy he stirred up. — The original video Breitbart posted …

Shirley Sherrod: Obama 'Is Not Someone Who Has Experienced …

Riehl World View, Outside the Beltway, The Atlantic Online, The Moderate Voice and The Daily Dish

Sherrod: ‘I Really Think I Should’ Sue Breitbart (VIDEO)
Talking Points Memo

Reid to advance limited oil spill and energy bill, delaying climate action — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will bring a limited package of oil spill response and energy measures to the floor next week, delaying action until at least this fall on a broader proposal …
Reuters, The Washington Independent, PostPartisan, The New Republic, Hot Air and Beltway Confidential

Democrats Abandon Sweeping Energy Plan
Washington Monthly, New York Times, Little Green Footballs, MyDD, The Impolitic and Commentary

Angle Holds ‘Press Conference,’ Takes No Questions And Leaves (VIDEO)
The Daily Dish

In the hours after Sen. John McCain announced his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the last presidential race, members of an online forum called Journolist struggled to make sense of the pick. Many of them were liberal reporters, and in some cases their comments reflected …
Hot Air, National Review, Big Journalism,, NewsReal Blog, Swampland, The Volokh Conspiracy, HillBuzz, Ruby Slippers, theblogprof, Another Black Conservative,, Nice Deb, Wake up America,, HazZzMat, Gateway Pundit, Salon, 24Ahead, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Pajamas Media, The Other McCain, Outside the Beltway, Don Surber, Confederate Yankee, JammieWearingFool, DaTechguy's Blog, Beltway Confidential, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Sister Toldjah

My Dialogue With Jonathan Strong of The Daily Caller
The Plum Line

Rangel charged with multiple ethics violations — New York Dem gave up Ways and Means gavel in February — A House investigative committee on Thursday charged New York Rep. Charles Rangel with multiple ethics violations, a blow to the former Ways and Means chairman and an election-year headache for Democrats.
Hot Air, RedState, Right Pundits, Weekly Standard, Weasel Zippers, theblogprof and The Washington Independent

Rangel charged with multiple violations by House ethics panel — Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) faces multiple ethics violations as a House investigative committee announced unspecified charges against the former chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

Bush Tax Cuts Roil Democrats — Two more Senate Democrats called for extending tax cuts for all earners—including those with the highest incomes—in what appears to be a breakdown of the party's consensus on the how to handle the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts.

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy — Everyone knew most of the press corps was hoping for Obama in 2008. Newly released emails show that hundreds of them were actively working to promote him. — When I'm talking to people from outside Washington, one question inevitably comes up: Why is the media so liberal?

Letter from Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson on The Daily Caller's Journolist coverage — We began our series on Journolist earlier this week with the expectation that our stories would be met with a fury of criticism from the Left. A hurt dog barks, after all.

Glenn Beck hilariously derides Keith Olbermann for special comment on Sherrod Story — Olbermann did another one of his classic special comments last night on the Shirley Sherrod story, and Beck had as much fun with it as I've ever seen as he relentlessly mocks Olbermann's manufactured indignity!

Congress Ranks Last in Confidence in Institutions — Fifty percent “little"/"no" confidence in Congress reading is record high — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup's 2010 Confidence in Institutions poll finds Congress ranking dead last out of the 16 institutions rated this year.

The Gingrich Plan for al-Qaeda Victory — I think the ethical wrongness of Newt Gingrich plan for the United States to deliberately imitate Saudi Arabia's lack of religious freedom and begin explicit discrimination against American Muslims is plenty of reason to condemn it.
The Edge of the American West

Hoyer ridicules Bohener's ‘read the bill’ initiative — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) ridiculed on Thursday an effort pushed by Republicans to allow lawmakers more time to read legislation. — Hoyer dismissed a proposal by House GOP leader John Boehner (Ohio) …

Why the ObamaCare Tax Penalty Is Unconstitutional — The federal power to tax is not unlimited, as the Supreme Court recognized when it struck down the first national income tax. — The Justice Department announced last week that it would defend the new federal health-insurance mandate …