Top Items:

When Tucker Carlson asked to join Journolist — I hoped to let my quick accounting of the constant inaccuracies in the Daily Caller's selective quotations from Journolist stand as my last word on the matter. But Tucker Carlson's sanctimonious and evasive statement on the way his site has been covering this story deserves a response.
The Atlantic Online, Mediaite, Grasping Reality …, AmSpecBlog, Big Journalism, Opinion L.A., Wall Street Journal, Balloon Juice and Dave Weigel

Letter from Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson on The Daily Caller's Journolist coverage — We began our series on Journolist earlier this week with the expectation that our stories would be met with a fury of criticism from the Left. A hurt dog barks, after all.

Breitbart: ‘I am public enemy No. 1...’ — An unrepentant Andrew Breitbart told POLITICO on Thursday that the Obama administration and its allies have manufactured a controversy over the video he posted of Shirley Sherrod's speech to the NAACP as part of an orchestrated effort to take him down.

Where Andrew Breitbart Is Coming From
theblogprof, Rumproast, The Moderate Voice, Taylor Marsh, The Other McCain, Politics Daily and PostPartisan

AmSpecBlog, Riehl World View, Outside the Beltway, Human Events, Pajamas Media and The Moderate Voice

President Obama Said Sec. Tom Vilsack ‘Jumped the Gun’ on Shirley Sherrod's Ouster — President Obama said Secretary Tom Vilsack rushed to judgment when he dismissed Shirley Sherrod from the Department of Agriculture amid charges of racism. — “He jumped the gun, partly because we now live …
Politics Daily, TPMMuckraker, Raw Story, Political Punch, Hot Air, The Page, Wonkette, The Swamp, Salon, theblogprof, Associated Press and DISSENTING JUSTICE

Persistent Issue of Race Is in the Spotlight, Again — WASHINGTON — It was exactly one year ago on Thursday that President Obama plunged into a thicket of racial politics by declaring that a white police officer in Cambridge, Mass., had “acted stupidly” in arresting a black Harvard University professor in his own home.
The Moderate Voice, American Power, Washington Monthly, Prairie Weather, CNN, The Impolitic and Shakesville

Sherrod on Breitbart: 'I'd tell him he's a liar' — Washington (CNN) - The woman caught in the middle of a national firestorm said Thursday that, if given the chance, she would tell conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart that he is a liar. — Breitbart, who first posted an edited version …
The Politico

Glenn Beck hilariously derides Keith Olbermann for special comment on Sherrod Story

House Panel Will Try Rangel in Ethics Cases — WASHINGTON — A House investigative panel has found “substantial reason to believe” that Representative Charles B. Rangel violated a range of ethics rules, dealing a serious blow to Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat, in the twilight of his political career.
The Huffington Post, Gawker, The Political Carnival, The Page, New York Magazine, Balloon Juice and Truthdig

House panel charges Rangel with ethics misdeeds
The Washington Independent

Democrats pull plug on climate bill — Senate Democrats pulled the plug on climate legislation Thursday, pushing the issue off into an uncertain future ahead of midterm elections where President Barack Obama's party is girding for a drubbing. — Rather than a long-awaited measure capping greenhouse gases …

Democrats Abandon Sweeping Energy Plan
New York Times, Dot Earth, Washington Monthly, Tim Blair, MyDD, The Impolitic and Commentary

Democrats Make $28 Million TV Buy — The Democrats' strategy to preserve their House majority became clearer Thursday as the party made a $28 million investment in television advertising for the final weeks of the fall campaign, a plan that is designed to build a firewall to protect freshmen and longtime incumbents.

Norm Coleman eyes challenge to Michael Steele — Former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman is considering a run for chairmanship of the RNC, POLITICO has learned, and has begun talking to associates about taking on Michael Steele, should the embattled current chairman seek another term in January.

Who Will Pay for the Afghan Military? The Question Congress Must Answer Now — An old military maxim states, “Amateurs think about strategy and professionals think about logistics.” At West Point I taught cadets the U.S. Constitution, which clearly empowers Congress to be active in logistic questions of war.

A Really Big Show: Bigwigs Gather in Kabul...for What, Exactly? — This week the State Department bragged about the really important conference on the U.S./NATO war in Afghanistan held in Kabul, hosted by the Afghan president and including dozens of international political leaders.

Sharron Angle addresses media for 3 minutes on taxes then bolts — SPARKS — After more than a month dodging the press, Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle on Wednesday invited reporters to an event intended to amplify her campaign message that lower taxes and less regulation are the only ways to spur economic recovery.

Bachmann: ‘All We Should Do Is Issue Subpoenas’ If GOP Wins House (AUDIO) — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has a plan for what the Republicans should do if they win control of the House of Representatives: Spend all their time investigating the Obama administration.

Geithner: Taxes on Wealthiest to Rise — The Obama administration will allow tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans to expire on schedule, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday, setting up a clash with Republicans and a small but vocal group of Democrats who want to delay the looming tax increases.
Wonk Room

Why the ObamaCare Tax Penalty Is Unconstitutional — The federal power to tax is not unlimited, as the Supreme Court recognized when it struck down the first national income tax. — The Justice Department announced last week that it would defend the new federal health-insurance mandate …

Alvin Greene's ‘On the Scene’ — Alvin Greene, the Democratic candidate for Senate in South Carolina, who emerged at a public campaign event for the first time last weekend, is now out with his first campaign video. The video, called, “Alvin Green Is On the Scene,” is a 3-minute hip-hop mix …

From a remote location on an island off Alaska's coast, former Governor Sarah Palin is blasting what she describes as the “sick puppies” in the media who immediately and ruthlessly attacked her when Sen. John McCain picked her as his running mate during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Plurality of voters believe the country would have been better off if John McCain had beaten Mr. Obama in 2008 — Democrats will be gulping this morning at the Quinnipiac Poll's latest results. For the first time in the survey's history, Americans believe by a 48% to 40% margin that President Obama doesn't deserve re-election.
The Other McCain

Obama Campaign Adviser Participated on JournoList — Jared Bernstein, chief economist for Vice President Joseph Biden, served in 2008 as an economic adviser to the Obama campaign. At the same time, he was a member of JournoList, the controversial progressive email list.

This week's Economist/YouGov poll — SOME highlights from this week's Economist/YouGov poll: — • Let's start with the fun stuff. Here are some very early numbers on possible Republican candidates in the 2012 presidential race. (Keep in mind that Barack Obama wasn't even included in polls at this point in the 2008 race.)