Top Items:

Rush Limbaugh: Fox ‘caved’ on Shirley Sherrod — Rush Limbaugh is blasting Fox News for its coverage of Shirley Sherrod, saying that one of the network's anchors “caved” by not showing the original misleading video fragment that led to the firing of Shirley Sherrod.
The Reid Report, The New Republic, The Daily Hurricane, The Daily Dish, New York Magazine and JustOneMinute

Shirley Sherrod: Beneath The Headlines — CNN is strongly pushing the notion that Shirley Sherrod is a uniter, dedicated to bringing people together. However, her rhetoric beneath the headlines hardly supports that conclusion. … How is it that one unites, while casting …
The American Scene, DaTechguy's Blog, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, BizzyBlog, Slate, American Power and Doug Ross

The Age of Rage — Here's the optimistic case: The embarrassment of the Shirley Sherrod story — with its toxic convergence of partisan combat and media recklessness — will be a tipping point. It will remind journalists and politicians alike that personal reputations and professional credibility …

CNN Host Calls for Crackdown on ‘Bloggers’ in Wake of Sherrod Incident: 'Something's Going to Have to be Done Legally' — Should there be a “gatekeeper” regulating internet bloggers? In the aftermath of the Shirley Sherrod incident, that's what CNN promoted on July 23.

From Buckley to Breitbart — William Buckley achieved notoriety, if not celebrity, with the publication of God and Man at Yale in 1951. The book was a succès de scandale. In it Buckley attacked the undergraduate education on offer at Yale for its hostility to Christianity …

Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege — America still owes a debt to its black citizens, but government programs to help all ‘people of color’ are unfair. They should end. — The NAACP believes the tea party is racist. The tea party believes the NAACP is racist.

Journalism Legend Daniel Schorr Dies At 93 — This graphic requires version 9 or higher of the Adobe Flash Player.Get the latest Flash Player. — Gallery: Daniel Schorr — Daniel Schorr, a longtime senior news analyst for NPR and a veteran Washington journalist who broke major stories …
CBS News, Liberal Values, Mediaite, Outside the Beltway, Guardian, Politics Daily, Tablet Magazine, Romenesko and Online NewsHour, more at Mediagazer »

Daniel Schorr, Journalist, Dies at 93 — Daniel Schorr, whose aggressive reporting over 70 years as a respected broadcast and print journalist brought him into conflict with censors, the Nixon administration and network superiors, died Friday in Washington. He was 93.

The case for impeachment — Obama has violated his oath of office over immigration — Eleven years ago, like every citizen elected to serve in Congress or any person appointed to any federal position, I swore an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”

Democratic rifts apparent at liberal Netroots Nation conference — LAS VEGAS — For all the talk of a splintered GOP base, with “tea party” conservatives squaring off against establishment Republicans, the Democrats have serious divisions of their own. — Democratic officials were hoping …
Firedoglake, Hot Air, Riehl World View, NewsReal Blog, Moe Lane, The Page, alicublog, TalkLeft, Instapundit, Daily Kos, Washington Wire and CNN

VIDEO: 9/11 Truther Van Jones Gets Standing Ovation at Netroots Nation
Beltway Confidential

Oil Rig Alarm Was Not Fully Turned On, Worker Says — KENNER, La. — The emergency alarm on the Deepwater Horizon was not fully activated the day the oil rig caught fire and exploded, killing 11 people and setting off the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a rig worker on Friday told a government panel investigating the accident.

Conflicting details in Kirk's 1976 lake rescue — (Chris Walker, Chicago Tribune / July 15, 2010) — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk for a decade has told the story of how he nearly drowned when he was 16 while sailboating on Lake Michigan and how his rescue by the Coast Guard inspired …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, Mark Kirk, and Taegan Goddard's …

Journolisters offended by Keith Olbermann's ‘misogynistic,’ ‘predictable,’ and ‘pompous’ show — Salon's Rebecca Traister agreed Olbermann regularly displayed his contempt for women. “Olbermann has a terrible record of going out of his way to talk about young, attractive women he believes …
National Review

Health Care Law Has Wamp Hoping Against Secession — Rep. Zach Wamp (R-03) suggested TN and other states may have to consider seceding from the union if the federal government does not change its ways regarding mandates. — “I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 …
CNN, Think Progress, Democratic Strategist, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, TPMDC and Talking Points Memo

Biden criticizes Tea Party, says voters shouldn't be ‘generically angry’ — Vice President Joe Biden defended Rep. John Spratt's (D-S.C.) handling of the budget process at a fundraising event. — Vice President Joe Biden defended Rep. John Spratt's (D-S.C.) handling of the budget process …
Weasel Zippers

Judge scoffs at pre-emption argument in AZ lawsuit — It didn't take long for federal judge Susan Bolton to zero in on the holes in the Obama administration's argument in their lawsuit against Arizona and its new must-enforce policy on immigration violations.

Guilt By Association — It seems to me simply wrong to ascribe the bile of flocks of angry commenters that appear on any site that tackles contentious topics to the blogger himself. You can criticize him or her for not deleting them and providing a platform to hate (Ann Althouse's readers routinely mock …

Beware the lame duck — Barack Obama's considerable political capital, earned on Election Day 2008, is spent. Well spent, mind you, on the enactment of a highly ideological agenda of Obamacare, financial reform and a near-trillion-dollar stimulus that will significantly transform the country.
Hot Air, Big Government, CNN, Salon, The New Republic, Sister Toldjah, Betsy's Page, The Corner on National …, Power Line, Soccer Dad and Pundit & Pundette

Sharron Angle responds to a question — The day after walking out of her own campaign event when reporters were offered an opportunity to ask questions, Nevada GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle on Thursday responded to a question from a reporter — to tell them she wasn't answering the question.
Daily Kos

Obama Changes Tune on Paying for Unemployment Benefits Extension — In signing the bill restoring unemployment benefits to 2 ? million Americans jobless for more than 26 weeks, President Obama is also adding $34 billion to the deficit and the National Debt. — That's the reason nearly all Republicans voted against the measure.

Analysis of a Proposal to Offer a Public Plan Through the New Health Insurance Exchanges — This morning CBO released a letter to Chairman Fortney Pete Stark analyzing a proposal to add a “public plan” to the options available through the health insurance exchanges that will be established under …
Matthew Yglesias, The Corner on National …, AmSpecBlog, Maggie's Farm, American Spectator and Ezra Klein

Price to attend Obama's birthday bash: $30,000 — $$$$$: Happy Birthday, buddy! — Sneed hears real estate mogul Neil Bluhm is tossing a private birthday party here for President Obama, who turns 49 on Aug. 4. — • The shocker: The dinner invite to the Barack bash at Bluhm's home requires …

Hidden Danger: How The GOP Could Kill Health Reform Without Repealing It — For all the GOP chest puffing about reversing the new health care law, a full repeal, to put it generously, is a long-term project. Even if they retake the House in November, they almost certainly won't retake the Senate.

Sen. John Kerry skips town on sails tax — Sen. John Kerry, who has repeatedly voted to raise taxes while in Congress, dodged a whopping six-figure state tax bill on his new multimillion-dollar yacht by mooring her in Newport, R.I. — Isabel - Kerry's luxe, 76-foot New Zealand-built Friendship sloop …

A Primer on the 2010 House Midterm — What I'd like to do in this piece is offer you a sense of how voters will come to their congressional vote choices in November, and in so doing give you an impression of how various factors will affect the outcome. — This is not necessarily the best …

Tom Coburn gives feds evidence on John Ensign — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has turned over e-mails to federal authorities investigating Sen. John Ensign's extramarital affair with a campaign aide, the latest sign that the criminal probe into the embattled Nevada Republican is picking up steam.