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Charlie Rangel's War: Deal Axed At 11th Hour — However, A Compromise Is Possible Between Now And When Expected Trial Would Take Place In September — Rep. Rangel: I'm Just Glad Nobody Is Calling Me ‘Corrupt’ Or ‘Dishonest’ — NEW YORK (CBS) ― Deal, no deal ... deal, no deal.
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Rangel to Stand Trial on Ethics Violations — WASHINGTON — The House ethics committee laid out 13 charges of House rules violations against Representative Charles B. Rangel on Thursday, and began the process for a public trial on the charges. — The move came after Mr. Rangel …

Rangel Deal — All signs suggest that House Ethics Committee sachems …
The Washington Independent

Rangel says no plea deal yet to ethics charges
Washington Post, Fox News, Crooks and Liars, ABCNEWS, New York Times, Runnin' Scared, The Washington Independent, The Page and Wake up America

President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’ — NEW YORK — President Obama waded into the national race debate in an unlikely setting and with an unusual choice of words: telling daytime talk show hosts that African-Americans are “sort of a mongrel people.”
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Fired USDA employee Sherrod to sue conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart — Ousted USDA employee Shirley Sherrod says she will sue conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, the Associated Press reports. — Sherrod made the announcement Thursday in San Diego at the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention.
The Politico, Salon, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion,, Hot Air,, Confederate Yankee, The Atlantic Online, TigerHawk, Nice Deb, Whiskey Fire, Sister Toldjah, Gateway Pundit, skippy the bush kangaroo, Right Wing News, Mediaite, DaTechguy's Blog, The Impolitic and protein wisdom

Ousted USDA Employee Sherrod Plans to Sue Blogger — Ousted USDA employee Shirley Sherrod says she will sue conservative blogger over edited video — Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted a video edited in a way that made her appear racist.
Associated Press, The BRAD BLOG,, Crooks and Liars, The Page, neo-neocon, THEROOT.COM and Colorlines

Shirley Sherrod To Sue Andrew Breitbart — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — SAN DIEGO — Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted an edited video of her making racially tinged remarks last week.

Journalism's Age of Shame — This article appeared in the August 16/23, 2010 edition of The Nation. — Recommended by — The black political art of “working the refs” with constant and vociferous complaints of “liberal bias” in the media has a long and distinguished history.

The Plight of Afghan Women: A Disturbing Picture — Our cover image this week is powerful, shocking and disturbing. It is a portrait of Aisha, a shy 18-year-old Afghan woman who was sentenced by a Taliban commander to have her nose and ears cut off for fleeing her abusive in-laws.

Nobody is Helping Aisha — It's certainly true as Time's emotionally manipulative new cover image indicates that the Taliban are terrible for women and that the more of Afghanistan they rule the worse things will be for women. That said, it's extremely disingenuous to act …

White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity — The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual's Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.
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Fox News Poll: Republicans Garner 11-Point Lead in Midterms — With less than 100 days until the midterm elections, American voters would give the edge to Republicans by an 11 percentage-point margin if the Congressional election were today. Yet a majority doesn't think a Republican takeover of Congress would lead to positive change.

Fed Member's Deflation Warning Hints at Policy Shift — WASHINGTON — A subtle but significant shift appears to be occurring within the Federal Reserve over the course of monetary policy amid increasing signs that the economic recovery is weakening. — On Thursday, James Bullard …
TheMoneyIllusion, EconLog, Open Left, Free exchange, MyDD, TalkLeft, Economix, Paul Krugman, Prairie Weather and Balloon Juice

McMahon Campaign Hits Grimm For Taking “Jewish Money” — Mike Grimm, a G.O.P challenger for Mike McMahon's Congressional seat, took in over $200,000 in his last filing. — But in an effort to show that Grimm lacks support among voters in the district, which covers Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn …

Evidence Ties Manning to Afghan Leaks — WASHINGTON—Investigators have found concrete evidence linking Pfc. Bradley Manning with the leak of classified Afghanistan war reports, a defense official said. — A search of the computers used by Pfc. Manning yielded evidence he had downloaded …
Hot Air, Threat Level, Politics Daily, Danger Room, The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, Cold Fury, Sweetness & Light, YID With LID and Mudville Gazette

What would Republicans do for the economy? An interview with Rep. Paul Ryan. — Paul Ryan is the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, and one of the party's most influential voices on the economy. And with Republicans likely to pick up a lot of seats — and maybe even the House …

Graham eyes ‘birthright citizenship’ — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced Wednesday night that he is considering introducing a constitutional amendment that would change existing law to no longer grant citizenship to the children of immigrants born in the United States.

Tea Party Jitters — Spencer Wilking Finds That New York's Tea Partiers Aren't The Bigoted White Guys You Fear. — “Liberty is on the march,” Dan Halloran yells as he clutches a microphone in front of a gathered crowd inside Webster Hall. “Not only is it on the march …

Obama touts education reform — President Obama defended his controversial “Race to the Top” program in a major address on education. — He also denied claims by teachers unions unhappy with the program that it unfairly penalizes educators working in underperforming schools.

Univision video confirms Sandoval said his kids don't look Hispanic — I have confirmed that Brian Sandoval, as reported by Univision's news director in a column and revealed in an earlier blog post, did indeed say that his children don't look Hispanic when asked by the Spanish-language station whether …

Obama Mocks Polls But Spends More On Them ($4.4M) Than Bush Did — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — With Reporting By Julian Hattem — During his daily press briefing on July 13, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was peppered with questions about why the president's popularity numbers …
Weasel Zippers

Political operatives on Journolist worked to shape news coverage — Despite its name, membership in the liberal online community Journolist wasn't limited to journalists. Present among the bloggers, reporters and editors were a number of professional political operatives …
Hot Air,, Cold Fury, Flopping Aces, Wake up America, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Politics Daily

Obama Housing Bailout Under Attack — Criticism of the Obama Administration's mortgage bailout, the Home Affordable Modification Program, is reaching a fever pitch, and I know this because, among other things, the Administration itself appears to be mounting a defense.

Grayson bills taxpayers for DVD of term's highlights — WASHINGTON — If U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson were a rock star, his latest PR blitz — a DVD sent to tens of thousands of Central Florida residents — would be called Grayson's Greatest Hits. — The 90-minute disc features video highlights …