Top Items:

Republican Senator: Jesus's ‘Golden Rule’ Inspired His Vote For Pro-Abortion Kagan — ( - Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said that Jesus's Golden Rule inspired him to vote to confirm Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court and suggested it would be a good thing …
Hot Air,, Creative Minority Report, The Blast and The Other McCain

Is Kagan Obama's Last Justice? — The margins for confirming Supreme Court Justices are getting tighter: … Kagan's meager tally is five fewer than Sonia Sotomayor last year, 15 fewer than John Roberts got in 2005 and pales in comparison to the 96-3 coronation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993.
Jay Bookman, The Politico, Mother Jones, Washington Monthly and Political Byline

Birth of a Strategy: Talking Immigration With Lindsey Graham
Comments from Left Field, Ezra Klein and AmSpecBlog

Who Inspired Lindsey Graham to Vote for Elena Kagan's Confirmation?
Riehl World View

The alleged political benefits of moderation
ACS Blog, The Monkey Cage, A plain blog about politics and SCOTUSblog

Reminder to critics who think a mosque is offensive to the legacy of 9/11: There's already one at the Pentagon. — In opposing the planned Islamic community center two blocks from Ground Zero in New York City, conservative stalwarts have picked up on right-wing extremists' paranoid hysteria over the initiative.
American Power, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Daily Dish, Real Clear Politics and Daily Kos

Fareed Zakaria Returns Anti-Defamation League Award Over Ground Zero Mosque — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Newsweek writer and CNN host Fareed Zakaria has returned an award he received in 2005 from the Anti-Defamation League over the Jewish group's opposition towards the Ground Zero mosque.
The Moderate Voice, The Washington Note and Media Decoder

The Mosque Controversy & Religious Freedom
Jihad Watch and The Moderate Voice

Five myths about the ‘tea party’ — The grass-roots conservative activists who march under the “Don't tread on me” Gadsen flag and the “tea party” label have put a new twist on Gandhi's maxim: First they were ignored; then they were ridiculed; then they began to fight.

Time for a divorce — In the 1500s, a pestering theologian instituted something called the Marriage Ordinance in Geneva, which made “state registration and church consecration” a dual requirement of matrimony. — We have yet to get over this mistake. But isn't it about time we freed marriage from the state?
protein wisdom and GayPatriot

Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown urges judge to allow same-sex marriages …
Politics Daily, Lez Get Real, LAist and Towleroad News #gay

Palin helping RNC raise money — Sarah Palin is helping the RNC raise funds. — Palin has attached her name to a letter and survey being mailed to RNC donors soliciting contributions for the committee's Victory 2010 program, a nationwide get-out-the-vote effort.
The Politico, Hot Air and

Steele: Pelosi ‘in the back of the bus’
Talking Points Memo, The Political Carnival and TPMDC

RNC Passes Calendar Reform
The Caucus, Politics Daily, Ben Smith's Blog, The Page and

What collapsing empire looks like — (updated below) — As we enter our ninth year of the War in Afghanistan with an escalated force, and continue to occupy Iraq indefinitely, and feed an endlessly growing Surveillance State, reports are emerging of the Deficit Commission hard at work planning …
The Mahablog and The Atlantic Online

Governments Go to Extremes as the Downturn Wears On

Dean: Individual Mandate Will Be Removed From Health Care Reform By 2014 — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Former DNC Chairman Howard Dean has never been a fan of the individual mandate for insurance coverage, both on policy and political grounds. And once Senate negotiators removed any hope …
Taylor Marsh and Prime Buzz

Howard Dean Launches Misguided Attack On Health Reform
Center for American Progress, Raw Story and MyDD

Sharron Angle: I would refuse money from company that supports gay rights — Sharron Angle has taken some extreme positions, but this one is remarkable even by her standards: She said on a candidate questionnaire that she would refuse political contributions from a private company …
Think Progress, Las Vegas News …, TPMDC, Washington Monthly, AMERICAblog Gay and Las Vegas Sun Blogs

Sharron Angle opposes gay adoption
Wonkette and New York Magazine

Group promoting Angle event: Medicare “evil” …
TPMDC, Little Green Footballs and Daily Kos

Spanish police close public beach for Michelle Obama's £250,000 Spanish holiday — Michelle Obama today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends, which could easily cost U.S. taxpayers a staggering £50,000 a day.
The Politico, Doug Ross, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Gateway Pundit, Mediaite, The Other McCain and Confederate Yankee

America Is at Risk of Boiling Over — And out-of-touch leaders don't see the need to cool things off. — It is, obviously, self-referential to quote yourself, but I do it to make a point. I wrote the following on New Year's day, 1994. America 16 years ago was a relatively content nation …
The Other McCain, Mediaite, Mother Jones, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Balloon Juice and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

Manchin's Office Confirms Subpoenas — Gov. Joe Manchin's office confirmed today that state government officials have been contacted by the U.S. Attorney's Office this week regarding an ongoing investigation. The target may be Manchin himself, according to a source who asked to remain anonymous.
The Politico, Associated Press, Hot Air, Don Surber, National Review, Weigel and The Eye

Palin vs. PolitiFact — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is duking it out with, the fact-checking arm of the St. Petersburg Times, over her claim that “Democrats are poised to allow [the] largest tax increase in U.S. history” by letting the Bush tax cuts to expire.
Discussion: Truth …, The Caucus and The Political Carnival

Dick Morris' Plan for Economic Recovery: Bankrupt States; Break Unions — It's silly season, and Republican consultants are leaving no stone unturned in their effort to confuse, conflate, attack and stir up anger and fear. But Dick Morris' latest may possibly be one of the most evil.
Greg Jones' BLACKS 4 BARACK !, Hullabaloo and The Foundry

FEINGOLD'S FAKE PERSON? — In Senator Feingold's new ad, he features some footage designed to make the argument that his $787 stimulus bill created Wisconsin jobs. — One piece of footage features a nameplate being placed outside an office or cubicle, and it appears the person named does not exist …
RedState and Marathon Pundit

Obama Fed Pick Diamond Referred Back to White House by Senate — Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) — The Senate sent the nomination of Peter Diamond, one of President Barack Obama's three nominees for the Federal Reserve Board, back to the White House because of objections from at least one lawmaker.
Matthew Yglesias

Fox News chief packs heat — Fox News chief Roger Ailes has a license to carry a firearm in New York City on his person at all times, according to the NYPD's newly released list of handgun-permit holders. And he's not alone among his Fox News colleagues: Prime-time shouter Sean Hannity also has a city license to carry a gun.
NewsReal Blog, Gawker, Gothamist, New York Magazine and Romenesko

The problem with Larry Summers — You're seeing some White House pushback on the idea that Christina Romer is leaving because she's tired of fighting with Larry Summers. And fair enough: People do tire of serving in the pressure cooker that is the White House, Romer and Summers were often …
The Atlantic Online and Capital Gains and Games blogs