Top Items:
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
White House unloads anger over criticism by ‘professional left’ — The White House is simmering with anger at criticism from liberals who say President Obama is more concerned with deal-making than ideological purity. — During an interview with The Hill in his West Wing office …
The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, Paul Krugman, The Swamp, Emptywheel, The Fix, CNN, The Caucus, The Hill, Washington Monthly, The Politico, Shakesville, TalkLeft, Hit & Run, Mediaite, Hullabaloo, New York Magazine, Gawker, TPMDC, The Confluence, Wonkette, Ben Smith's Blog, AMERICAblog News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Left in the West, Washington Post, Guardian, Freedom's Lighthouse,, The Impolitic, The Plum Line, Nice Deb, Taylor Marsh, Raw Story, Free exchange, Brendan Nyhan, Weigel, Swampland, AmSpecBlog, The Washington Independent, neo-neocon, Corrente, Commentary, Suburban Guerrilla,, The Daily Caller, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Wake up America, Prairie Weather, Grasping Reality …, Lawyers, Guns & Money,, The Reaction and Political Byline
The Huffington Post:
Robert Gibbs Clarifies “Professional Left” Criticism, Calls Initial Comments Inartful — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the “professional left” was inartful …
TalkLeft, Mediaite, Guardian and Don Surber
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Robert Gibbs concedes attack on left was “inartful” — Robert Gibbs, under fire for his attack on the “professional left,” sends over a statement walking it back, conceding it was “inartful,” and clarifying that the views he expressed frustration about are not widely held:
Shakesville, AMERICAblog News, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Mad Kane's Political Madness and FrumForum

Robert Gibbs attacks the fringe losers of the left — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — You may think that the reason you're dissatisfied with the Obama administration is because of substantive objections to their policies: that they've done so little about crisis-level unemployment …
The Plum Line

Obama and the left — I understand why the White House …
Da Techguy's Blog and The Awl
Jane Hamsher / Firedoglake:
Tribalism is the Last Refuge of Political Scoundrels, Including Robert Gibbs
Chris Bowers / Open Left:
Dear swing voters, you suck. Love, The White House
Robert L. Borosage / The Huffington Post:
Gibbs on the Left: Dog Bites the Man
Gibbs on the Left: Dog Bites the Man
Gawker and Weasel Zippers
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
As Liberals Lose Hope, the White House is Losing Its Cool
As Liberals Lose Hope, the White House is Losing Its Cool
Crooks and Liars, The Hill and Daily Kos
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Obama and Liberals — I feel like I write the 'most liberals still …
Obama and Liberals — I feel like I write the 'most liberals still …
The Plum Line, Taegan Goddard's … and The Political Carnival
John Aravosis / AMERICAblog News:
Gibbs: People who are upset with Obama don't live in real America …
Gibbs: People who are upset with Obama don't live in real America …
Suburban Guerrilla
Stevens killed in crash near Dillingham — Also on KTUU.COM — ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Dave Dittman, a former aide and longtime family friend of former Sen. Ted Stevens says Stevens was killed in a plane crash near Dillingham Monday night. Nine people were on board, including former NASA Chief Sean O'Keefe.

Ex-Senator Stevens dies in Alaska plane crash — (Reuters) - Former Senator Ted Stevens, who for decades had a leading hand in controlling the nation's purse strings, died in a small plane crash in his home state of Alaska, officials said on Tuesday. — Alaska Governor Sean Parnell said five people …
Associated Press, The Politico, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC, The Caucus, Raw Story, The Washington Independent, Wonkette and AMERICAblog News

Former Senator Ted Stevens Is Killed in a Plane Crash — Former United States Senator Ted Stevens was killed in a plane crash in southwestern Alaska on Monday night. Five of the nine people on board the small plane headed to a remote fishing lodge were killed in the crash, Gov. Sean Parnell of Alaska said.
Anchorage Daily News:
Plane with 8 on board crashes off Dillingham — 5 good Samaritans reportedly on scene as weather hampers rescue — Severe weather has hampered the rescue operation for eight people believed to be on board a GCI-owned aircraft that crashed near Dillingham on Monday night with possible fatalities …
Plane crashes north of Dillingham; 8 on board — ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A plane has crashed near Dillingham according to the Alaska Air National Guard. Eight or nine people were believed on board, according to the Air Guard. They said there may be fatalities, but as of midnight rescue crews …
ABCNEWS, Associated Press, Washington Post, Anchorage Daily News, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC, Gateway Pundit, Pajamas Media, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Swampland, Wonkette and Gawker
Former Sen. Ted Stevens Dies in Alaska Plane Crash
Former Sen. Ted Stevens Dies in Alaska Plane Crash
CNN, The Politico, The Hill, TPMDC and Talking Points Memo

Newt Gingrich: The Indispensable Republican — In the twelve years since he resigned in defeat and disgrace, he has been carefully plotting his return to power. As 2012 approaches, he has raised as much money as all of his potential rivals combined and sits atop the polls for the Republican presidential nomination.
Crooks and Liars, Washington Monthly,, New York Magazine, Think Progress, The Atlantic Online, Gawker, Salon, Mediaite, Political Insider and The Eye
Fhardingj / CNN:
TRENDING: ‘No way’ Newt can win, ex-wife says
TRENDING: ‘No way’ Newt can win, ex-wife says
The Politico, Ben Smith's Blog, Weigel and The Political Carnival

THAT WAS NO TEACHER... Unhinged Leftist Who Confronted Palin Is a Singer in a Drag Queen Band (Photo) — The poor little unhinged leftists had their panties in a bunch today after Sarah Palin confronted a far left loon for her rude and aggressive sign in Homer, Alaska.
Macsmind, Michelle Malkin, Another Black Conservative, The Daily Caller, Newsweek, Outside the Beltway, Political Byline, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Freedom's Lighthouse, Da Techguy's Blog, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Facebook, No More Mister Nice Blog, Sister Toldjah,, Scared Monkeys,, Althouse, Publius Forum, The League of Ordinary … and Liberty Pundits Blog

The Desperation Of The Palinites
The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice and The Right Scoop
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin XCIV: “They claim I …
The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin XCIV: “They claim I …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Megan McArdle / The Atlantic Online:
Gay Bar at Ground Zero — This is kind of a jerk move. But it's a brilliant jerk move. I am hoping that at least one person will attempt to explain why we should support the mosque near Ground Zero, but not the gay bar next to the mosque near Ground Zero. I would find that very entertaining.
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
2012ers on the mosque — As I noted yesterday, the Republican …
2012ers on the mosque — As I noted yesterday, the Republican …
Little Green Footballs and The Daily Dish
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
Name That Bar! — Fox News' Mr Gutfeld proposes building …
Name That Bar! — Fox News' Mr Gutfeld proposes building …
Guardian, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Mahablog and The Atlantic Online
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:
For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that the pace of recovery in output and employment has slowed in recent months. Household spending is increasing gradually, but remains constrained by high unemployment …

Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office (33 Photos) — We received the following photos last night from a person who works with this girl. Her name is Jenny (not confirmed) - we're working our contact for Jenny's last name. Yesterday morning, Jenny quit her job with a …
Clusterstock and Gawker

Fed-Up Flight Attendant Makes Sliding Exit — It has been a long time since flight attendant was a glamorous job title. The hours are long. Passengers with feelings of entitlement bump up against new no-frills policies. Babies scream. Security precautions grate but must be enforced.
City Room:
JetBlue Attendant Held on Bail as Lawyer Cites Abuse on Flight
JetBlue Attendant Held on Bail as Lawyer Cites Abuse on Flight
Metropolis, BAGnewsNotes, and Gawker
Heather Robinson / The Huffington Post:
I Was an Eyewitness to Flight Attendant Steven Slater's Rant on Jet Blue #1052
I Was an Eyewitness to Flight Attendant Steven Slater's Rant on Jet Blue #1052

Students at Lincoln Memorial Told to Stop Singing National Anthem — A group of students were taking a monument tour of the nation's capital when they made a spur-of-the-moment decision to sing the national anthem at the Lincoln Memorial, but were told to stop by U.S. Park Police.
theblogprof, Scared Monkeys, Moonbattery, Gateway Pundit and Riehl World View

On House Floor, Rangel Vows to Stay in Office — Facing serious accusations of violating House rules, Representative Charles R. Rangel offered an extended defense of his conduct on the House floor Tuesday. He demanded a prompt ethics committee hearing and vowed to remain in office.
Michelle Malkin and AMERICAblog News
Steve Krakauer / Mediaite:
Charlie Rangel's Epic Rant: “If I Was You I May Want Me To Go Away Too”
Charlie Rangel's Epic Rant: “If I Was You I May Want Me To Go Away Too”
New York Post, Hot Air, National Review and PostPartisan

Skaggs, GOP tracker in weekend altercation — The Missouri GOP has provided this video clip, shot by a “tracker” of the Robin Carnahan campaign, involving Kansas City councilman Bill Skaggs: — The incident took place Saturday at a party campaign headquarters event.
RedState and Missouri Republican Party
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit:
Lib Meltdown... MOGOP Videographer Assaulted By Top Kansas City …
Lib Meltdown... MOGOP Videographer Assaulted By Top Kansas City …
Pajamas Media, Another Black Conservative and theblogprof

Republicans Faring Better with Men, Whites, Independents and Seniors — Four Years Later — The Republican Party's prospects for the midterm elections look much better than they did four years ago at this time, while the Democrats' look much worse. Voter preferences for the upcoming …
Politics Daily and The Page
Frank Newport / Gallup:
GOP Maintains Lead on Generic Ballot for Congress
GOP Maintains Lead on Generic Ballot for Congress
The Politico, New York Times, Taegan Goddard's …, Hot Air, Top of the Ticket, Questions and Observations, NRSC and Commentary

Federal workers earning double their private counterparts — At a time when workers' pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees' average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn, a USA TODAY analysis finds. — Federal workers have been awarded …
Discussion:, protein wisdom, Hit & Run and Illinois Review