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Mosque supporters beg George W. Bush to come to Obama's rescue — There's a new argument emerging among supporters of the Ground Zero mosque. Distressed by President Obama's waffling on the issue, they're calling on former President George W. Bush to announce his support for the project …
Washington Post, Power Line, New York Post, And So it Goes in Shreveport,, The Anchoress, TPMDC, Big Journalism, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, protein wisdom, IMAO,, Sister Toldjah, Tim Blair, Gateway Pundit, and This ain't Hell …

AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:
SFGate, Ace of Spades HQ, Power Line, NY Daily News, The Other McCain,,, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, The Powers That Be, RedState, Daily Pundit, Left Coast Rebel, Moonbattery, Gawker, NewsReal Blog, Big Government, Wake up America, Daily Kos, Ironic Surrealism v3.0, Moe Lane, The Hill, Questions and Observations, Moe_Lane's blog, Fausta's Blog, Outside the Beltway, Red Dog Report, theblogprof, Weekly Standard, GayPatriot, Weigel, The Daily Caller, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Freedom's Lighthouse, Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, Right Wing News, Big Peace, Sweetness & Light, Patterico's Pontifications, Big Hollywood, Right Pundits, Media Matters for America, Weasel Zippers, JustOneMinute, Nice Deb, Cold Fury, Don Surber, The Camp Of The Saints and POWIP, more at Mediagazer »

Pelosi wants ‘transparency’ on mosque — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday morning called for “transparency” in the funding behind a planned Islamic community center and mosque being built blocks from ground zero. But she also said there should be similar openness about the money behind …
The Note, Politics Daily, YID With LID, Hot Air, Commentary, The Hill, Liberal Values, Alarming News, JOSHUAPUNDIT, The Sundries Shack, Big Peace, Ben Smith's Blog, Confederate Yankee and TPMDC

Mosque Developer Rejects Meeting With Paterson — The developers of an Islamic cultural center that would include a mosque near Ground Zero have rejected Gov. David Paterson's offer to help them find a different site. — Paterson said today the group is apparently committed to building in the proposed site.
Discussion:, Gateway Pundit, TPMDC, Weasel Zippers, Moonbattery, Little Green Footballs, Sweetness & Light, The Mahablog and Nice Deb

Pelosi clarifies call for look at funding of anti-mosque critics — Nancy Pelosi kicked off a bit of controversy on the right this morning when the news broke that she had told a local San Francisco radio station that she agreed with those calling for a look at how the groups opposing the “Ground Zero mosque” are being funded.
Hot Air, San Francisco Chronicle, The Hill, National Review, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Mediaite, Gothamist and HotAirPundit

Our Mosque Madness — Maybe, for Barack Obama, it depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is. — When the president skittered back from his grandiose declaration at an iftar celebration at the White House Friday that Muslims enjoy freedom of religion in America and have the right …

Grow a Pair, Democrats
Washington Post, National Review, Red Dog Report and Commentary

Let's just appreciate the great Obama presidency
Betsy's Page

Pelosi and the Treasure Island land grab
Commentary, Power Line, Associated Press and Hyscience

In flap over mosque near Ground Zero, conservative writers gaining influence
Jihad Watch, The Atlantic Online and Commentary

Decision Not to Rebuild Church Destroyed on 9/11 Surprises Greek Orthodox Leaders — (Herman Krieger/Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America) — Greek Orthodox leaders trying to rebuild the only church destroyed in the Sept. 11 terror attacks expressed shock this week after learning …
TalkLeft, The Jawa Report, No More Mister Nice Blog, Gateway Pundit, Cold Fury, Nice Deb, The Powers That Be and The Right Scoop

WND dumps Ann Coulter from Miami due to Homoconflict — Farah cites her speech to ‘gay’ event as reason — WASHINGTON - Conservative superstar Ann Coulter today was dropped as a keynote speaker for WND's “Taking America Back National Conference” next month because of her plan to address an event titled …

Howard Dean: Move the Mosque — “This is not about the rights of Muslims to have a worship center...” — This website uses IntenseDebate comments, but they are not currently loaded because either your browser doesn't support JavaScript, or they didn't load fast enough.
Tammy Bruce, Hot Air and Freedom's Lighthouse

Annoyed Obama Has ‘No Regrets’ Over Mosque Comments
Gateway Pundit

The cash question: Murdoch, Fox and the GOP — Rupert Murdoch, who has never been shy about making his political views known, has voted with his sizable checkbook. — Murdoch's News Corp. has made a $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association, triggering swift criticism …
Discussion:, Politics Daily and Donklephant

Tensions Rise in Greece as Austerity Measures Backfire — The austerity measures that were supposed to fix Greece's problems are dragging down the country's economy. Stores are closing, tax revenues are falling and unemployment has hit an unbelievable 70 percent in some places.
The Moderate Voice, Obsidian Wings, The Impolitic, Clusterstock and Economist's View

Proud to Support More Women Leaders on the 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage — Today marks the 90th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment which granted American women the right to vote. Words cannot express the depth of gratitude we owe to those brave feminist foremothers …
Big Government, Post on Politics and Gawker

Palin backs another seven candidates; hits Rep. Etheridge for ‘turning violent’

Tea Party Choice Scrambles in Taking On Reid in Nevada — NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Sharron Angle leaned across a table in her campaign office here, defending her suddenly embattled campaign to defeat Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader, under the gaze of a half-dozen advisers …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Daniel W. Drezner, Wonkette, The Page, Ballot Box and Indecision Forever

Famed Investor Bill Gross Calls For Massive Taxpayer-Backed Mortgage Refinance Initiative — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The head of the world's biggest bond fund, bemoaning the slow economic recovery, reignited debate Tuesday by publicly supporting a massive new refinance program currently roiling …

U.S. role at heart of housing debate
The Foundry, Grist, Hit & Run,* and TPMDC

‘Insiders’ Back On Top In Florida Primaries, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Mccollum, Meek Lead, But Races Are Volatile — Two so-called “insiders” in Florida, Republican Attorney General Bill McCollum and Democratic U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, have come from behind to overtake so-called …
Discussion:, The Fix, RedState, Orlando Sentinel, Swing State Project, Ballot Box, The Eye, The Page, CNN, Post on Politics and The Buzz

Aviation Corporation, Previously Maxed-Out Donors Spend Big …
The Washington Independent

The Paradox of a Legislative President — Democrats in Washington are divided and somewhat puzzled over President Obama's fading popularity. They reject, of course, the Republican view that the president is basically a closet Socialist whose disdain for free enterprise has alienated voters.
Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Firedoglake and New York Times

Petraeus: Here's My Afghan Redeployment Strategy — KABUL, Afghanistan - General David Petraeus isn't planning to wake up one morning after July 2011 and order his troops out of Afghanistan's provinces all at once. Instead, his idea is to slowly and deliberately remove small units …
The Atlantic Online, Washington Post,, CNN, Matthew Yglesias and Chicago Boyz

It's unanimous, president's visit leaves L.A. boiling — President Obama's Monday evening ride from the Beverly Hilton to Hancock Park caused havoc as roads across the city were closed. Tuesday, he wisely chose to helicopter back to the airport. — A Marine helicopter carrying White …
Mediaite and JammieWearingFool

Obama: Social Security ‘is not in crisis’ — President Obama said Social Security is not in crisis and only modest changes are needed to keep it solvent. — The president acknowledged at a small town hall gathering in Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday that the pension fund “has to be tweaked …
Wall Street Journal, Weasel Zippers and National Review

Fire-breathing bartenders arrested, face 45 years — Two fire-breathing bartenders face up to 45 years in prison each for performing flaming bar tricks. — Jimmy's Old Town Tavern owner Jimmy Cirrito said his bartenders have been entertaining his customers — by juggling bottles of alcohol …
Left Coast Rebel and Hit & Run

AP Poll: Obama at new low for handling economy — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama earned his lowest marks ever on his handling of the economy in a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which also found that an overwhelming majority of Americans now describe the nation's financial outlook as poor.
Weasel Zippers, Sweetness & Light, Red Dog Report, Hot Air and JammieWearingFool

Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran — ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Developers in Talks With NY Gov. Paterson — The developers behind the Islamic center planned for a site near Ground Zero won't rule out accepting financing from the Mideast …
Keep America Safe

As Goes Washington, So Goes the Nation — In the years before reliable polling, political prognosticators relied on a simple maxim to forecast elections: As goes Maine, so goes the nation. The saying didn't arise because Maine was a swing state. Maine was in fact a solidly Republican state until …
National Review, FiveThirtyEight, Swing State Project, Democratic Strategist and Weekly Standard

US matches Indian call centre costs — By James Lamont in New Delhi and Joe Leahy in Mumbai — Call centre workers are becoming as cheap to hire in the US as they are in India, according to the head of the country's largest business process outsourcing company.
The Huffington Post, The Washington Independent and naked capitalism

Dr. Laura Schlessinger to End Radio Show — Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the conservative talk radio commentator under fire for repeatedly using a racial epithet, announced on Tuesday that she was ending her long-running radio show. — Dr. Schlessinger made the announcement on Tuesday night on …
The Huffington Post, Z on TV, Media Matters for America, The Moderate Voice, The Radio Equalizer, PostPartisan, No More Mister Nice Blog,, House of Eratosthenes, The Bilerico Project, Outside the Beltway, Taylor Marsh, Althouse, Washington Monthly, five feet of fury., Celebritology 2.0, Balloon Juice, Left Coast Rebel, Politics Daily and Michelle Malkin, more at Mediagazer »

Given Stimulus Funds to Rehire, Schools Wait and See — As schools handed out pink slips to teachers this spring, states made a beeline to Washington to plead for money for their ravaged education budgets. But now that the federal government has come through with $10 billion …

Celebrating women's suffrage — In 1848, a group of fearless women gathered in Seneca Falls, N.Y., where they declared women's fundamental equality with men, and set out to secure our voting rights. In August 1920, after nearly 70 years and several generations of work, the suffragists faced a final difficult battle in Tennessee.
Politics Daily, Washington Post and Indecision Forever