Top Items:
They won't build it! Hardhats vow not to work on controversial mosque near Ground Zero — The site of the proposed mosque near Ground Zero. Many construction workers are vowing not to work on the controversial project. — A growing number of New York construction workers are vowing …
Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, New York Post,, Fausta's Blog, NewsReal Blog, The Daily Caller, The Mahablog, Freedom's Lighthouse, JOSHUAPUNDIT, JammieWearingFool, protein wisdom, The Daily Politics, Beltway Confidential, New York Magazine, Gates of Vienna and HotAirPundit
Muslim-born Miss USA says she opposes Ground Zero Islamic center — The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying “it shouldn't be so close” to Ground Zero. — The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing …
Weasel Zippers, Don Surber and Hot Air
For Strippers Near Ground Zero, It's Business as Usual Amid Mosque Uproar … After the World Trade Center towers fell, a stripper named Chris went to volunteer in the recovery effort for the Red Cross. Nearly 10 years later, she dances just down the street from Ground Zero at the Pussycat Lounge.
Politics Daily, Washington Post, Law Blog, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, and Washington Wire
Bradley Blackburn / ABCNEWS:
The Rev. Franklin Graham Says President Obama was ‘Born a Muslim’ — Comments Come As Poll Shows One in Five Americans Wrongly Believes Obama Is Muslim — On the heels of a new poll suggesting that nearly one in five Americans incorrectly believes that President Obama is a Muslim …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Pajamas Media, Little Green Footballs and American Power
Our Muslim Miss USA Thinks ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Should Move! — America's beloved Miss USA, Rima Fakih — the first Muslim to hold that title — will hit the airwaves tonight to give her opinion on Cordoba House: it's too close to Ground Zero! This complicates everything.
Mediaite, Colorlines and Gateway Pundit
Karen Hughes / Washington Post:
Move the New York City mosque, as a sign of unity — The national debate about building a mosque near Ground Zero in New York is less about our freedom of religion than about the common sense and uncommon courtesy sometimes required to come together as Americans.
Beltway Confidential
The Huffington Post:
Howard Dean's Democracy For America Breaks With Him On Mosque Debate
Howard Dean's Democracy For America Breaks With Him On Mosque Debate
Crooks and Liars
Sally Quinn / Washington Post:
Daisy Khan: “When will Muslims be accepted?”
Daisy Khan: “When will Muslims be accepted?”
Discussion:, ABCNEWS and Weasel Zippers
Obama has himself to blame for Muslim problem — In 1985, Barack Obama had just arrived in Chicago for his new job as a community organizer when he headed to Smitty's Barbershop, a tiny storefront on the South Side. As Smitty cut his hair, Obama listened to the men in the shop talk politics and racial grievance.
True Face of Imam Rauf to be Revealed by Newly Discovered Audio Tapes... This fraud's mask must be torn off. The American people must be made aware of the truth about the “moderate” Ground Zero Mosque organizers that Leftists are so vociferously supporting ... Via the great champion of freedom, Pamela Geller @Atlas Shrugs...
The Jawa Report and Nice Deb
Pamela Geller / Atlas Shrugs:
Imam Rauf's Newly Discovered Explosive Audio Tapes
Imam Rauf's Newly Discovered Explosive Audio Tapes
Nice Deb, JOSHUAPUNDIT, and Freedom's Lighthouse
Treasury Admits HAMP Expectations Not Met, Thinks “Extend and Pretend” Is a Virtue — The Latin inscription reads: “We shall attain the excellence of virtue with the grace of God and the effort of our will.” Federal government seems to be relying on similar methods to avert mortgage crisis.
Suburban Guerrilla, ProPublica and Prairie Weather
The Huffington Post:
Critics Target Housing Policy
Critics Target Housing Policy
Felix Salmon, Matthew Yglesias, Ezra Klein and Eschaton
Daniel Indiviglio / The Atlantic Online:
July Marks Another Ugly Month For Government Mortgage Modifications
July Marks Another Ugly Month For Government Mortgage Modifications
The Washington Independent
Why Political Sage Sees GOP Romp in November — In the panoply of political prognosticators populating Washington, few have painted a bleaker picture of Democrats' 2010 election prospects than Charlie Cook. — And he doesn't see that picture getting any brighter.
The Politico, The Note, Washington Wire, Freedom's Lighthouse, Viking Pundit, The Daily Caller and Commentary
This just in... Quinn's media firm fired, fires shots — * 10:30 am - More really bad campaign news for Gov. Pat Quinn. His media firm, AKPD, has just exited the campaign [it was fired]. And check out this harsh goodbye statement... Oh, man, what a shot that was.
Hotline On Call and Ben Smith's Blog
Boston Herald:
Will bacteria count beach Barack Obama? — WEST TISBURY - Welcome to Martha's Vineyard, Mr. President - but don't go in the water! — President Obama, who took a plunge in the Gulf last week to show Americans it was safe to swim the oil spill-plagued area, arrived on this supposedly …
Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, The Powers That Be, Riehl World View, Fausta's Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Jamelle Bouie / American Prospect:
There Are Too Many Political Appointees. — Yesterday, President Obama made four recess appointments to vacancies in the Department of Agriculture, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the State Department. There isn't anything “special” …
The New Republic
The new battle: What it means to be American — It's a classic case of be careful what you wish for. President Barack Obama wanted to end the baby boomer-era culture wars — and he's done it. — But along the way, Obama has sparked an even more visceral values debate about whether he's moving …
Discussion:, Open Left, Ben Smith's Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Salon and American Prospect
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Jeffrey Goldberg's fabrication on NPR — (updated below Update II - Update III - Update IV) — This is really quite strange. Yesterday, my inbox began filling up with email telling me that Jeffrey Goldberg had gone on NPR and, when asked about my critiques of his Atlantic article on bombing Iran …
The Atlantic Online, Mondoweiss, Balloon Juice, A Tiny Revolution, TPMCafe and normblog
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
BioShock Takes On American Exceptionalism. — I've written before about the horror/shooter BioShock series of video games being about the closest thing I've ever seen to narrative art in the genre, in part because the games tend to wrestle with political high concepts.
The Confluence and Balloon Juice
Obama now blames poor job numbers on congressional inaction. Wait! His party runs Congress — Just a few minor things to catch up on for the weekend now that the Fundraiser-in-Chief has gone on another vacation (Don't worry though. White House chef Sam Kass went along, so the first family need not eat ordinary human food.)
The Foundry, Washington Monthly, Macsmind, Gateway Pundit, Left Coast Rebel and Erick's blog
Franklin Graham: President Obama Was Born a Muslim — We've got an economy that's a mess, people who have been unemployed forever that need jobs, massive flooding in Pakistan, millions of gallons of oil and dispersants still floating in the water in the Gulf of Mexico and what is the media spending hours upon hours covering?
The Huffington Post, CNN, Daily Kos and Gateway Pundit
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Be More Aggressive’: Tom DeLay Says GOP Needs to Go After ‘Obama Agenda’ Even Harder — Former GOP Leader Says He Still Speaks to Abramoff; Won't Rule Out Return to Politics — Despite the corruption and lobbying scandals that ensnared Republicans in Congress and triggered …
TPMMuckraker, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Fired Up! Missouri and National Review
The Palin Twitter Backlash — Black Republicans tell John Avlon that Sarah Palin's tweet in defense of Dr. Laura was ridiculous and indefensible—and that she may be “no longer fit to lead.” — Sarah Palin's post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing.
THEROOT.COM, Weigel, TigerHawk, The Moderate Voice, The Politico and The Daily Beast
Luxuries and necessities in one graph — I'd say people are underestimating the importance of computers given the evolving nature of the economy, overestimating the importance of appliances, and the centrality of cars doesn't bode well for pricing carbon. — Source. Hat tip.
Discussion:, Free exchange, Engage, Matthew Yglesias, TigerHawk, Grim's Hall and Economix, more at Mediagazer »
The Huffington Post:
In First 2010 TV Ad, DNC Raises Specter Of Bush Once Again — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The Democratic National Committee is once again using the imagery and words of former President George W. Bush to present a stark “choice” to voters heading into November in what an aide said is the DNC's …
The Hill, Gateway Pundit, Althouse, Moe Lane,, New York Times, Hot Air, GayPatriot and Fired Up! Missouri
New York Times:
At the Far Edge — For months, it has been clear that Republican Congressional candidates would benefit from independent voters' dissatisfaction with President Obama. With the Republican field now largely in place, all voters might want to take a close look at who those candidates are.
Washington Monthly, National Review, The Spot and Wonk Room
Why won't the Pentagon help WikiLeaks redact documents? — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — When the controversy first arose over the lack of redactions in the war documents released by WikiLeaks, the website insisted that, using the New York Times as an intermediary …
The Agonist
Obama had facts wrong about visit here — Finance director: Stimulus dollars didn't aid project — A local project that President Barack Obama cited during a visit Wednesday to Columbus as an example of how the federal stimulus package has worked isn't actually being funded with stimulus dollars.
Don Surber, Weasel Zippers,, Cafe Hayek, Michelle Malkin and Wake up America
Stephen Budiansky / New York Times:
Math Lessons for Locavores — IT'S 42 steps from my back door to the garden that keeps my family supplied nine months of the year with a modest cornucopia of lettuce, beets, spinach, beans, tomatoes, basil, corn, squash, brussels sprouts, the occasional celeriac and, once …
The Huffington Post, Grist and Eater National
Joseph Stiglitz / Financial Times:
Needed: a new economic paradigm — The blame game continues over who is responsible for the worst recession since the Great Depression - the financiers who did such a bad job of managing risk or the regulators who failed to stop them. But the economics profession bears more than a little culpability.