Top Items:
Sweden withdraws arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder — Issued on rape allegations that Assange calls ‘without basis’ — STOCKHOLM — Swedish prosecutors withdrew an arrest warrant for the founder of WikiLeaks on Saturday, saying less than a day after the document was issued that it was based on an unfounded accusation of rape.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused of rape — Julian Assange was cited as saying the release of the allegations was “deeply disturbing” — Swedish authorities say they have issued an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, on accusations of rape and molestation.
WikiLeaks founder accused of rape, molestation in Sweden — Stockholm, Sweden (CNN) — The founder and editor of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is wanted in Sweden after accusations of rape and molestation, a spokeswoman for the Swedish prosecutor's office told CNN Saturday.
Is Assange the target of a U.S. smear campaign?
Clusterstock and Prairie Weather, more at Techmeme »
Karl Ritter / The Huffington Post:
Julian Assange Rape Case: Sweden WITHDRAWS Arrest Warrant
Julian Assange Rape Case: Sweden WITHDRAWS Arrest Warrant
Mediaite, This ain't Hell … and Hullabaloo
The Local:
WikiLeaks founder suspected of rape
WikiLeaks founder suspected of rape
Hot Air, The Jawa Report and Wall Street Journal
Code Pink Tells Gold Star Mom: Your Son Deserved to Die — Note: Please join with me and Move America Forward in calling on Jerry Brown to return any money he has received from Jodie Evans and protest at her fundraiser tomorrow: Aug 21st at 4PM PST at the Home of Jodie Evans, 757 Palms Blvd., Venice, CA 90291
Weasel Zippers, Don Surber, BLACKFIVE, Right Wing News, Gateway Pundit, National Review and Big Hollywood
An Appalling Story — This afternoon at 4 p.m. Pacific, Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink, is hosting a $500-per-person fundraiser for Jerry Brown. John Nolte reports at Big Hollywood: … At Big Peace, a Gold Star Mother recounts her painful experience with Code Pink, a truly vile group.
American Power, Sister Toldjah and Big Peace
An Example of Why Nobody Trusts Old Media: WaPo's Joel Achenbach — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: Now, let's get to this Muslim business, ladies and gentlemen. Joel Achenbach, an obscure, relatively unknown member of the ruling class partisan political operative media writes a blog at the Washington Post …
theblogprof and sisu
Bruce Feiler / The Huffington Post:
Obama a Muslim! Lincoln a Catholic! FDR a Jew! Why Americans Don't Like Their President's God — In 1860, in the midst of tensions surrounding the Civil War, it was widely believed in the United States that Abraham Lincoln was Catholic. Coming on the heels of decades of anti-Catholic sentiment …
Left Coast Rebel and Open Left
Chris Cillizza / The Fix:
Republican National Committee closes July with just $5 million on hand — The Republican National Committee spent twice as much as it raised in July, leaving the committee with just over $5 million on hand with less than three months left before the 2010 midterm elections.
The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, The Caucus, The Eye and Ballot Box
RNC has just $5m for final push
The Other McCain, POLISING and Gawker
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
Biden Urges D.N.C. to Reject Grim Election Forecast
Biden Urges D.N.C. to Reject Grim Election Forecast
NO QUARTER, Scared Monkeys, The Reality-Based Community and Matthew Yglesias
Charles M. Blow / New York Times:
Oy Vey, Obama — Is President Obama good for the Jews? For more and more Jewish-Americans, the answer is no. — In a Pew Research Center report issued on Thursday and entitled “Growing Number of Americans Say Obama Is a Muslim” (tragic in its own right), there was another bit of bad news for Obama …
Weasel Zippers,, Pew Research Center, Mondoweiss and
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
The New Culture War. — When Andrew Sullivan first wrote “Goodbye to All That,” believing that the candidacy of Barack Obama could be the beginning of a “truce” in the culture war, he was largely placing the blame on the narcissism of the baby-boomers. The culture war as Sullivan was writing …
Washington Monthly, No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice, The Clog, Ben Smith's Blog and The Politico
Weekly Address: No Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy — The President calls out Republicans for blocking campaign finance reforms that would address the Supreme Court decision opening the floodgates of corporate money into elections. — Click here to see the video.
Politics Daily and Associated Press
Jared Allen / The Hill:
Obama cites recess ‘attack ads’ in call for campaign finance bill
Obama cites recess ‘attack ads’ in call for campaign finance bill
Michelle Malkin, CNN and The Politico
Harry Reid's strategy: Winning ugly — RENO — As Republicans tie him to the state's economic tailspin and highlight his penchant for politically damaging gaffes, Harry Reid seems to have conceded he's going to remain the same unpopular figure here between now and Election Day.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Jordy Yager / The Hill:
Mosque protest loses Gingrich — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) will not be addressing a protest of the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan on the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. — The organizers of the rally, Stop Islamization of America …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Prairie Weather
America's Insurgent Pollster — Understanding the tea party is essential to predicting what the country's political scene will look like. — You can tell it's a volatile political year when a balding, middle-aged pollster gets a standing ovation from hundreds of state legislators …
protein wisdom and Fraters Libertas
With consumers slow to spend, businesses are slow to hire — CHICAGO — Corporate profits are soaring. Companies are sitting on billions of dollars of cash. And still, they've yet to amp up hiring or make major investments — the missing ingredients for a strong economic recovery.
Crooks and Liars and Calculated Risk