Top Items:
Ann McElhinney / Not Evil Just Wrong:
James Cameron—King of Hypocrites — Last March James Cameron sounded defiant. — The Avatar director was determined to expose journalists, such as myself, who thought it was important to ask questions about climate change orthodoxy and the radical “solutions” being proposed.
Climate Depot, Hot Air and Right Wing News
Aaron Hedge / Aspen Times:
Filmmaker Cameron, in Aspen, has harsh words for global warming skeptics — ASPEN — James Cameron doesn't mince words when talking about people who are skeptical that humans are causing global warming. — “I think they're swine,” the renowned filmmaker told an audience member Sunday …
Ben Geman / The Hill:
Report: Director James Cameron calls climate change skeptics ‘swine’ — James Cameron, director of the eco-tinged smash film Avatar, on Sunday called global warming skeptics “swine” at a renewable energy conference in Aspen, Colo., according to a news report.
RedState, American Power and HotAirPundit
Noel Sheppard /
Filmmaker James Cameron Backs Out of Global Warming Debate HE Organized — Multi-millionaire filmmaker James Cameron on Sunday backed out of a global warming debate that he asked for and organized. — For those that haven't been following the recent goings on concerning Nobel Laureate Al …
Weasel Zippers and Climate Depot
Marc Morano / Climate Depot:
From King of the World to Chicken of the Sea: Director James …
From King of the World to Chicken of the Sea: Director James …
Nice Deb
Jonathan Strong / The Daily Caller:
True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash — Katie Couric once described bloggers as journalists who gnaw at new information “like piranhas in a pool.” But increasingly, many bloggers are also secretly feeding on cash from political campaigns, in a form of partisan payola …
Ann Althouse / Althouse:
About that Daily Caller article claiming a lot bloggers “on the …
About that Daily Caller article claiming a lot bloggers “on the …
TBogg and Riehl World View
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Blogger payola? — Election season usually means better ad rates …
Blogger payola? — Election season usually means better ad rates …
Discussion: and
Jonathan Strong / The Daily Caller:
True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash
True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash
Whiskey Fire, POWIP and Riehl World View
‘The United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.’ — In light of this . . . . . . everyone who lectured us about how moderate and sensible Imam Rauf is is invited to eat their words with the sauce of their choice.
ATLAS EXCLUSIVE! GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM FEISAL'S EXTREMISM EXPOSED: IN HIS OWN WORDS: “the United States has more blood on its hands than al Qaida,” Elimination of Israel, the N-Word, “Fahrenheit 911” — The media frenzy to destroy good, decent Americans who oppose a 15-story mega-mosque on Ground Zero is rabid.
Slate, National Review, Scared Monkeys, Ruby Slippers, The Jawa Report, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, YID With LID,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Left Coast Rebel, American Glob, American Power, alicublog, Israel Matzav, Pajamas Media, Human Events, Power Line, Fausta's Blog, Weekly Standard, Big Journalism, Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, POWIP and Jihad Watch
Daniel Halper / Weekly Standard:
Anti-Semitic Incident at Ground Zero Mosque Counter Protest — At Sunday's Ground Zero mosque protest, I spoke to one man who had been with the counter-protesters, Joey “Boots” Bassolino, immediately after the police pulled him out from the crowd. What happened, I asked?
Whiskey Fire, Weasel Zippers, Solomonia, Michelle Malkin, Israel Matzav and Big Peace
Dana Loesch /
Rage Against Teh Joos! WTC Supporters Attack Man at Rally
Rage Against Teh Joos! WTC Supporters Attack Man at Rally
American Power, Weekly Standard and Gateway Pundit
U.S. Court Rules Against Obama's Stem Cell Policy — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. district court issued a preliminary injunction on Monday stopping federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, in a slap to the Obama administration's new guidelines on the sensitive issue.
Brent Kendall / Dow Jones Newswires:
Judge Blocks Embryonic Stem-Cell Research Funding
Judge Blocks Embryonic Stem-Cell Research Funding
New York Times, Guardian and New York Magazine
David Weigel / Weigel:
A Purge at the Cato Institute? — The libertarian Cato Institute is parting with two of its most prominent scholars. Brink Lindsey, the institute's vice president of research and the author of the successful book The Age of Abundance, is departing to take a position at the Kauffman Foundation.
L.A. Times Runs Most Biased Top Story Ever Published In Any Free-World Newspaper — In one of its many books of guidelines, the Los Angeles Times instructs employees to write so that a reader “cannot detect” the political views of the reporter. If there's any place where you'd expect …
Los Angeles Times, Roger Ailes and Doug Ross
Responding to Dr. Krugman's column on tax cuts for the rich — In his column yesterday, Dr. Paul Krugman argues for raising the top marginal income tax rates on January 1. His polemic is useful because it encapsulates most of the Left's arguments. — Language trick #1: “We” (the government) should not “give money to the rich.”
Mother Jones, Chicago Boyz, protein wisdom, The Huffington Post, The Enterprise Blog, Daily Kos, Think Progress and AMERICAblog News
WH counter-terrorism adviser Brennan storms out of TWT offices — White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan joined President Barack Obama and the rest of the First Family in Martha's Vineyard, while the President and his family vacationed. As I wrote in my Friday post on Mr. Brennan …
Solomonia, Potluck and AmSpecBlog
Exclusive: Jimmy Carter headed to North Korea on rescue mission — Jimmy Carter is set to travel to North Korea very soon, according to two sources familiar with the former president's plans, in what they characterized as a private mission to free a U.S. citizen imprisoned there.
The Other McCain, New York Magazine and Weasel Zippers
The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama. — David H. Koch in 1996. He and his brother Charles are lifelong libertarians and have quietly given more than a hundred million dollars to right-wing causes. — KEYWORDS … On May 17th, a black-tie audience …
Disgrace — Obama's increasingly absurd gay marriage position. — In the fall of 1912, as his campaign for president entered its final stage, Woodrow Wilson was speaking in Brooklyn when he was asked for his opinion on women's suffrage. The issue was very much in the political ether, but Wilson had declined to take a stand on it.
Democracy in America
Rep. Jordan: If GOP wins the House, we won't get anything done except frame the 2012 election. — Last Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) held a town hall with his constituents in Shelby, Ohio, and fielded questions on a variety of topics ranging from health care to the economy.
The Smoking Gun:
Justice Department Seeks Ebonics Experts — DEA wants “Black English” linguists to decipher bugged calls … The Department of Justice is seeking to hire linguists fluent in Ebonics to help monitor, translate, and transcribe the secretly recorded conversations of subjects of narcotics investigations, according to federal records.
TalkLeft, Gawker,, Gothamist, Colorlines and Weasel Zippers
Ground Zero Mosque Imam: USA is the terrorist organization — How many times do I have to tell you.... the Ground Zero Mosque is a chest-beating pile of puke from the bellies of a savage, death cult culture, a throwback to the 7th century. Politically correct Judenrats …
TPMMuckraker, CNN and Hullabaloo
Barack Obama Elementary Opens in Maryland — To view this video you must to have Flash Player 9.0 or later installed. Click to download the most recent version of Flash. — The first school in the D.C. area named after the current president opens Monday morning as the school year begins in Prince George's County.
Left Coast Rebel, Weasel Zippers, JammieWearingFool and
The best (positive) campaign ad of the cycle? — Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) is out with a new ad in his bid for the state's open governorship that perfectly captures the anti-politician sentiment coursing through the electorate. — “I'm John Hickenlooper and I guess …
Mediaite, New York Magazine, The Atlantic Online and Hot Air
Sessions: ‘Sick to my stomach’ over Miller attacks — National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions is trying to referee an increasingly bitter Florida 24th District primary, criticizing a new mailer from Florida Republican Craig Miller questioning rival Karen Diebel's mental fitness as out of bounds.
Orlando Sentinel and Riehl World View
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Why is left so disappointed in Obama? — Politico top dog editor John Harris is leading his site with another one of his big-think conversation-driving pieces, and this one tries to explain the left's disappointment with Obama: … This is certainly something that many on the left think …
The Huffington Post
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Raising the Ceiling of the House Projections — Patrick Ruffini wants a new update on the overall outlook for the House. — I had a list of 99 back in May. A few races have been added since then (Bob Etheridge had not grabbed anyone by the neck back then), and the outlook has shifted a bit.
Hot Air, Moe Lane and