Top Items:

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE! GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM FEISAL'S EXTREMISM EXPOSED: IN HIS OWN WORDS: “the United States has more blood on its hands than al Qaida,” Elimination of Israel, the N-Word, “Fahrenheit 911” — The media frenzy to destroy good, decent Americans who oppose a 15-story mega-mosque on Ground Zero is rabid.
Power Line, The Jawa Report, Weekly Standard, National Review, Big Journalism, POWIP, Jihad Watch and American Power

Many More Now Following Mosque Controversy - And Don't Like It — A lot more voters are paying attention to the plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, and they don't like the idea. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds …
Freedom's Lighthouse, Don Surber, Grim's Hall, Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and New York Times

Ground Zero Imam Says U.S. Worse than al-Qaeda
Michelle Malkin,, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash — Katie Couric once described bloggers as journalists who gnaw at new information “like piranhas in a pool.” But increasingly, many bloggers are also secretly feeding on cash from political campaigns, in a form of partisan payola …

My Response To The Daily Caller's Payola Allegations — May as well tell the whole story around this weak BS from the Daily Caller as regards me. Yeah, I guess I kinda did set them up a bit. But I got pissed when I heard Strong was insinuating my name into a payola story without having contacted me.
Discussion:, The Daily Caller, Liberty Pundits Blog, Right Wing News, The Other McCain and Don Surber

Blogger payola? — Election season usually means better ad rates …

Far from Ground Zero, other plans for mosques run into vehement opposition — MURFREESBORO, TENN. — For more than 30 years, the Muslim community in this Nashville suburb has worshipped quietly in a variety of makeshift spaces — a one-bedroom apartment, an office behind a Lube Express …

The “mosque” debate is not a “distraction” — (updated below - Update II) — Opponents of the Park51 Islamic community center held a rally yesterday in Lower Manhattan, and a 4-minute video, posted below, reveals the true sentiments behind this campaign.
TPMDC, National Review, Outside the Beltway, The Plum Line,, Gawker, New York Magazine, Unqualified Offerings and Taylor Marsh

The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama. — David H. Koch in 1996. He and his brother Charles are lifelong libertarians and have quietly given more than a hundred million dollars to right-wing causes. — KEYWORDS … On May 17th, a black-tie audience …

Now That's Rich — We need to pinch pennies these days. Don't you know we have a budget deficit? For months that has been the word from Republicans and conservative Democrats, who have rejected every suggestion that we do more to avoid deep cuts in public services and help the ailing economy.

Islamic Radicals Threaten Suicide Bombings Against Gainesville Church — A Gainesville church plans to go ahead with the burning of the Muslim holy book on Sept. 11, despite threats of bombings and the lack of a permit. — According to the Wall Street Journal, Terry Jones …
Jihad Watch and Weasel Zippers

Protests, Rhetoric Feed Jihadists' Fire
NY Daily News, Gateway Pundit, Washington Monthly, City Room, New York Times and Washington Post

New York mosque controversy worries Muslims overseas
Patterico's Pontifications

Was Mike Huckabee Ready To Sell His Endorsement to Rick Scott for $250,000? — I have spoken with a reliable source telling me that a little over a week ago, Mike Huckabee approached the Rick Scott campaign and made overtures that his endorsement could be had for $250,000 dollars.
The Atlantic Online, Ben Smith's Blog, Weigel and Ballot Box

A Purge at the Cato Institute? — The libertarian Cato Institute is parting with two of its most prominent scholars. Brink Lindsey, the institute's vice president of research and the author of the successful book The Age of Abundance, is departing to take a position at the Kauffman Foundation.
Washington Monthly, The Daily Dish, Salon and Hit & Run

So you are coming to the 8/28 Glenn Beck March on Washington? — by Bruce Majors — Herein a visitors' guide. I will be updating it daily. Please post any issues you want addressed or researched. — I am told (but did not check) that hotels are very full.
Little Green Footballs, Outside the Beltway and Weigel

Poll numbers in 1994, a bad year for Democrats, don't bode well for them in 2010 — Is it deja vu all over again for Democrats? — Some neutral observers and senior strategists within the party have begun to believe that the national political environment is not only similar to what they saw in 1994 …
The Fix, Outside the Beltway, Don Surber, Left Coast Rebel, Commentary and Wake up America

So far, Sestak back on his heels — Aggressive Toomey has sharper campaign message, more money to spread it. — WASHINGTON — Joe Sestak is halfway to learning whether his defeat of Arlen Specter will end with a seat in the U.S. Senate. — But so far Pat Toomey has controlled …
Discussion:, The Swamp and Commentary

The best (positive) campaign ad of the cycle? — Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) is out with a new ad in his bid for the state's open governorship that perfectly captures the anti-politician sentiment coursing through the electorate. — “I'm John Hickenlooper and I guess …
The Atlantic Online, New York Magazine, Mediaite and Ben Smith's Blog

Real Estate's Gold Rush Seems Gone for Good — Housing will eventually recover from its great swoon. But many real estate experts now believe that home ownership will never again yield rewards like those enjoyed in the second half of the 20th century, when houses not only provided shelter but also a plump nest egg.

10 things Obama must do in 10 weeks — (CNN) — President Obama is facing criticism that his message has gone off track at a crucial time for his party and administration. With the midterm elections just 10 weeks away, the president's approval ratings are at their lowest.
Pirate's Cove, Sister Toldjah and Shakesville

College Dropout Factories — It was money—or the lack of it—that determined where Nestor Curiel chose to go to college. The third of six children in an immigrant Mexican family, Nestor grew up in Blue Island, a gritty working-class suburb near Chicago's South Side.

Obama Weekly Job Approval Average at New Low of 43% — Obama's ratings improved near end of week — PRINCETON, NJ — President Obama's job approval rating slipped to 43% for the week of Aug. 16-22, down one percentage point from the previous weekly low set a week ago.
Politic365 and Commentary

Eric Cantor: Mosque builders ‘not interested in healing’ — ASHLAND, Va. — Rep. Eric Cantor, one of the highest-ranking Jewish lawmakers, says Muslims building a community center in lower Manhattan are “insensitive” and “not interested in healing or bringing people together.”
Commentary and Weasel Zippers

Net-neutrality group challenged by ties to MoveOn.Org, ACORN — A bipartisan coalition in favor of net neutrality has lost a key conservative supporter amid signs that the issue is becoming more divisive. — The Gun Owners of America (GOA) severed ties with the net-neutrality coalition Save …
Big Government and Hot Air

Last-minute Palin robo-calls for Bondi in GOP attorney general primary — The day before Tuesday's primary election, political newcomer Pam Bondi brought out the big guns: a robo-call recorded by conservative darling Sarah Palin. — The “Mama Grizzly” calls Bondi “a real prosecutor …

The creeping threat of backdoor privatization — It has come to this: Parents are now being asked to send their children to school with their own toilet paper. And not just toilet paper, but all sorts of basic items that schools themselves used to provide for kids.
Washington Monthly, The Confluence and Outside the Beltway

Raising the Ceiling of the House Projections — Patrick Ruffini wants a new update on the overall outlook for the House. — I had a list of 99 back in May. A few races have been added since then (Bob Etheridge had not grabbed anyone by the neck back then), and the outlook has shifted a bit.
Hot Air, Moe Lane and

Blogger beware: Postings can lead to lawsuits — A false sense of Internet security can mean legal quagmires for critics who are careless about facts. — Reporting from Washington — The Internet has allowed tens of millions of Americans to be published writers.