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GOP Takes Unprecedented 10-Point Lead on Generic Ballot — Republicans also maintain wide gap in enthusiasm about voting — PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans lead by 51% to 41% among registered voters in Gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences.
Washington Monthly, Crooks and Liars,, Politics Daily, Ballot Box, Outside the Beltway, Washington Post, Commentary, Political Byline, Hot Air, The Reaction, The Hill, The Sundries Shack, National Review, Matthew Yglesias, Top of the Ticket, RedState, TPMDC, Gawker, Time, All Content, Taylor Marsh, Freedom's Lighthouse, Questions and Observations, Balloon Juice, Firedoglake, The Atlantic Online,, Post on Politics, The Swamp, The Daily Caller, Prairie Weather, Power Line, Doug Ross, USA Today, Weekly Standard, Washington Wire, The Agonist, TalkLeft and Taegan Goddard's …

The Democrats' New Normal — I don't usually like to comment on individual polls. Most of the time, when a poll produces an “unusual” result, it simply reflects random noise and the best advice is to wait for the next edition of the poll to come along, when more often than not it will revert to its previous position.
The New Republic, Politics Daily, HotAirPundit and National Review

Tidal wave? 10-point poll edge for GOP — Democrats thought things couldn't get much worse on the electoral front — and then they went home to campaign. — A new Gallup poll released Monday shows Republicans with a record 10-point edge over Democrats on the “generic ballot” test …
CNN, The Moderate Voice and Hotline On Call

Democrats seek separation from Nancy Pelosi — Some of the Democratic Party's most endangered lawmakers are taking steps to distance themselves from Speaker Nancy Pelosi in an attempt to inoculate themselves from charges that they are beholden to the unpopular House leader and supportive of the ambitious national Democratic agenda.

Republicans take 10-point generic ballot lead (and what it means) — 1. The latest weekly tracking poll from Gallup gives Republicans a 10-point edge on the generic ballot, the party's largest lead ever — yes, ever — in the poll's more than six decades of asking the question in midterm elections.
Taegan Goddard's …,, PostPartisan, Anchorage Daily News, Swing State Project and Freedom's Lighthouse

AP-GfK Poll: Most attuned voters tilt toward GOP
Taegan Goddard's …

Education secretary urged his employees to attend Sharpton's rally — President Obama's top education official urged government employees to attend a rally that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized to counter a larger conservative event on the Mall. — “ED staff are invited to join Secretary Arne Duncan …
Discussion:, Washington Post, Red Dog Report, Gateway Pundit, Sister Toldjah, The Blaze, Michelle Malkin, Don Surber and Big Government

Glenn Beck may be unlikely leader for conservative Christians — A few weeks before organizing a massive rally on the Mall that had the feel of a religious revival, Glenn Beck sought the blessing of some of the country's most prominent conservative Christian leaders.

Exclusive: Glenn Beck Launches “News And Opinion” Website, The Blaze — Having conquered TV, radio, book publishing and now live events, Glenn Beck is looking to expand his media empire into a new arena - the web (obviously is thriving too). — Mediaite has the exclusive details …
Discussion:, Outside the Beltway, The Wire, Political Byline, Firedoglake, New York Magazine and News Hounds, more at Mediagazer »

Amazing: Aerial Shot of Glenn Beck's ‘Restoring Honor’ …
Macsmind and Gateway Pundit

Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan Urged Gov't Employees …
American Glob

Bill Press: Talking about God not appropriate for “sacred” spot
Pajamas Media, NewsReal Blog and Don Surber

Health Care Reform Has Endangered the Democratic Majority — This Politico piece by Jim VandeHei, Alex Isenstadt, and Mike Allen got a lot of play last week: … There is no mention of health care reform in this piece. The economy is referenced several times. So is the President's inability to control the narrative.
TalkLeft, The New Republic, National Review, and Hullabaloo

Public sours on health care reform as midterms loom — A new poll shows that public support for health care reform dropped sharply in August - a dagger in Democrats' hopes that their landmark legislation will help them in November's midterm. — The Kaiser Health Tracking Poll has support …
Hot Air, New York Magazine, The Reid Report and Liberty Pundits Blog

Boehner Assails Obama on Iraq — In advance of President Obama's Tuesday night speech on Iraq, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, was set to remind thousands of veterans attending the national convention of the American Legion that Mr. Obama and other Democrats …
The Hill, CNN, The Swamp, Michelle Malkin, Washington Times, Taylor Marsh and Gateway Pundit

Obama speech on Iraq has risks
Washington Wire, New York Times, The Caucus, ATTACKERMAN, The Politico, USA Today,, Politics Daily and Think Progress

Previewing Obama Iraq speech, Gibbs won't credit surge
Betsy's Page

Miller sees prospect of bad blood with fellow Republicans — Miller says he sees the prospect of bad blood with fellow Republicans. — Anchorage, Alaska (CNN) - As Republican Joe Miller eyes what could be a major victory in the Alaska Senate GOP primary, the upstart candidate believes it's possible …
Outside the Beltway, Salon and Ballot Box

ABC NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Two Men on United Flight from Chicago Arrested on ‘Preparation of a Terrorist Attack’ in Amsterdam — Suspects Had Been Cleared Sunday by TSA in Chicago, Birmingham Despite Security Concerns — Two men taken off a Chicago-to-Amsterdam United Airlines flight in the Netherlands …
CBS News, New York Times, ThreatsWatch, NO QUARTER, NPR Topics, Hot Air, Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, HillBuzz, TUNDRA TABLOIDS, Politics Daily, AMERICAN DIGEST, Gateway Pundit, Left Coast Rebel, New York Magazine, Political Byline, The Jawa Report, Sister Toldjah, Tammy Bruce,, National Review, The Powers That Be and Peter Daou

Durbin throws support behind Ground Zero Mosque — Sen. Dick Durbin, the man who could lead the U.S. Senate depending on how November's elections go, had a strong message for Illinois' 400,000 Muslims and other residents about the Ground Zero Mosque Monday.

Sen. Orrin Hatch: 'I'd Be The First To Stand Up For Their Rights …
Politics Daily, Washington Monthly, CNN, The Plum Line, IntoxiNation and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Durbin on majority leader job: ‘My choice is Harry Reid’
Weasel Zippers

Lomborg wants $100bn climate fund — Exclusive ‘Sceptical environmentalist’ and critic of climate scientists to declare global warming a chief concern facing world — • Climate change voice who changed his tune — • Rajendra Pachauri under pressure to stand aside
The Volokh Conspiracy, Grist, Telegraph, EU Referendum, Firedoglake and The New Republic

Fox News, Right Wing News and JammieWearingFool

Palin's Speaking Demands Confirmed: $75K, SUVs, Deluxe Hotel Suites, Bendable Straws, And No Public Access — In April, two students at Cal State Stanislaus found a partial copy of a speaker's contract for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. The partial copy revealed that Palin …
News Hounds, The Reid Report and The Daily Hurricane

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act — As President Obama prepares to tie a bow on U.S. combat operations in Iraq, Congressional Budget Office numbers show that the total cost of the eight-year war was less than the stimulus bill passed by the Democratic-led Congress in 2009.
Brain Rage and Gateway Pundit

Sarah Palin Celebrates Shabbat And Offers Echoes of Esther — Driving to Lancaster from Philadelphia Friday afternoon, my wife and I passed through a town named Ephrata. In was named after the town that, in ancient times, was part of the city of Bethlehem; today it is a thriving Israeli city of 8,000-plus.
Weekly Standard, Power Line, Commentary and

Wealthy lawmakers increased their riches as economy sputtered in '09 — The wealthiest members of Congress grew richer in 2009 even as the economy struggled to recover from a deep recession. — The 50 wealthiest lawmakers were worth almost $1.4 billion in 2009, about $85.1 million …
JammieWearingFool and Prairie Weather