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One Day Before Its Gulf Oil Rig Exploded, Mariner Energy Said Obama ‘Is Trying To Break Us’ With Moratorium — The U.S. Coast Guard said this morning that a natural gas and oil drilling platform exploded 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana. A Coast Guard spokesperson said the platform …

Gulf oil platform explodes, burning off La. coast — GRAND ISLE, La. - An offshore petroleum platform exploded and was burning Thursday in the Gulf of Mexico about 80 miles off the Louisiana coast, west of the site where BP's undersea well spilled after a rig explosion.
Reuters, The Awl, Outside the Beltway, The Moderate Voice, Daily Kos, Gawker, The Page and The Impolitic

iReport: Did you see the explosion? Share images — [Updated at 12:31 p.m.] All thirteen people aboard a production platform that exploded in the Gulf are accounted for and safely on a commercial vessel according to initial information, the U.S. Coast Guard said in a statement.
The New Republic, Weekly Standard and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Coast Guard: Platform on fire in Gulf; 13 workers rescued — [Updated at 2:14 p.m.] For continuing coverage of the incident involving a production platform on fire in the Gulf read the full story here. — [Updated at 2:08 p.m.] U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Elizabeth Bordelon tells CNN …
WWL-TV, CNN, WDSU-TV,, Runnin' Scared, Chicago Boyz, Hot Air, Mediaite and Michelle Malkin

Oil Platform Fire Still Burning in Gulf
Discussion: and Stocks To Watch Today

Dept. of stage fright — Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's opening statement in last night's debate reflects either an amazing lack of preparation, or sheer panic. — (The video caption isn't mine.)

BREWER'S PAINFULLY LONG PAUSES.... I've seen politicians freeze on the air when confronted with a tough question for which they're unprepared, but going blank during a debate's opening statement? This is a new one. — Ben Smith reported, “Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's opening statement …
Think Progress, Balloon Juice, No More Mister Nice Blog, New York Magazine and TPMDC

Brewer takes heat for not addressing beheading claim — A frustrated Brewer wouldn't answer reporter's questions about her beheading statement. — (CNN) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer sparred with her Democratic opponent in an at-times contentious debate Wednesday night, but it was what the Arizona Republican …
Washington Post and Outside the Beltway

Brewer trips in debate with Goddard
Daily Kos, Gawker, The Plum Line, Think Progress and Swing State Project

Hillary Clinton for president ad hits airwaves — A new ad advocating for Hillary Clinton for president in 2012 began running in New Orleans Wednesday. — (CNN) - We've still got two months left until the 2010 midterm elections, but we now have our first television commercial of the 2012 presidential campaign.
The Politico, Politics Daily, Hot Air, Freedom's Lighthouse, Wonkette, GOP 12 and Weigel

White House considering major tax breaks for businesses, sources say — With the recovery faltering less than two months before the November congressional elections, President Obama's economic team is considering another big dose of stimulus in the form of tax breaks for businesses …
FrumForum and Marginal Revolution

White House rules out sequel to stimulus bill
Matthew Yglesias, TalkLeft and Fausta's Blog

Stay Classy, Christine O'Donnell — She didn't make the charge; a firm employed by her did. She's not commenting. … She cannot win in Delaware, which is usually among the ten most Democratic states in the union. Allow me to be a little elistist — what in this odd biography says “serious candidate for Senator”?

Who Is Christine O'Donnell? — In the wake of Joe Miller's upset …
Discussion:, Ben Smith's Blog, The Atlantic Online and RedState

It's Important To Be Right — I previously expressed hope that Markos Moulitsas' American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right would be better than the publicity material suggested. Jamelle Bouie read it for The American Prospect and reports back that it isn't.
Hullabaloo, Open Left, Left in the West,, TalkLeft, Mother Jones and American Prospect

Argument by Analogy, Cont.
Matthew Yglesias and American Prospect

Yeah, I talked with the Discovery Channel gunman — I was in DC stuck in traffic near Walter Reed which is several blocks from the Discovery Channel Building. i watched the drama unfold on CNN in the Walter Reed lobby. I got home last night to find my cable and TV out.
Discussion:, The Jawa Report, Whiskey Fire, American Power, Left Coast Rebel and Pirate's Cove

Sarah Palin has tough words for the MSM — In the first half this interview with Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin says that Republicans must ensure that the public understands that cutting taxes and getting the government out of the way is the best way to fix our economy and that they must communicate …
Discussion:, Red Dog Report, The Other McCain and GOP 12

Dodge Charger owner upset vehicle crushed by suicidal fall — Tweet — Her car was crushed — and so is she. — A New Jersey woman is devastated that her precious sports car — just repaired and fully gassed up — was wrecked by a suicidal man's 40-story attempted death leap on the Upper West Side.
Weasel Zippers, Outside the Beltway, Runnin' Scared, Althouse and The Awl

Saying anything about Palin, cont'd — I generally avoid playing press critic, knowing that I live in a particularly fragile glass house and that good reporters make mistakes. — But the Vanity Fair piece on Sarah Palin is so emblematic of much that's wrong about the way she's covered …

Sixty Days to Go — The Crystal Ball's Labor Day Predictions — Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics — For decades I've advised students to let the facts speak for themselves, while avoiding the indulgence of shouting at the facts. In other words, we should take in …

Economist Christina Romer serves up dismal news at her farewell luncheon — Lunch at the National Press Club on Wednesday caused some serious indigestion. — It wasn't the food; it was the entertainment. Christina Romer, chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers …

Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao shies away from partisan debate: Stephanie Grace — Most Republicans are probably thrilled that their party is in striking distance of regaining its majority in the U.S. House this fall. — Yet for Anh “Joseph” Cao, the unlikely first-term GOP congressman …

GOP Rep. Cao: ‘I love the president’
Weasel Zippers, FrumForum and The Daily Caller

Warren fuels speculation by dropping class — When fall classes began Wednesday at Harvard Law School, Elizabeth Warren was scheduled to be teaching contract law to first-year students. But something happened on the way to the chalkboard. — “I'm writing to let you know that Professor Jerry Frug …
Firedoglake, Ezra Klein, Think Progress, Washington Wire, The Hill, TPMDC,*, New York Magazine and The Page

Democrats unlikely to repeal tax cuts for the rich — WASHINGTON — Democrats in Congress are poised to play a leading role this month in thwarting their party's effort to raise income tax rates on the wealthy. — Tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 expire at the end of this year.
The Hill, Crooks and Liars, TalkLeft, Daily Kos, and Liberty Pundits Blog

8.4 Million New Yorkers Suddenly Realize New York City A Horrible Place To Live — 'We're Getting The Hell Out Of This Sewer,' Entire Populace Reports — NEW YORK—At 4:32 p.m. Tuesday, every single resident of New York City decided to evacuate the famed metropolis, having realizing …
Gothamist, Runnin' Scared and Paul Krugman

What I Learned Behind the Lines of the Anti-Obama Backlash — What's Your Reaction: … Last March, the week that the health care reform was signed into law, I plopped down on a sofa and watched Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck for an hour with two of his biggest fans.
The Moderate Voice, Media Matters for America, The Agonist and

Obama Unpopular Ahead of Midterms: Will the GOP Benefit? — President Obama, during a town-hall meeting with young African leaders in the East Room of the White House on Aug. 3, 2010 — The Barack Obama that most Hoosiers remember voting for can still be found on YouTube.
Hot Air, Fausta's Blog, CNN and The Page

Rupert Murdoch's War On The New York Times — “I read the Journal a little less now. I find that I can skim it in a way I couldn't before. If the Journal is gaining market share I'd guess it is more at the expense of USA Today than the Times,” New York Times executive editor Bill Keller tells Vanity Fair writer Sarah Ellison.
Yahoo! News, Ben Smith's Blog, The Wire, New York Magazine, Gothamist and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »