Top Items:

Brewer: No more debates - period — PHOENIX - Arizona voters won't be seeing any more debates between the top gubernatorial contenders. — Incumbent Republican Jan Brewer said Thursday she has no intention of participating in any more events with Democrat Terry Goddard.

Jan Brewer: No More Debates For Me — What's Your Reaction: … Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is apparently done with participating in gubernatorial debates, because she is terrible at them. Per Jillian Rayfield at TPM: … My follow-up question would have probably been …
Mr. Media Training

Jan Brewer: I'm Done With Debates (VIDEO)
Colorlines, Washington Monthly, America's Voice Blog, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, KPHO-TV and Think Progress

PRIVATE-SECTOR JOB GROWTH.... In the last post, we talked about the new monthly jobs report, with the chart we've all come to know and love. But many of you have emailed to suggest it's time for a slightly different chart — one showing just the private sector job market. — It's a fair request.
Mother Jones, Balloon Juice, The Daily Whim, Donklephant and Matthew Yglesias

Private Sector in U.S. Added More Jobs Over Summer — American businesses added more jobs in the last three months than originally estimated, calming fears of a double-dip recession. Yet the pace of growth signaled that the wheels of the economic recovery were still spinning in place. — Multimedia
Free exchange, Calculated Risk, Hot Air, Mother Jones, The Atlantic Online, Ezra Klein, Gawker, The Caucus, Daily Finance UK,, TPMDC, Brookings Institute, Political Byline, Economix, The Awl, Daily Kos, Minnesota Independent, AFL-CIO NOW BLOG, Firedoglake, Outside the Beltway, Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice, Hit & Run, The New Republic, Swampland and

President Obama Reacts to August Jobs Numbers, Doesn't Mention Net Job Loss of 54K
The Curious Capitalist, Don Surber, The Foundry, Gateway Pundit and Hot Air

Remarks by the President on Monthly Unemployment Numbers
White Blog Feed, Liberty Pundits Blog and The Washington Independent

The Senate's In Play — For much of this year, it seemed a near mathematical impossibility that Republicans could score the 10-seat net gain needed to flip the Senate, which is split between 59 Democrats (including two independents who caucus with Democrats and largely vote with the party) and 41 Republicans.
Red Dog Report, The Fix and Pundit & Pundette

Oh my: Chris Christie endorses Mike Castle — In which Team Castle tosses tea partiers a curveball: If the right's new rock star thinks he's conservative enough, shouldn't they think so too? I'm ... not so sure they should, partly because Christie's own “true conservative” …
Discussion:, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, GayPatriot and Weekly Standard

The irony of Jesse Jackson's stripped SUV — Add Jesse Jackson's ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit. — Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing's GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit's Channel 7 reports that the Reverend's Caddy Escalade SUV …
Red Dog Report, Left Coast Rebel, Weasel Zippers, AmSpecBlog, Political Byline and

The Small Business The 97% Fallacy — The president's plan to raise top marginal rates is holding back the very people who should be leading the economic recovery. — When Congress returns from its summer recess, members will face a pivotal decision about the expiring Bush tax cuts.
National Review, Hot Air, AmSpecBlog, Fausta's Blog and Washington Post

Ryan Knocks GOP Tax Cut Fantasy: 'I'm Not One Of These People …
The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly and TPMDC

Ryan: ‘Plenty of room’ to cut $700B from budget to extend high-end tax cuts
The New Republic and The Gavel

Repeal the 17th amendment? — During our discussion of the filibuster today — which you can stream over at C-SPAN's Web site — Heritage's Brian Darling talked a bit about the Senate's important role as a voice for the states. Responding to a questioner, he went so far as to say he'd consider repeal …

One Dollar, One Vote? — Nobody wants to repeal George Bush's tax cuts …

AP: ‘Combat in Iraq is not over, and we should not uncritically repeat suggestions that it is’ — Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 5:30 PM — Subject: Standards Center guidance: The situation in Iraq — Many AP staffers are producing content that refers to the situation in Iraq.
Outside the Beltway, The Atlantic Wire and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

AP refuses to use WH/NBC propaganda terms for Iraq
The Moderate Voice

Backer of NYC mosque gave to Hamas-linked charity — NEW YORK - One of the investors in a proposed Islamic center near ground zero is a Long Island medical clinic owner whose expressions of sympathy for Palestinians included a donation to a charity later shut down for links to Hamas.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

AFL-CIO president to Sarah Palin: Change or be linked with McCarthyism — AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka charged that if Republican political star Sarah Palin is not more careful in her choice of words, the political movement she has helped to create will be linked with 1950s McCarthyism.
Gateway Pundit, Right Wing News and Crooks and Liars

Despite hiring, US unemployment rate seems frozen — WASHINGTON - Unemployment is stuck at high levels even though some companies are hiring. The problem, government data show, is that too few jobs are being created for the growing number of people looking for work.

Broader U-6 Jobless Rate up to 16.7%: Why the Jump?
Commentary, American Enterprise Institute and Economist's View

Colo. GOP tries to push Maes out — Top Colorado Republicans are attempting to convince gubernatorial nominee Dan Maes to drop his bid for governor by the end of Friday, a well-placed Republican in the state tells POLITICO. — In a meeting Friday morning, party chairman Dick Wadhams …
CBS4Denver, CNN, The Spot,, Daily Kos and Swing State Project

Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography — A 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into the purchase of child pornography online turned up more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department—including …
Politics Daily and Mother Jones

Wyden Undermines President's Signature Bill — Jay Cost noted that Democratic senator Ron Wyden sent a letter last week to Oregon health authority director Bruce Goldberg, in which Wyden states that the federal government “has never had the flexibility” or the “will” to implement “innovative solutions” to our health care woes.
Weigel and Washington Monthly

Is a Payroll Tax Holiday a Good Idea? — That's the question of the day, now that a new article in the Washington Post indicates that the government is considering a package of business tax breaks to stimulate jobs ahead of the mid-terms, including a payroll tax holiday. — Thoughts:
EconLog, The New Republic and Guardian

Administration's September Rollout: Big Payroll Tax Cut
New York Times, The Reaction, Mother Jones, The Atlantic Online, Eschaton and Balloon Juice

How to End the Great Recession — THIS promises to be the worst Labor Day in the memory of most Americans. Organized labor is down to about 7 percent of the private work force. Members of non-organized labor — most of the rest of us — are unemployed, underemployed or underwater.
Firedoglake, Robert Reich, Commentary,, protein wisdom and

Tea Party candidate sparks backlash in Delaware — The Tea Party Express launched new ads supporting Delaware Republican primary Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. — Washington (CNN) - Fresh on the heels of Joe Miller's surprising win over Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska Republican Senate primary …

Perspective, boys, perspective — As I recall, National Review endorsed John McCain over J.D. Hayworth. I don't recall any concerns mentioned about his Keating Five role or his widely reported temper tantrums. No, J.D., we were told, had all kinds of flaws.
National Review, RedState, Riehl World View and TBogg

Palin's ‘impotent’ comments make rounds — Sarah Palin has set the blogosphere ablaze again. — (CNN) - Sarah Palin has managed to set the blogosphere ablaze again, this time after appearing to use sexual metaphors to slam mainstream media reporters who rely on anonymous sources.
The Other McCain, The Moderate Voice, Mediaite, Left Coast Rebel, Washington Post, Weigel and Weasel Zippers

Survey USA poll shows Whitman, Fiorina leading in CA — Welcome to California ... the Red State. At least that's what Survey USA finds in its latest poll of likely voters in the gubernatorial and Senate races, where Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina still lead.
SFGate, The Fix, TigerHawk, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard and TPMDC