Top Items:
Jamie Stiehm / Washington Post:
Oval Office rug gets history wrong — A mistake has been made in the Oval Office makeover that goes beyond the beige. — President Obama's new presidential rug seemed beyond reproach, with quotations from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy …

In defense of Alan Simpson — (updated below) — The President's Deficit Commission is designed to be as anti-democratic and un-transparent as possible. Its work is done in total secrecy. It is filled with behind-the-scenes political and corporate operatives who steadfastly refuse to talk to the public about what they're doing.
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
America has a cow over Alan Simpson's candor on deficits — There was a time, not too long ago, when a politician could talk about tits in public. — In 1992, Sen. Alan Simpson, a Wyoming Republican, complained in a speech to the National Conference of State Legislatures about how Social Security …
Firedoglake and Hullabaloo
Dan / Riehl World View:
My Response To Stephen Bainbridge's Ad Hominem Attack — According to Stephen Bainbridge, suddenly I'm a holier than thou purist with no tolerance and an enemy of the good, ... along with my ilk. It's difficult to see Bainbridge as the good here, given his mis-labeling me so falsely, while ignoring my arguments.
Red Dog Report, Hotline On Call, The Other McCain, Gateway Pundit and Outside the Beltway

Tony Blair pelted with eggs at book signing in Dublin — Activists clashed with Irish police as they tried to push down a security barrier outside the bookshop — Eggs, bottles and shoes have been thrown at the former prime minister Tony Blair as he attended a book signing in Dublin.
Discussion:, Firedoglake, The Impolitic, FrumForum and Suburban Guerrilla
Nick Gillespie / Hit & Run:
Glenn Beck's “Restoring Honor” Rally, a Week Later — Last Saturday, Glenn Beck held his “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, DC.'s segment on the event, which went up a few hours after its conclusion, is above. (Shot by Jim Epstein with help from Josh Swain …
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
NO ONE SHOULD BE SURPRISED BY THE SHUTDOWN.... Josh Marshall had an item yesterday that I suspect represents the way many observers consider reports of a government shutdown next year: “When I first heard this talk of another ‘government shutdown’ in 2011, I figured it was just Democrats whipping it up as a cudgel for the election.
KN@PPSTER, A plain blog about politics, No More Mister Nice Blog, Talking Points Memo and TPMDC
What Kind of Socialist Is Barack Obama? — The assertion that Barack Obama is a socialist became a hallmark of the 2008 presidential campaign. His opponent, John McCain, used Obama's own extemporaneous words to an Ohio plumber as Exhibit A: “When you spread the wealth around,” Obama had said, “it's good for everybody.”
NewsReal Blog

Broke—and Building the Most Expensive School in U.S. History — Benches that talk, a Cocoanut Grove auditorium, and a marble slab engraved with quotes from Ted Kennedy. — Los Angeles — At $578 million—or about $140,000 per student—the 24-acre Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools complex …
24Ahead and GayPatriot

Inside Al Qaeda — Nine years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden's network remains a shadowy, little-understood enemy. The truth, as revealed by one of its fighters, is both more and less troubling than we think. — The incident didn't get much international attention at the time …
The Jawa Report

Afghanistan Tries to Help Nation's Biggest Bank — KABUL, Afghanistan — In a bid to fend off the threat of a nationwide financial crisis, the Afghan government scrambled to shore up Afghanistan's largest bank on Saturday after lines of frantic depositors mobbed the bank for a third day.
ChristWire, Ben Smith's Blog and Fire Andrea Mitchell!
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Clinton hosting dinner for Ramadan geared toward young Muslims — The administration's marking of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan continues Tuesday when the State Department hosts an event. — The administration's marking of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan continues Tuesday …
Weasel Zippers and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Keith Olbermann and Nate Silver at get faced by former Car Czar Steve Rattner — Chrysler closings were politically motivated — With word that former White House ‘car czar’ Steve Rattner's tell-all book is on the way, it's worth revisiting the ‘Dealergate’ controversy that broke in May of 2009.
Verum Serum
Gail Collins / New York Times:
The Ungreat Debate — We do not generally look to gubernatorial debates for excitement. But this week there was a fascinating one in Arizona, where Gov. Jan Brewer gave a bad performance of epic proportions. Really, Richard Nixon in 1960 was Demosthenes in Athens compared with this one.
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