Top Items:

Republicans making gains against Democrats ahead of midterm elections — Republicans are heading into the final weeks of the midterm campaign with the political climate highly in their favor, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Americans are increasingly frustrated by a lack …
Politics Daily, CNN, The Politico, The Fix, Crooks and Liars, Political Byline,, PostPartisan, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog, AMERICAblog News, Wake up America, Guardian, Taylor Marsh, Washington Monthly,, Sweetness & Light, Think Progress, Commentary, Outside the Beltway, The Plum Line, The Page, Howard Kurtz, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Liberty Pundits Blog, National Review and Beltway Confidential

The Mind of America — A new Washington Post poll is out. Selected questions are shown below. Summary: Americans trust Democrats more to handle the country's problems, they think Democrats represent their values better, they think Democrats are more concerned with the needs of people like them …
Firedoglake, Ezra Klein, Matthew Yglesias and Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!

Parties Tied at 46% in Generic Ballot — Latest weekly update shows more competitive contest — PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans and Democrats are tied at 46% among registered voters in Gallup's weekly tracking of congressional voting preferences, marking a shift after five consecutive weeks in which the Republicans held the advantage.
Ezra Klein, The Hill, Weekly Standard and Taegan Goddard's …

Voters Favor GOP Over Dems By Record Margin — ABC News-Washington Post Poll: Dissatisfaction with Federal Government at Highest Level in 18 Years — Swelling economic discontent has pushed dissatisfaction with the federal government to its highest level in 18 years …
The Note, Left Coast Rebel, TalkLeft, Mediaite, Hotline On Call, The Hill, Political Punch, AmSpecBlog and National Review

David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be ‘More Extreme’ Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)
The Plum Line, Pam's House Blend, Mediaite and The Fix

New polls point to tsunami
Time,, Hot Air, FrumForum and The Huffington Post

One Nation, Two Deficits — The nation faces a nasty dual deficit problem: a painful jobs deficit in the near term and an unsustainable budget deficit over the medium and long term. This month, the Senate will be debating an issue with significant implications for both …
The Atlantic Online, Politics Daily, TPMDC, The New Republic, Democracy in America, The Hill, The American Conservative,*, Free exchange, CNN, The Washington Independent, The New Ledger, Firedoglake, Questions and Observations, The Foundry, Political Punch, Hot Air, Balloon Juice, Capital Gains and Games blogs, Gawker, Grasping Reality …, TalkLeft, Weekly Standard, The Other McCain, Talking Points Memo, Ben Smith's Blog, Ezra Klein, James Pethokoukis, Commentary and FrumForum

Why Obama Is Proposing Whopping Corporate Tax Cuts, and Why He's Wrong
Wonk Room, New York Times, Firedoglake, Wall Street Journal, The Confluence and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Bush Tax Cuts: White House Rejects New Orszag Proposal
The Atlantic Online and Firedoglake

Daley won't run for re-election: ‘I have done my best’ — Mayor Richard Daley, with his wife and members of his family, speaks at a City Hall press conference to announce that he will not run for re-election in 2011. (Antonio Dickey / Mayor's Press Office) | MORE PHOTOS
Hot Air, Salon, AMERICAblog News and Michelle Malkin

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley to retire, speculation swirls around Rahm Emanuel candidacy — Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley's surprise announcement today that he would not seek a seventh term in 2011 immediately set off speculation that White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel would enter the race.

TRENDING: Rahm: Will he or won't he? — A source close …
Ben Smith's Blog

Fidel to Ahmadinejad: ‘Stop Slandering the Jews’ — (This is Part I of a report on my recent visit to Havana. I hope to post Part II tomorrow. And I also hope to be publishing a more comprehensive article about this subject in a forthcoming print edition of The Atlantic.)
Political Byline, No More Mister Nice Blog, Gawker and Pajamas Media

State Gains Would Give Redistricting Edge to G.O.P. — The midterm elections are being closely watched for the answer to a high-stakes question: Will Republicans have a majority in Congress for the next two years? But it is the outcome of a lower-profile battle over state legislatures …
The Politico, cn|2 Politics, The Blaze and FrumForum

Democrats Aren't Running From Health Care. But What Are They Running On?
Shakesville, The Washington Independent, All Content and CNN

Planned Quran-burning could endanger troops, Petraeus warns — Feeling passionate about this story? Put your thoughts on video and share them with CNN iReport. — (CNN) — A Florida pastor told CNN on Tuesday that while his congregation still plans to burn Qurans to protest the September 11 …
Associated Press, The Hill, Gawker, TalkLeft, Pam's House Blend, The Daily Caller, Political Byline, Wall Street Journal and ABCNEWS

Church Snubs Military Concerns on Quran Burning
This ain't Hell …, and AMERICAblog News

Petraeus condemns Fla. church's plan to burn Korans
Oliver Willis, Open Left, Think Progress, Mediaite, THEROOT.COM, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, No Left Turns, PostPartisan, TalkLeft, Associated Press and CNN

NATO chief: Please don't burn the Quran in Florida
Jihad Watch, ATTACKERMAN, The Reaction, Informed Comment and TPMMuckraker

Desert Firestorm: The Nevada Senate Race Heats Up — A Retooled Angle Campaign Threatens to Topple the Majority Leader — After a disastrous start as the Republican Senate nominee in Nevada, Sharron Angle has begun to turn her campaign around and is once again raising Republican hopes …
CNN, The Note, The Plum Line and TPMDC

Reid: Don't blame me for Nevada's high unemployment rate
Think Progress and Weasel Zippers

Rome is Burning — There is a critical point that I fear the commentariat is just not getting. In my darker moments I fear that some of my fellow economists aren't getting it either but we aren't going to go there. — Look at these two graphs because they tell you the fundamental problem in America today:
Balloon Juice and Eschaton

Can the Tea Party win in Delaware the way it won in Alaska? — WILMINGTON, Del.—Mike Castle is in his element. It's Saturday and Delaware's only representative in the U.S. House has positioned himself at the entrance to the Arden Fair, a 103-year-old celebration of a left-leaning artist community …
Oliver Willis and The Other McCain

Christine O'Donnell's Views On Sex And Porn Take Social Conservatism To The Extreme
TBogg and Zandar Versus The Stupid

Scrubbing Santorum — Why Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum can't beat his Google problem. — Post Comment — Rick Santorum would very much like to be president. For the past few years, he has been diligently appearing at the sorts of conservative events—the Values Voters Summit …
Pam's House Blend, Blue Gal and GOP 12

The United States of Inequality — In 1915, a statistician at the University of Wisconsin named Willford I. King published The Wealth and Income of the People of the United States, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date. The United States was displacing Great Britain …
Guardian and Hullabaloo

The Slump Goes On: Why? — Paul Krugman and Robin Wells — Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy — Princeton University Press, 260 pp., $26.95 — Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance — by Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm Penguin, 353 pp., $27.95
Firedoglake and Economist's View

Lehman's Last Hours
The Atlantic Online, The Big Picture and naked capitalism

Infrastructure — Some bleary-eyed thoughts from Japan on the reported administration proposal for $50 billion in new spending: — 1. It's a good idea — 2. It's much too small — 3. It won't pass anyway — which makes you wonder why the administration didn't propose a bigger plan …
Questions and Observations, AMERICAblog News and

KY-Sen: Rand Paul staffer caught posing as progressive at Daily Kos — As you probably know, there's a moneybomb underway to raise money for Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway's campaign challenging Rand Paul for U.S. Senate. — Well, it turns out that at least one member …
The Atlantic Online, Crooks and Liars, skippy the bush kangaroo and Ben Smith's Blog

Peretz: Muslims Are Indifferent to Human Life and Therefore Unworthy of First Amendment Protection — New Republic Editor in Chief Martin Peretz: … I for one am thrilled that the First Amendment gives Peretz the right to offer his racist views up for public consumption …

The Obama Economy — How trillions in fiscal and monetary stimulus produced a 1.6% recovery. — So two months before an election, and 19 months after the mother of all spending programs, President Obama said yesterday he's rolling out one more plan to stimulate the economy.
Matthew Yglesias, Commentary, Free exchange, Betsy's Page and New York Times