Top Items:

Charles Krauthammer Slams Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint Over Delaware Endorsement — On Monday's edition of Fox News' “Special Report with Bret Beir,” columnist Charles Krauthammer criticized former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Sen. Jim Demint (R-SC) for endorsing Delaware Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell …

Bill Kristol on Christine O'Donnell: No Sarah Palin — (CNN) - Guess who's getting slimed now in the increasingly nasty Senate race in Delaware: Republican stalwarts Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes. — The charge: both men, editors of the conservative magazine the Weekly Standard …
Weekly Standard and TBogg

G.O.P. Braces for More Discontent in Final Primaries — As the long and turbulent primary season of the midterm election campaign drew to a close on Monday, the Republican establishment was placing its confidence on hold and bracing for the prospect that voters in yet another state would send …
The Politico, Washington Post,, The Caucus, Wonkette, Hot Air, Prairie Weather, Daily Kos and The Page

GOP Robocall: O'Donnell ‘Out to Make a Buck’ — The Delaware Republican Party launched a robocall attacking Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell Tuesday. — (CNN) - The Delaware Republican party has launched a new robocall the same day voters head to the polls - attacking one of their own.
The Politico and

What to watch in Tuesday's primaries
The Nation, CNN, ABCNEWS, The Note and Right Wing News

Castle rips ‘out-of-state’ operation
TalkLeft, Riehl World View, sisu and GOP 12

The 1099 Insurrection — The White House fights an effort to ease a burden on small business. — You might not have seen it reported, but the Senate will vote this morning on whether to repeal part of ObamaCare that it passed only months ago. The White House is opposed …
Wake up America, BizzyBlog, Don Surber and The Volokh Conspiracy

Rush Limbaugh backs John Boehner
iowahawk, Little Green Footballs and Hot Air

Boehner Plays Central Role in Democratic Ad
The Note, CNN, National Review, Peter Daou, The Hill, The Politico, Salon, Gawker and Daily Kos

Hill battles over Bush tax cuts
Democratic Strategist, Slate and Washington Wire

Who Would the Tax Increases Hurt? — Politicians Debate the Real Cost and Effects of Possible Tax Increases on the Rich — This week, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who caucuses with the Democrats, addressed a local chapter of the Chamber of Commerce in Middlesex, Conn. …
Matthew Yglesias, Democracy in America, Guardian, Associated Press and Political Punch

Democrats turn to meaningless word games
TalkLeft, Talking Points Memo and The Plum Line

Nelson: ‘It Would Be Very Hard For Me To Support’ …
Hullabaloo, TalkLeft, Hotline On Call, The Hill, Commentary and The Plum Line

Blumenthal Up Just 6 Points In Connecticut Senate Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Much McMahon Support Is Anti-Blumenthal — Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, the Democrat, leads Republican former wrestling executive Linda McMahon 51 - 45 percent among likely voters …
The Fix, Mouth of the Potomac, Hot Air, USA Today, The Eye, National Review, Ben Smith's Blog, Capitol Watch, All Content, Weigel, TPMDC and Taegan Goddard's …

Lieberman ‘hopes’ Democrats will hold Senate majority, but won't campaign
CNN and

Confessing to Crime, but Innocent — KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Eddie Lowery lost 10 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. There was no physical evidence at his trial for rape, but one overwhelming factor put him away: he confessed. — At trial, the jury heard details that prosecutors insisted …
Discussion:, Shakesville, The Moderate Voice and Law Blog

New Polls Show Mostly Republican Leads — Fox News is set to release a series of new polls of likely voters in several key states. They were released early to users of their new iPhone app. — Florida: Marco Rubio (R) leads Gov. Charlie Crist (I) in the U.S. Senate race, 43% to 27%, with Rep. Kendrick Meek (D) at 21%.
Weekly Standard

Obama Picks Warren — Reports coming in that President Obama will name Elizabeth Warren as interim director of the consumer protection bureau created by the new financial regulatory law. — Late Update: Maybe not so fast. Fox was one of the outlets originally reporting this and has now retracted …
Reuters and Balloon Juice

Mitch Daniels makes White House moves — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has been holding a series of private dinners with top Republican business leaders, policy hands and donors from around the country since this spring, an indication that he's thinking more seriously about a presidential bid than he publicly lets on.
Right Wing Watch, The Page, FrumForum and Shakesville

Voices of reason notice the right wing is bats**t insane — Voices Of Reason — Ben Smith notes that George Packer and Andrew Sullivan are lamenting the irrationality of the right and he posits that liberals are going to be increasingly relying on this argument the more we lose.
Ben Smith's Blog, The Mahablog, Peter Daou and driftglass

Liberal despair: Age of irrationality
TalkLeft, Questions and Observations, The Daily Dish, The Confluence, RedState and Hot Air

Krauthammer: Palin's and DeMint's endorsements of O'Donnell are destructive, capricious, irresponsible — Via the Right Scoop. There's nothing here that you haven't heard before, but since “true conservatives” are in RINO-stomp mode towards Paul Mirengoff and John McCormack and Jim Geraghty …
Real Clear Politics, Mediaite, CNN,, The Right Scoop, The Other McCain and Riehl World View

The Salesman — Experienced, emotional, marked by personal tragedy and political setback, Joe Biden is in many ways the antithesis of the president he serves. But his stock has risen steadily in the West Wing, and with the Democrats poised to lose much of their leverage in the midterm elections …

Only Nixon Could Go to China — How Obama can help ease “Islamophobia.” — “One of the things that I most admired about President Bush was after 9/11, him being crystal-clear about the fact that we were not at war with Islam,” President Obama said in his Friday press conference.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Tuesday will accuse Republicans, private sector businesses and health insurance companies of “economic treason” in a red meat speech in Columbus, Ohio, to union members at their annual convention. — Trumka's charge is centered on his anger at private sector business …
Weasel Zippers, Liberty Pundits Blog and The Politico

Report: More women than men in U.S. earned doctorates last year for first time — For the first time, more women than men in the United States received doctoral degrees last year, the culmination of decades of change in the status of women at colleges nationwide.
The Huffington Post

Democratic aides may get cold shoulder from K Street after midterms — Democratic congressional aides aiming for a big payday from K Street have seen their value plummet with their party's declining fortunes, according to corporate headhunters and lobbyists.

Former GOP leader apologizes to Obama, calls Republicans ‘racist’ — Miami, Florida (CNN) - The ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, Jim Greer, is now apologizing for stoking fears about President Obama's address to school children last year. — Greer, now under indictment …
The Political Carnival

Problems Reported With New Voting Machines — Voters around New York State stepped into the brave new world of electronic voting machines in Tuesday's primary elections amid complaints around the city of longer-than-usual delays and troubles with the scanners that are supposed to swallow and tabulate the new, SAT-style ballots.
Runnin' Scared

Al Sharpton to launch Sunday-morning show — He'll also start a media company and magazine — The Rev. Al Sharpton has created his own media company and will launch a Sunday-morning syndicated TV show, he told The Hollywood Reporter on Monday. — The controversial civil rights advocate …
Ben Smith's Blog

The Day After Tomorrow — Every political movement has a story. The surging Republican Party has a story, too. It is a story of virtue betrayed and innocence threatened. — Through most of its history, the narrative begins, the United States was a limited government nation …
Hit & Run, Commentary, Democracy in America, driftglass and Wall Street Journal