Top Items:
Christine O'Donnell In Oct. 1999: ‘I Dabbled Into Witchcraft’ — Before she stole the hearts of tea party activists, Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell was best known for her regular and bizarre punditry on 22 different episodes of Politically Incorrect.
Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President ‘If He Was Fully Black’ — Bill Maher on Friday said Barack Obama's problem is “he's only half black.” He'd be a better president “if he was fully black.” — In the season premiere of HBO's “Real Time,” while chatting with former Clinton …
Gateway Pundit
Murkowski says 'Let's Make History' — With the slogan “Let's Make History,” Lisa Murkowski announced Friday she'd pursue an unprecedented write-in bid to keep her seat in the U.S. Senate after losing the Republican primary to Joe Miller. — The decision is a historic gamble for Murkowski …
Donklephant,, Outside the Beltway, Swing State Project, TPMDC, Michelle Malkin, Political Byline and Hot Air
‘The gloves are off’: Murkowski pursues write-in bid against Tea Party favorite — Declaring that Alaska “cannot accept the extremist views of Joe Miller,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said Friday that she intends to run as an independent write-in candidate this November.
Weasel Zippers, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Page and Prairie Weather
Murkowski Can Win as Write-In — The Hotline reports that Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who was defeated in the Republican primary last month by Joe Miller, will run for the Senate as a write-in candidate against Mr. Miller and the Democratic candidate, Scott McAdams.
Hot Air, The Politico, Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, The Eye, AmSpecBlog and Ben Smith's Blog
Lisa Murkowski hits up lobbyists
Pajamas Media and The Other McCain
Murkowski Will Run As Write-In
Notes From Underground, skippy the bush kangaroo, Salon,, Da Techguy's Blog, The Politico, Politics Daily, The Other McCain, Political Byline, GayPatriot, The Page, RedState, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Mudflats, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Rumproast, Anchorage Daily News, AmSpecBlog, Big Government, Liberty Pundits Blog, Daily Kos, The Fix, Riehl World View, Outside the Beltway, Ballot Box, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, TPMDC, Beltway Confidential, National Review and Hot Air
Miller to NRO: Her ‘Lifeblood is power’
Rumproast, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, The Politico, Talking Points Memo and
Great news: Incumbent sore loser to launch desperate bid to keep power
Power Line, Real Clear Politics and National Review
Obama's view of liberal criticisms — (updated below - Update II) — Last night, Barack Obama spoke at a $30,000 per plate DNC fundraising event at the “home of Richard and Ellen Richman, who live in the exclusive Conyers Farm development in Greenwich [Connecticut]'s famed ‘back country’ neighborhood …
Suburban Guerrilla, The Agonist and Capitol Watch
Dem Congresswoman's Supporters Participate in ‘Palin-As-Hitler’ Rally — A video showing protesters outside an Americans For Prosperity event has surfaced on the internet. It shows the protestors with signs depicting Sarah Palin and Glenn beck with Hitler mustaches and the label “Naz-Tea Party” over their pictures.
The Moderate Voice, New York Times, Gateway Pundit, The Other McCain, The Right Scoop and Riehl World View
Palin Opens Up About Possible 2012 Run, Says She's Willing to ‘Give It a Shot’
Outside the Beltway, News Hounds, Right Wing News, Donklephant, Weasel Zippers,, The Daily Caller and GOP 12
Sarah Palin: GOP, It's time to unite
The Caucus, Right Wing News, Hot Air and Washington Post
Busted... Vile Protesters With “Nazi” …
theblogprof, Right Wing News, Riehl World View, The Other McCain, Neptunus Lex, Verum Serum and Don Surber
The Monthly 2012 — There may be a lesson in the results …
GOP 12, Outside the Beltway and Hot Air
Truth, Justice, or the Obama Way — The Justice Department is forced to investigate itself. — It is about to get harder for both the Obama administration and the mainstream media to downplay the New Black Panther party scandal. — The mainstream media did their best to ignore …
National Review
Secrets in Plain Sight in Censored Book's Reprint — WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency, headquarters for the government's eavesdroppers and code breakers, has been located at Fort Meade, Md., for half a century. Its nickname, the Fort, has been familiar for decades to neighbors and government workers alike.
Prairie Weather
Obama Mocks Public Option Supporters — [Ed. note: Jane will be appearing on MSNBC with Cenk Uygur (sitting in for Dylan Ratigan) at approximately 4:30pm EDT.] — Obama took the opportunity to mock supporters of the public option last night at a DNC event in Greenwich, Connecticut:
The Huffington Post, PostPartisan, The Confluence and Riehl World View
Americans Renew Call for Third Party — Fifty-eight percent of Americans, and 62% of Tea Party supporters, favor third party — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' desires for a third political party are as high as they have been in seven years. Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe …
The Moderate Voice and Politics Daily
Obama slams GOP in pre-election campaign finance fix push — President Obama on Saturday slammed congressional Republicans for opposing efforts that would force special-interest groups to disclose their donors for campaign-related activities. — Obama's salvo comes in the midst …
CNN and The Politico
Weekly Address: The Republican Corporate Power Grab — The President explains how the most dire warnings about the Citizens United case have been proven valid as Republicans in Congress have blocked legislation to fix it. — Click here to see the video.
Politics Daily, Washington Monthly and Raw Story
Gingrich to activists: ‘Establishment is in such a state of shock’ — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) on Saturday said that the “establishment is in such a state of shock.” — Gingrich took the podium on Saturday at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit to a standing ovation from the conservative audience.
The Politico
In Delaware, GOP should target Dems, not O'Donnell — Imagine for a moment that Republicans were not consumed with the various faults of the party's newly chosen Delaware Senate candidate, Christine O'Donnell. What would GOP operatives, both in Delaware and in Washington, be doing right now?
The Other McCain, Da Techguy's Blog and RedState
O'Donnell to summit: 'We're not taking our country back, we are our country'
CNN and Weasel Zippers
The Grand Illusion — Let me be clear: the idea of an inevitable Republican landslide in November is not a foregone conclusion. It's a self-perpetuating bit of wishful thinking that's gaining currency through the force of being recycled ad nauseam by overzealous pundits.
No More Mister Nice Blog
End of Fine Print? Elizabeth Warren vs. Wall St. — White House Bypasses Senate, Avoids Confirmation Fight for Consumer Czar — President Obama today selected Elizabeth Warren, who's idolized by liberals but loathed by financial executives, to help create the controversial …