Top Items:
Rahm Emanuel Likely to Leave White House This Week — Final Decision Not Yet Made, White House Chief of Staff All but Certain to Explore Campaign for Mayor of Chicago — Although no final decision has been made because of family considerations, ABC News has learned that White House officials …
Lynn Sweet, The Politico, Guardian, Firedoglake, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Beast, REPUBLICAN REDEFINED, Another Black Conservative, Political Punch, Talking Points Memo, Weasel Zippers, The Moderate Voice, The Page, Mediaite, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, Runnin' Scared, The American Pundit, The Sundries Shack, Gawker and New York Magazine
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
Vice President Biden to Democratic Base: ‘Stop Whining’ — At a fundraiser in Manchester, NH, today, Vice President Biden urged Democrats to “remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He's kept his promises.”
Emanuel all but certain to run for Chicago mayor, sources say — (CNN) - Three Democratic sources close to Rahm Emanuel tell CNN that the White House chief of staff informed senior colleagues he is all but certain to run for mayor of Chicago, and will leave the White House to take the final exploratory steps.
Salon, The Political Carnival and Lynn Sweet

How a handful of liberal bloggers are bringing down the Obama presidency
Comments from Left Field and The Other McCain
The Politico:
Insider likely to replace Rahm Emanuel
Insider likely to replace Rahm Emanuel
Washington Wire, Chicago Sun Times and Politics Daily
Holly Ramer / Associated Press:
Biden: Democratic base should ‘stop whining’
Biden: Democratic base should ‘stop whining’
Riehl World View

Mrs Taliban Dan submits and dutifully defends her husband — Mrs Taliban Dan Submits — If you haven't seen the ad that's causing a flurry among the very, very delicate Republicans, check it out: — The good wife speaks up: … Uhm. They can't refute it because it's all true.
ECHIDNE of the snakes and TalkLeft
Caleb Howe / RedState:
Alan Grayson: WHORE. — Remember this video? — . — Yeah. Now watch this one: — . — That's the original. “I have verses [to pray] for my wife. Don't pick the ones that say, um ‘She should submit to me.’ That's in the Bible, but pick the ones that you're supposed to do.
Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, The Right Scoop, The Other McCain and Verum Serum
Mark Schlueb / Orlando Sentinel:
Grayson's ‘Taliban Dan’ ad takes Webster's words out of context, twists meaning — In an attack ad labeling his opponent “ Taliban Dan” Webster, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson uses Webster's own words to prove the Republican thinks wives should be subservient to their husbands.
Betsy's Page, Moe Lane and RedState
Rep. Grayson Lowers the Bar
Rep. Grayson Lowers the Bar
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The American Pundit and Power Line
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Video: Worst political ad ever?
Video: Worst political ad ever?
Orlando and Central …, RedState, Sister Toldjah, TPMDC, Wonkette, Verum Serum and IMAO
Michael C. Moynihan / Hit & Run:
The Execrable Alan Grayson
The Execrable Alan Grayson
Orlando Sentinel, CBS News, and RedState

U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey — Executive Summary — Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings …
New York Times, Pharyngula, Pam's House Blend, Politics Daily, USA Today,, Prairie Weather and Truthdig
Quinnipiac University:
Angry Voters Push McMahon Closer In Senate Race, Quinnipiac University Connecticut Poll Finds; But Most Voters Say Her Ads Are Annoying — Propelled by Connecticut likely voters who say they are “angry” with government, former wrestling executive Linda McMahon, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate …
Rick Green, Real Clear Politics, Moe Lane and Taegan Goddard's …

Trumka: Working-Class Anger Fueled by Right's ‘Deeply Dishonest’ Message — With the economy continuing to stagger and job creation not moving quickly, “working people are justifiably angry and frustrated” as they approach the Nov. 2 elections, says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, RedState, Big Government and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Party seeking unity before midterm — House Democrats will return to Washington for a final time before the midterm elections, struggling to maintain party unity amid a series of political missteps and distractions. — While Democratic leaders cheered the signing of a small-business lending bill Monday …
Prairie Weather
Jann S. Wenner / Rolling Stone:
Obama in Command: The Rolling Stone Interview — In an Oval Office interview, the president discusses the Tea Party, the war, the economy and what's at stake this November — The following is an article from the October 15, 2010 issue of Rolling Stone. — We arrived at the southwest gate …
Discussion: and The Page

Drones Target Terror Plot — CIA Strikes Intensify in Pakistan Amid Heightened Threats in Europe — WASHINGTON—In an effort to foil a suspected terrorist plot against European targets, the Central Intelligence Agency has ramped up missile strikes against militants in Pakistan's tribal regions, current and former officials say.
The BLT, The Jawa Report and Neptunus Lex

Paul Krugman, incensed and insistent about our economic ills — For more than a year, the bearded man consuming a shrimp salad at an Upper West Side cafe has been a prophet of doom, warning that the economy could slide into a “third depression” unless our leaders come to their senses and follow his advice.
Pajamas Media, Whiskey Fire, The Atlantic Wire and Grasping Reality …

Chrysler fires UAW workers caught drinking, smoking pot — Chrysler announced it has fired 13 employees who were caught drinking and smoking pot during their lunch hour by a local Detroit TV station. — Two other employees have been suspended for a month without pay.
Gateway Pundit

A Dark Horse Emerges in Alaska: The Incumbent — JUNEAU, Alaska — The night Lisa Murkowski announced she would mount a write-in campaign to retain her Senate seat, she acknowledged to a crowd of supporters that her odds were slim. Then she prompted a defiant roar: invoking Native Alaskan culture …
The Page

Savers told to stop moaning and start spending — Savers should stop complaining about poor returns and start spending to help the economy, a senior Bank of England official warned today. — Older households could afford to suffer because they had benefited from previous property price rises …
naked capitalism and Calculated Risk
John / Power Line:
Where Are People Stoned to Death? — In Iran, sure, but those are mostly women. Also much closer to home, in Mexico, which continues to spiral downward and can now be classified, perhaps, as a failed state: Small-town mayor stoned to death in western Mexico.
Associated Press and Sadly, No!

Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots — Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons, according to US military pilots. — The beings have repeated their efforts in the US and have been active since 1948 …
Raw Story

SMALL CHANGE — Why the revolution will not be tweeted. — At four-thirty in the afternoon on Monday, February 1, 1960, four college students sat down at the lunch counter at the Woolworth's in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. They were freshmen at North Carolina A. & T., a black college a mile or so away.
The Talking Dog, Lean Left, Free exchange, Marginal Revolution, MediaMemo and BlogPost

Kos Kook: Conservatives Preparing For Violence — ‘KOS’ IT'S WAR — Smear Merchant Claims Conservatives Preparing For Violence — American conservatives are preparing for violent conflict, according to left-wing smear merchant Markos Moulitsas. Operator of the DailyKos, an extremist …
Right Wing News
Eliza Krigman / Tech Daily Dose:
Net Neutrality Bill Gives FCC No New Rulemaking Power — The FCC will not have rulemaking authority under a network neutrality bill that key House Democrats plan to introduce soon, according to a recent draft obtained by Tech Daily Dose. — Instead, the commission will deal with enforcement on a case-by-case basis.
Firedoglake and Raw Story

Global warming critic plots revenge — Most House Republicans envision killing Nancy Pelosi's special global warming committee if they claw their way back into the majority this November. — But one senior GOP lawmaker has another idea in mind: sweet revenge.